
不可能有其他整数D和E组合成C。 所以把它们和加法运算符结合是不行的。例:30 + 10 = 40 = 40 + 0 = 39 + 1 连接也不管用。例如“31”+“2”= 312 =“3”+“12”




def vec_pack(vec):
    return vec[0] + vec[1] * 65536;

def vec_unpack(number):
    return [number % 65536, number // 65536];


a = vec_pack([2,4])
b = vec_pack([1,2])

print(vec_unpack(a+b)) # [3, 6] Vector addition
print(vec_unpack(a-b)) # [1, 2] Vector subtraction
print(vec_unpack(a*2)) # [4, 8] Scalar multiplication




unsigned int combine(unsigned short A, unsigned short B)
    return ((unsigned)A<<16) | (unsigned)B;

unsigned short getA(unsigned int C)
    return C>>16;

unsigned short getB(unsigned int C)
    return C & 0xFFFF;    // or  return (unsigned short)C;

使输入unsigned short或uint16_t确保他们在你|或+他们一起之前零扩展。否则- B会将上面的位设置为全1或,或者如果你添加,则从上半部分减去1。

强制转换(unsigned)A可以避免将窄类型默认提升为带符号int后左移的带符号溢出UB。对于更广泛的类型,也必须避免转移出位你保持,如((uint64_t)A << 32 | B,因为默认提升停止在int。


你可以将它用于有符号类型,至少是getA和getB,你可以从combine返回有符号int,但是输入需要0 -extend,所以在C中你需要它们在扩大之前是无符号的short。比如((unsigned)(unsigned空头)A << 16) | (unsigned空头)B


Cantor pairing function is really one of the better ones out there considering its simple, fast and space efficient, but there is something even better published at Wolfram by Matthew Szudzik, here. The limitation of Cantor pairing function (relatively) is that the range of encoded results doesn't always stay within the limits of a 2N bit integer if the inputs are two N bit integers. That is, if my inputs are two 16 bit integers ranging from 0 to 2^16 -1, then there are 2^16 * (2^16 -1) combinations of inputs possible, so by the obvious Pigeonhole Principle, we need an output of size at least 2^16 * (2^16 -1), which is equal to 2^32 - 2^16, or in other words, a map of 32 bit numbers should be feasible ideally. This may not be of little practical importance in programming world.


(a + b) * (a + b + 1) / 2 + a; where a, b >= 0



a >= b ? a * a + a + b : a + b * b;  where a, b >= 0

(65535, 65535)的映射现在将是4294967295,正如您所看到的,这是一个32位(0到2^32 -1)整数。这就是这个解决方案的理想之处,它只是利用了空间中的每一个点,所以没有什么比空间效率更高了。

现在考虑到我们通常在语言/框架中处理各种大小的数字的有符号实现,让我们考虑从-(2^15)到2^15 -1的有符号16位整数(稍后我们将看到如何扩展输出以跨越有符号范围)。因为a和b必须是正的它们的取值范围是0到2^15 - 1。




(32767, 32767) => 1073741823, many small ..



A = a >= 0 ? 2 * a : -2 * a - 1;
B = b >= 0 ? 2 * b : -2 * b - 1;
(A + B) * (A + B + 1) / 2 + A;

(-32768, -32768) => 8589803520,即Int64。64位输出的16位输入可能是如此不可原谅!!


A = a >= 0 ? 2 * a : -2 * a - 1;
B = b >= 0 ? 2 * b : -2 * b - 1;
A >= B ? A * A + A + B : A + B * B;

(-32768, -32768) => 4294967295,对于无符号范围是32位,对于有符号范围是64位,但仍然更好。


A = a >= 0 ? 2 * a : -2 * a - 1;
B = b >= 0 ? 2 * b : -2 * b - 1;
C = (A >= B ? A * A + A + B : A + B * B) / 2;
a < 0 && b < 0 || a >= 0 && b >= 0 ? C : -C - 1;

(-32768, 32767) => -2147483648

(32767, -32768) => -2147450880

(0, 0) => 0 

(32767, 32767) => 2147418112

(-32768, -32768) => 2147483647




public static long PerfectlyHashThem(int a, int b)
    var A = (ulong)(a >= 0 ? 2 * (long)a : -2 * (long)a - 1);
    var B = (ulong)(b >= 0 ? 2 * (long)b : -2 * (long)b - 1);
    var C = (long)((A >= B ? A * A + A + B : A + B * B) / 2);
    return a < 0 && b < 0 || a >= 0 && b >= 0 ? C : -C - 1;

public static int PerfectlyHashThem(short a, short b)
    var A = (uint)(a >= 0 ? 2 * a : -2 * a - 1);
    var B = (uint)(b >= 0 ? 2 * b : -2 * b - 1);
    var C = (int)((A >= B ? A * A + A + B : A + B * B) / 2);
    return a < 0 && b < 0 || a >= 0 && b >= 0 ? C : -C - 1;




def vec_pack(vec):
    return vec[0] + vec[1] * 65536;

def vec_unpack(number):
    return [number % 65536, number // 65536];


a = vec_pack([2,4])
b = vec_pack([1,2])

print(vec_unpack(a+b)) # [3, 6] Vector addition
print(vec_unpack(a-b)) # [1, 2] Vector subtraction
print(vec_unpack(a*2)) # [4, 8] Scalar multiplication

我们可以在O(1)空间和O(N)时间内将两个数字编码为1。 假设您希望将0-9范围内的数字编码为1,例如。5和6。怎么做呢?简单,

  5*10 + 6 = 56. 
    5 can be obtained by doing 56/10 
    6 can be obtained by doing 56%10.

即使是两位数的整数,比如56和45,56*100 + 45 = 5645。我们同样可以通过执行5645/100和5645%100来获得单个数字

但对于一个大小为n的数组,例如。A ={4,0,2,1,3},假设我们想对3和4进行编码,那么:

 3 * 5 + 4 = 19               OR         3 + 5 * 4 = 23
 3 :- 19 / 5 = 3                         3 :- 23 % 5 = 3
 4 :- 19 % 5 = 4                         4 :- 23 / 5 = 4


    x * n + y     OR       x + n * y


    (x%n)*n + y  OR x + n*(y%n)



#!/usr/bin/env python
from numbers import Integral    

def tuple_to_int(tup):
    """:Return: the unique non-negative integer encoding of a tuple of non-negative integers."""
    if len(tup) == 0:  # normally do if not tup, but doesn't work with np
        raise ValueError('Cannot encode empty tuple')
    if len(tup) == 1:
        x = tup[0]
        if not isinstance(x, Integral):
            raise ValueError('Can only encode integers')
        return x
    elif len(tup) == 2:
        # print("len=2")
        x, y = tuple_to_int(tup[0:1]), tuple_to_int(tup[1:2])  # Just to validate x and y

        X = 2 * x if x >= 0 else -2 * x - 1  # map x to positive integers
        Y = 2 * y if y >= 0 else -2 * y - 1  # map y to positive integers
        Z = (X * X + X + Y) if X >= Y else (X + Y * Y)  # encode

        # Map evens onto positives
        if (x >= 0 and y >= 0):
            return Z // 2
        elif (x < 0 and y >= 0 and X >= Y):
            return Z // 2
        elif (x < 0 and y < 0 and X < Y):
            return Z // 2
        # Map odds onto negative
            return (-Z - 1) // 2
        return tuple_to_int((tuple_to_int(tup[:2]),) + tuple(tup[2:]))  # ***speed up tuple(tup[2:])?***

def int_to_tuple(num, size=2):
    """:Return: the unique tuple of length `size` that encodes to `num`."""
    if not isinstance(num, Integral):
        raise ValueError('Can only encode integers (got {})'.format(num))
    if not isinstance(size, Integral) or size < 1:
        raise ValueError('Tuple is the wrong size ({})'.format(size))
    if size == 1:
        return (num,)
    elif size == 2:

        # Mapping onto positive integers
        Z = -2 * num - 1 if num < 0 else 2 * num

        # Reversing Pairing
        s = isqrt(Z)
        if Z - s * s < s:
            X, Y = Z - s * s, s
            X, Y = s, Z - s * s - s

        # Undoing mappint to positive integers
        x = (X + 1) // -2 if X % 2 else X // 2  # True if X not divisible by 2
        y = (Y + 1) // -2 if Y % 2 else Y // 2  # True if Y not divisible by 2

        return x, y

        x, y = int_to_tuple(num, 2)
        return int_to_tuple(x, size - 1) + (y,)

def isqrt(n):
    """":Return: the largest integer x for which x * x does not exceed n."""
    # Newton's method, via http://stackoverflow.com/a/15391420
    x = n
    y = (x + 1) // 2
    while y < x:
        x = y
        y = (x + n // x) // 2
    return x