Bjarne Stroustup (P424 c++编程语言SE)
struct A {
virtual ~A() {}
virtual A * Clone() { return new A; }
struct B : public A {
virtual A * Clone() { return new B; }
int main() {
A * a1 = new B;
A * a2 = a1->Clone(); // virtual construction
delete a2;
delete a1;
The virtual mechanism only works when you have a based class pointer to a derived class object. Construction has it's own rules for the calling of base class constructors, basically base class to derived. How could a virtual constructor be useful or called? I don't know what other languages do, but I can't see how a virtual constructor could be useful or even implemented. Construction needs to have taken place for the virtual mechanism to make any sense and construction also needs to have taken place for the vtable structures to have been created which provides the mechanics of the polymorphic behaviour.
If you think logically about how constructors work and what the meaning/usage of a virtual function is in C++ then you will realise that a virtual constructor would be meaningless in C++. Declaring something virtual in C++ means that it can be overridden by a sub-class of the current class, however the constructor is called when the objected is created, at that time you cannot be creating a sub-class of the class, you must be creating the class so there would never be any need to declare a constructor virtual.
选自Bjarne Stroustrup的c++风格和技术常见问题解答为什么没有虚拟构造函数?
虚拟调用是一种在给定局部条件下完成工作的机制 信息。特别地,“virtual”允许我们调用一个函数 只知道任何接口,而不知道对象的确切类型。来 创建对象时需要完整的信息。特别是,你 需要知道你想要创建的确切类型。因此, “对构造函数的调用”不能是虚的。