除了上面的答案,这里还介绍了如何让Debian Linux操作系统生成核心转储
Create a “coredumps” folder in the user's home folder Go to /etc/security/limits.conf. Below the ' ' line, type “ soft core unlimited”, and “root soft core unlimited” if enabling core dumps for root, to allow unlimited space for core dumps. NOTE: “* soft core unlimited” does not cover root, which is why root has to be specified in its own line. To check these values, log out, log back in, and type “ulimit -a”. “Core file size” should be set to unlimited. Check the .bashrc files (user, and root if applicable) to make sure that ulimit is not set there. Otherwise, the value above will be overwritten on startup. Open /etc/sysctl.conf. Enter the following at the bottom: “kernel.core_pattern = /home//coredumps/%e_%t.dump”. (%e will be the process name, and %t will be the system time) Exit and type “sysctl -p” to load the new configuration Check /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern and verify that this matches what you just typed in. Core dumping can be tested by running a process on the command line (“ &”), and then killing it with “kill -11 ”. If core dumping is successful, you will see “(core dumped)” after the segmentation fault indication.
[E] crash.linux.c:170 | crit_err_hdlr | ==== FATAL CRASH (a12-151-g28b12c85f4+1) ====
[E] crash.linux.c:171 | crit_err_hdlr | signal 11 (Segmentation fault), address is (nil)
[E] crash.linux.c:194 | crit_err_hdlr | [trace]: (0) /home/geoff/Projects/LookingGlass/client/src/main.c:936 (register_key_binds)
[E] crash.linux.c:194 | crit_err_hdlr | [trace]: (1) /home/geoff/Projects/LookingGlass/client/src/main.c:1069 (run)
[E] crash.linux.c:194 | crit_err_hdlr | [trace]: (2) /home/geoff/Projects/LookingGlass/client/src/main.c:1314 (main)
[E] crash.linux.c:199 | crit_err_hdlr | [trace]: (3) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xeb) [0x7f8aa65f809b]
[E] crash.linux.c:199 | crit_err_hdlr | [trace]: (4) ./looking-glass-client(_start+0x2a) [0x55c70fc4aeca]
作为一种仅适用于Windows的解决方案,您可以使用Windows错误报告(Error Reporting)获得相当于堆栈跟踪的信息(包含多得多的信息)。只需几个注册表项,就可以设置为收集用户模式转储:
从Windows Server 2008和Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1)开始,可以配置Windows错误报告(WER),以便在用户模式应用程序崩溃后收集完整的用户模式转储并存储在本地。[…] 默认情况下不启用此特性。启用该特性需要管理员权限。要启用和配置该功能,请在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps键下使用以下注册表值。
It's already implemented in the system. You can either use WER as outlined above, or call MiniDumpWriteDump yourself, if you need more fine-grained control over the amount of information to dump. (Make sure to call it from a different process.) Way more complete than a stack trace. Among others it can contain local variables, function arguments, stacks for other threads, loaded modules, and so on. The amount of data (and consequently size) is highly customizable. No need to ship debug symbols. This both drastically decreases the size of your deployment, as well as makes it harder to reverse-engineer your application. Largely independent of the compiler you use. Using WER does not even require any code. Either way, having a way to get a symbol database (PDB) is very useful for offline analysis. I believe GCC can either generate PDB's, or there are tools to convert the symbol database to the PDB format.
如果你想评估mini dump的适用性,必读:
有效minidumps 有效的小排量(第二部分)
我将使用在Visual Leak Detector中为泄漏内存生成堆栈跟踪的代码。不过,这只适用于Win32。
$ g++ -g prog.cpp -o prog
然后,您可以设置“ulimit -c unlimited”来转储一个核心,或者只是在gdb中运行您的程序。我更喜欢第二种方法:
$ gdb ./prog
... gdb startup output ...
(gdb) run
... program runs and crashes ...
(gdb) where
... gdb outputs your stack trace ...
忘记改变你的源代码,用backtrace()函数或宏来做一些hack -这些只是糟糕的解决方案。
用"-g"标志编译程序,用于将调试符号嵌入二进制(不用担心,这不会影响您的性能)。 在linux上运行下一个命令:"ulimit -c unlimited" -允许系统进行大崩溃转储。 当你的程序崩溃时,在工作目录中你会看到文件“core”。 gdb -batch -ex "backtrace" ./your_program_exe ./core . exe .执行下一个命令,将backtrace输出到标准输出
这将以人类可读的方式(包含源文件名和行号)打印程序的正确可读回溯。 此外,这种方法将给你自由自动化你的系统: 编写一个简短的脚本,检查进程是否创建了核心转储,然后通过电子邮件向开发人员发送回溯信息,或将其记录到一些日志系统中。