// These items will be displayed in a list on the screen.
public interface IListItem {
string ScreenName();
public class Animal: IListItem {
// All animals will be called "Animal".
public static string ScreenName() {
return "Animal";
public class Person: IListItem {
private string name;
// All persons will be called by their individual names.
public string ScreenName() {
return name;
public interface IFoo {
void Bar();
public class Foo: IFoo {
public static void Bar() {}
This doesn't make sense to me, semantically. Methods specified on an interface should be there to specify the contract for interacting with an object. Static methods do not allow you to interact with an object - if you find yourself in the position where your implementation could be made static, you may need to ask yourself if that method really belongs in the interface.
To implement your example, I would give Animal a const property, which would still allow it to be accessed from a static context, and return that value in the implementation.
public class Animal: IListItem {
/* Can be tough to come up with a different, yet meaningful name!
* A different casing convention, like Java has, would help here.
public const string AnimalScreenName = "Animal";
public string ScreenName(){ return AnimalScreenName; }
对于更复杂的情况,您总是可以声明另一个静态方法并委托给它。在尝试给出一个例子的过程中,我想不出您在静态和实例上下文中都要做一些非平凡的事情的任何理由,因此我将给您一个FooBar blob,并将其作为它可能不是一个好主意的指示。
interface INumber<T>
static abstract T Zero { get; }
struct Fraction : INumber<Fraction>
public static Fraction Zero { get; } = new Fraction();
public long Numerator;
public ulong Denominator;
请注意,根据你的Visual Studio版本和你安装的。net SDK,你必须至少更新其中一个(或两个),或者你必须启用预览功能(参见在Visual Studio中使用预览功能和预览语言)。
https://khalidabuhakmeh.com/static-abstract-members-in-csharp-10-interfaces: ~:文本=静态% 20文摘% 20成员% 20允许% 20,像% 20 % 20其他% 20接口% 20的定义。
public interface IFoo {
void Bar();
public class Foo: IFoo {
public static void Bar() {}
This doesn't make sense to me, semantically. Methods specified on an interface should be there to specify the contract for interacting with an object. Static methods do not allow you to interact with an object - if you find yourself in the position where your implementation could be made static, you may need to ask yourself if that method really belongs in the interface.
To implement your example, I would give Animal a const property, which would still allow it to be accessed from a static context, and return that value in the implementation.
public class Animal: IListItem {
/* Can be tough to come up with a different, yet meaningful name!
* A different casing convention, like Java has, would help here.
public const string AnimalScreenName = "Animal";
public string ScreenName(){ return AnimalScreenName; }
对于更复杂的情况,您总是可以声明另一个静态方法并委托给它。在尝试给出一个例子的过程中,我想不出您在静态和实例上下文中都要做一些非平凡的事情的任何理由,因此我将给您一个FooBar blob,并将其作为它可能不是一个好主意的指示。