为什么c++ STL不提供任何“树”容器,用什么代替最好?











Rooted or unrooted: most programmers want rooted, most mathematicians want unrooted. (If you wonder what unrooted is: A - B - C is a tree where either A, B, or C could be the root. A rooted tree defines which one is. An unrooted doesn't) Single root/connected or multi root/disconnected (tree or forest) Is sibling order relevant? If no, then can the tree structure internally reorder children on updates? If so, iteration order among siblings is no longer defined. But for most trees, sibiling order is actually not meaningful, and allowing the data structure to reorder children on update is very beneficial for some updates. Really just a tree, or also allow DAG edges (sounds weird, but many people who initially want a tree eventually want a DAG) Labeled or unlabled? Do you need to store any data per node, or is it only the tree structure you're interested in (the latter can be stored very succinctly)



Navigate to next/prev sibling: Even most people would consider this a pretty basic operation, it is actually almost impossible if you only have a parent pointer or a children array. So this already shows you that you might need a totally different implementation based on what operations you need. Navigate in pre/post order Subtree size: the number of (transitive) descendants of the current node (possibly in O(1) or O(log n), i.e., don't just enumerate them all to count) the height of the tree in the current node. That is, the longest path from this node to any leave node. Again, in less than O(n). Given two nodes, find the least common ancestor of the node (with O(1) memory consumption) How many nodes are between node A and node B in a pre-/post-order traversal? (less than O(n) runtime)




叶子更新(简单):删除或添加一个叶子节点 内部节点更新(更难):移动或删除移动内部节点,使其子节点成为子节点 它的父类 子树更新(更难):移动或删除根于节点的子树

To just give you some intuition: If you store a child array and your sibling order is important, even deleting a leaf can be O(n) as all siblings behind it have to be shifted in the child array of its parent. If you instead only have a parent pointer, leaf deletion is trivially O(1). If you don't care about sibiling order, it is also O(1) for the child array, as you can simply replace the gap with the last sibling in the array. This is just one example where different data structures will give you quite different update capabilities.





With a lot of sophisication, one can also build a data structure that only takes some bits per entry, can be updated efficiently, and still enables all query operations asymptotically fast, but this is a beast of a structure that is highly complex. I once gave a practical course where I had grad students implement this paper. Some of them were able to implement it in 6 weeks (!), others failed. And while the structure has great asymptotics, its complexity makes it have quite some overhead for very simple operations.



I worked 5 years on finding the best data structure to represent a tree, and even though I came up with some and there is quite some related work, my conclusion was that there is not one. Depending on the use case, a highly sophsticated data struture will be outperformed by a simple parent pointer. Even defining the interface for a tree is hard. I tried defining one in my paper, but I have to acknowledge that there are various use cases where the interface I defined is too narrow or too large. So I doubt that this will ever end up in STL, as there are just too many tuning knobs.




template <typename T>
struct TreeNode
  T* DATA ; // data of type T to be stored at this TreeNode

  vector< TreeNode<T>* > children ;

  // insertion logic for if an insert is asked of me.
  // may append to children, or may pass off to one of the child nodes
  void insert( T* newData ) ;

} ;

template <typename T>
struct Tree
  TreeNode<T>* root;

  // TREE LEVEL functions
  void clear() { delete root ; root=0; }

  void insert( T* data ) { if(root)root->insert(data); } 
} ;


这一个看起来很有前途,似乎是你正在寻找的: http://tree.phi-sci.com/





你想用树形结构来镜像问题: 为此我们有boost图形库

或者您想要一个具有树形访问特征的容器 我们有

Std::map(和Std::multimap) Std::set(和Std::multiset)


还有这个问题: C树实现