
class Z
    // details

class X
    std::vector<Z> vecZ;

    Z& Z(size_t index)
        // massive amounts of code for validating index

        Z& ret = vecZ[index];

        // even more code for determining that the Z instance
        // at index is *exactly* the right sort of Z (a process
        // which involves calculating leap years in which
        // religious holidays fall on Tuesdays for
        // the next thousand years or so)

        return ret;
    const Z& Z(size_t index) const
        // identical to non-const X::Z(), except printed in
        // a lighter shade of gray since
        // we're running low on toner by this point

两个成员函数X::Z()和X::Z() const在大括号内具有相同的代码。这是重复的代码,可能会导致具有复杂逻辑的长函数的维护问题。




#include <iostream>

class MyClass


    int getI()
        std::cout << "non-const getter" << std::endl;
        return privateGetI<MyClass, int>(*this);

    const int getI() const
        std::cout << "const getter" << std::endl;
        return privateGetI<const MyClass, const int>(*this);


    template <class C, typename T>
    static T privateGetI(C c)
        //do my stuff
        return c._i;

    int _i;

int main()
    const MyClass myConstClass = MyClass();

    MyClass myNonConstClass;

    return 0;


我认为Scott Meyers的解决方案可以在c++ 11中通过使用tempate helper函数进行改进。这使得意图更加明显,并且可以被许多其他getter重用。

template <typename T>
struct NonConst {typedef T type;};
template <typename T>
struct NonConst<T const> {typedef T type;}; //by value
template <typename T>
struct NonConst<T const&> {typedef T& type;}; //by reference
template <typename T>
struct NonConst<T const*> {typedef T* type;}; //by pointer
template <typename T>
struct NonConst<T const&&> {typedef T&& type;}; //by rvalue-reference

template<typename TConstReturn, class TObj, typename... TArgs>
typename NonConst<TConstReturn>::type likeConstVersion(
   TObj const* obj,
   TConstReturn (TObj::* memFun)(TArgs...) const,
   TArgs&&... args) {
      return const_cast<typename NonConst<TConstReturn>::type>(


struct T {
   int arr[100];

   int const& getElement(size_t i) const{
      return arr[i];

   int& getElement(size_t i) {
      return likeConstVersion(this, &T::getElement, i);

第一个参数总是this指针。第二个是指向要调用的成员函数的指针。在此之后,可以传递任意数量的附加参数,以便将它们转发给函数。 这需要c++ 11,因为有可变模板。


class X {


    // This method MUST NOT be called except from boilerplate accessors.
    Z &_getZ(size_t index) const {
        return something;

    // boilerplate accessors
    Z &getZ(size_t index)             { return _getZ(index); }
    const Z &getZ(size_t index) const { return _getZ(index); }


Note that the comments are part of the pattern - _getZ's interface specifies that it is never valid to call it (aside from the accessors, obviously): there's no conceivable benefit to doing so anyway, because it's 1 more character to type and won't result in smaller or faster code. Calling the method is equivalent to calling one of the accessors with a const_cast, and you wouldn't want to do that either. If you're worried about making errors obvious (and that's a fair goal), then call it const_cast_getZ instead of _getZ.


[Edit: Kevin has rightly pointed out that _getZ might want to call a further method (say generateZ) which is const-specialised in the same way getZ is. In this case, _getZ would see a const Z& and have to const_cast it before return. That's still safe, since the boilerplate accessor polices everything, but it's not outstandingly obvious that it's safe. Furthermore, if you do that and then later change generateZ to always return const, then you also need to change getZ to always return const, but the compiler won't tell you that you do.

That latter point about the compiler is also true of Meyers's recommended pattern, but the first point about a non-obvious const_cast isn't. So on balance I think that if _getZ turns out to need a const_cast for its return value, then this pattern loses a lot of its value over Meyers's. Since it also suffers disadvantages compared to Meyers's, I think I would switch to his in that situation. Refactoring from one to the other is easy -- it doesn't affect any other valid code in the class, since only invalid code and the boilerplate calls _getZ.]


class A
    int x;    
        CV int &GetX() CV {return x;}
        CV int &GetY() CV {return y;}

    //   Equivalent to:
    // int &GetX() {return x;}
    // int &GetY() {return y;}
    // const int &GetX() const {return x;}
    // const int &GetY() const {return y;}





// Doesn't work
MAYBE_CONST( CV int &foo(CV int &); )

// Works, expands to
//         int &foo(      int &);
//   const int &foo(const int &);
MAYBE_CONST( CV int &foo CV_IN(CV int &); )


#define MAYBE_CONST(...) IMPL_CV_maybe_const( (IMPL_CV_null,__VA_ARGS__)() )
#define CV )(IMPL_CV_identity,
#define CV_IN(...) )(IMPL_CV_p_open,)(IMPL_CV_null,__VA_ARGS__)(IMPL_CV_p_close,)(IMPL_CV_null,

#define IMPL_CV_null(...)
#define IMPL_CV_identity(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define IMPL_CV_p_open(...) (
#define IMPL_CV_p_close(...) )

#define IMPL_CV_maybe_const(seq) IMPL_CV_a seq IMPL_CV_const_a seq

#define IMPL_CV_body(cv, m, ...) m(cv) __VA_ARGS__

#define IMPL_CV_a(...) __VA_OPT__(IMPL_CV_body(,__VA_ARGS__) IMPL_CV_b)
#define IMPL_CV_b(...) __VA_OPT__(IMPL_CV_body(,__VA_ARGS__) IMPL_CV_a)

#define IMPL_CV_const_a(...) __VA_OPT__(IMPL_CV_body(const,__VA_ARGS__) IMPL_CV_const_b)
#define IMPL_CV_const_b(...) __VA_OPT__(IMPL_CV_body(const,__VA_ARGS__) IMPL_CV_const_a)

pre - c++ 20实现,不支持CV_IN:

#define MAYBE_CONST(...) IMPL_MC( ((__VA_ARGS__)) )
#define CV ))((

#define IMPL_MC(seq) \
    IMPL_MC_end(IMPL_MC_a seq) \
    IMPL_MC_end(IMPL_MC_const_0 seq)

#define IMPL_MC_identity(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define IMPL_MC_end(...) IMPL_MC_end_(__VA_ARGS__)
#define IMPL_MC_end_(...) __VA_ARGS__##_end

#define IMPL_MC_a(elem) IMPL_MC_identity elem IMPL_MC_b
#define IMPL_MC_b(elem) IMPL_MC_identity elem IMPL_MC_a
#define IMPL_MC_a_end
#define IMPL_MC_b_end

#define IMPL_MC_const_0(elem)       IMPL_MC_identity elem IMPL_MC_const_a
#define IMPL_MC_const_a(elem) const IMPL_MC_identity elem IMPL_MC_const_b
#define IMPL_MC_const_b(elem) const IMPL_MC_identity elem IMPL_MC_const_a
#define IMPL_MC_const_a_end
#define IMPL_MC_const_b_end

有关详细说明,请参阅《Effective c++》第23页第3项“尽可能使用const”中的标题“避免const和非const成员函数中的重复”,由Scott Meyers 3d编辑,ISBN-13: 9780321334879。


struct C {
  const char & get() const {
    return c;
  char & get() {
    return const_cast<char &>(static_cast<const C &>(*this).get());
  char c;



struct A {

    #define GETTER_CORE_CODE       \
    /* line 1 of getter code */    \
    /* line 2 of getter code */    \
    /* .....etc............. */    \
    /* line n of getter code */       

    // ^ NOTE: line continuation char '\' on all lines but the last

   B& get() {

   const B& get() const {


