




In the early days of C, compilers would interpret all actions that read and write lvalues as memory operations, to be performed in the same sequence as the reads and writes appeared in the code. Efficiency could be greatly improved in many cases if compilers were given a certain amount of freedom to re-order and consolidate operations, but there was a problem with this. Even though operations were often specified in a certain order merely because it was necessary to specify them in some order, and thus the programmer picked one of many equally-good alternatives, that wasn't always the case. Sometimes it would be important that certain operations occur in a particular sequence.

Exactly which details of sequencing are important will vary depending upon the target platform and application field. Rather than provide particularly detailed control, the Standard opted for a simple model: if a sequence of accesses are done with lvalues that are not qualified volatile, a compiler may reorder and consolidate them as it sees fit. If an action is done with a volatile-qualified lvalue, a quality implementation should offer whatever additional ordering guarantees might be required by code targeting its intended platform and application field, without requiring that programmers use non-standard syntax.


将互斥量的获取和释放放在编译器不能内联的函数中,并且不能应用整个程序优化。 将互斥锁保护的所有对象限定为volatile——如果所有访问都发生在获得互斥锁之后和释放互斥锁之前,那么就不应该这样做。 使用优化级别0来强制编译器生成代码,就像所有非限定寄存器的对象都是volatile一样。 使用特定于gcc的指令。


确保在每个需要获取或释放的地方执行volatile-qualified write。




我应该提醒你的一个用法是,在信号处理函数中,如果你想访问/修改一个全局变量(例如,将其标记为exit = true),你必须将该变量声明为'volatile'。


ISO/IEC 9899:2011 § The signal function ¶5 If the signal occurs other than as the result of calling the abort or raise function, the behavior is undefined if the signal handler refers to any object with static or thread storage duration that is not a lock-free atomic object other than by assigning a value to an object declared as volatile sig_atomic_t, or the signal handler calls any function in the standard library other than the abort function, the _Exit function, the quick_exit function, or the signal function with the first argument equal to the signal number corresponding to the signal that caused the invocation of the handler. Furthermore, if such a call to the signal function results in a SIG_ERR return, the value of errno is indeterminate.252) 252) If any signal is generated by an asynchronous signal handler, the behavior is undefined.


static volatile sig_atomic_t sig_num = 0;

static void sig_handler(int signum)
    signal(signum, sig_handler);
    sig_num = signum;


POSIX对于在信号处理程序中可以做的事情要宽容得多,但仍然存在限制(其中一个限制是标准I/O库- printf()等-不能安全地使用)。