数字列表可能包含重复的,我不能丢弃。代码将放在ROM中,所以我不需要从1 MB中减去我的代码的大小。我已经有了驱动以太网端口和处理TCP/IP连接的代码,它需要2 KB的状态数据,包括1 KB的缓冲区,代码将通过它读取和写入数据。这个问题有解决办法吗?
数字列表可能包含重复的,我不能丢弃。代码将放在ROM中,所以我不需要从1 MB中减去我的代码的大小。我已经有了驱动以太网端口和处理TCP/IP连接的代码,它需要2 KB的状态数据,包括1 KB的缓冲区,代码将通过它读取和写入数据。这个问题有解决办法吗?
If it is possible to read the input file more than once (your problem statement doesn't say it can't), the following should work. It is described in Benchley's book "Programming Perls." If we store each number in 8 bytes we can store 250,000 numbers in one megabyte. Use a program that makes 40 passes over the input file. On the first pass it reads into memory any integer between 0 and 249,999, sorts the (at most) 250,000 integers and writes them to the output file. The second pass sorts the integers from 250,000 to 499,999 and so on to the 40th pass, which sorts 9,750,000 to 9,999,999.
Log2(MAX multichoice LEN)
因此,对于我们的数字,一旦我们完成了接收和排序,我们将需要至少Log2(100,000,000 MC 1,000,000)位来存储我们的结果,以一种能够唯一区分所有可能输出的方式。
这是~= 988kb。所以我们有足够的空间来存放结果。从这个角度来看,这是可能的。
我可以看到前后文件大小都有了很大的减小;然后,用自由空间分步计算。也许,再次转换为dec, order,十六进制,另一个块,转换为dec, order…
对不起. .我不知道是否可行
# for i in {1..10000};do echo $(od -N1 -An -i /dev/urandom) ; done > 10000numbers
# for i in $(cat 10000numbers ); do printf '%x\n' $i; done > 10000numbers_hex
# ls -lah total 100K
drwxr-xr-x 2 diego diego 4,0K oct 22 22:32 .
drwx------ 39 diego diego 12K oct 22 22:31 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 diego diego 29K oct 22 22:33 10000numbers_hex
-rw-r--r-- 1 diego diego 35K oct 22 22:31 10000numbers
我们知道最终集合中恰好有10^6个数字,所以最多有10^6个“!”字符。我们还知道我们的范围大小为10^8,这意味着最多有10^8个“+”字符。10^6 "的排列方式!s在10^8 "+"s中的值是(10^8 + 10^6)选10^6,因此指定某种特定的排列需要大约0.965 MiB '的数据。那太紧了。
我们可以独立对待每个角色而不超出我们的配额。“+”字符正好是“!”字符的100倍,如果我们忘记了它们是相互依赖的,那么每个字符是“+”的概率就简化为100:1。100:101的几率对应于每个字符0.08位,对于几乎相同的~0.965 MiB(忽略依赖关系在这种情况下只有~12位的代价!)
The simplest technique for storing independent characters with known prior probability is Huffman coding. Note that we need an impractically large tree (A huffman tree for blocks of 10 characters has an average cost per block of about 2.4 bits, for a total of ~2.9 Mib. A huffman tree for blocks of 20 characters has an average cost per block of about 3 bits, which is a total of ~1.8 MiB. We're probably going to need a block of size on the order of a hundred, implying more nodes in our tree than all the computer equipment that has ever existed can store.). However, ROM is technically "free" according to the problem and practical solutions that take advantage of the regularity in the tree will look essentially the same.
Have a sufficiently large huffman tree (or similar block-by-block compression data) stored in ROM Start with a compressed string of 10^8 "+" characters. To insert the number N, stream out the compressed string until N "+" characters have gone past then insert a "!". Stream the recompressed string back over the previous one as you go, keeping a constant amount of buffered blocks to avoid over/under-runs. Repeat one million times: [input, stream decompress>insert>compress], then decompress to output
If the numbers are evenly distributed we can use Counting sort. We should keep the number of times that each number is repeated in an array. Available space is: 1 MB - 3 KB = 1045504 B or 8364032 bits Number of bits per number= 8364032/1000000 = 8 Therefore, we can store the number of times each number is repeated to the maximum of 2^8-1=255. Using this approach we have an extra 364032 bits unused that can be used to handle cases where a number is repeated more than 255 times. For example we can say a number 255 indicates a repetition greater than or equal to 255. In this case we should store a sequence of numbers+repetitions. We can handle 7745 special cases as shown bellow:
364032/(表示每个数字所需的位数+表示100万所需的位数)= 364032 / (27+20)=7745