// These items will be displayed in a list on the screen.
public interface IListItem {
string ScreenName();
public class Animal: IListItem {
// All animals will be called "Animal".
public static string ScreenName() {
return "Animal";
public class Person: IListItem {
private string name;
// All persons will be called by their individual names.
public string ScreenName() {
return name;
出于政治原因,我将引用Eric Lippert(他是一名编译器专家,拥有滑铁卢大学的数学、计算机科学和应用数学学士学位)的话:
I think the question is getting at the fact that C# needs another keyword, for precisely this sort of situation. You want a method whose return value depends only on the type on which it is called. You can't call it "static" if said type is unknown. But once the type becomes known, it will become static. "Unresolved static" is the idea -- it's not static yet, but once we know the receiving type, it will be. This is a perfectly good concept, which is why programmers keep asking for it. But it didn't quite fit into the way the designers thought about the language.
public interface IZeroWrapper<TNumber> {
TNumber Zero {get;}
public class DoubleWrapper: IZeroWrapper<double> {
public double Zero { get { return 0; } }
string DoSomething<T>() where T:ISomeFunction
if (T.someFunction())
Create a static generic class whose type parameter will be the type you'd be passing to DoSomething above. Each variation of this class will have one or more static members holding stuff related to that type. This information could supplied either by having each class of interest call a "register information" routine, or by using Reflection to get the information when the class variation's static constructor is run. I believe the latter approach is used by things like Comparer<T>.Default().
For each class T of interest, define a class or struct which implements IGetWhateverClassInfo<T> and satisfies a "new" constraint. The class won't actually contain any fields, but will have a static property which returns a static field with the type information. Pass the type of that class or struct to the generic routine in question, which will be able to create an instance and use it to get information about the other class. If you use a class for this purpose, you should probably define a static generic class as indicated above, to avoid having to construct a new descriptor-object instance each time. If you use a struct, instantiation cost should be nil, but every different struct type would require a different expansion of the DoSomething routine.