我想找到最快的方法来检查一个文件是否存在于标准c++ 11, 14, 17,或C。我有成千上万的文件,在对它们做一些事情之前,我需要检查它们是否都存在。在下面的函数中,我可以写什么来代替/* SOMETHING */ ?
inline bool exist(const std::string& name)
我想找到最快的方法来检查一个文件是否存在于标准c++ 11, 14, 17,或C。我有成千上万的文件,在对它们做一些事情之前,我需要检查它们是否都存在。在下面的函数中,我可以写什么来代替/* SOMETHING */ ?
inline bool exist(const std::string& name)
A good heuristic: working on a bunch of data you already have is much faster than asking the operating system for any amount of data. System call overhead is huge relative to individual machine instructions. So it is almost always going to be faster to ask the OS "give me the entire list of files in this directory" and then to dig through that list, and slower to ask the OS "give me information on this file", "okay now give me information on this other file", "now give me information on ...", and so on.
尽一切可能鼓励设计和使用,这样所有的文件都在一个文件夹里,没有其他文件在那个文件夹里, 将我需要呈现的文件名列表放入内存中的数据结构中,该数据结构具有O(1)或至少O(log(n))次查找和删除次数(就像哈希映射或二叉树), 列出该目录中的文件,并从内存中的“列表”(哈希映射或二叉树)中“检查”(删除)每个文件。
Except depending on the exact use case, maybe instead of deleting entries from a hash map or tree, I would keep track of a "do I have this file?" boolean for each entry, and figure out a data structure that would make it O(1) to ask "do I have every file?". Maybe a binary tree but the struct for each non-leaf node also has a boolean that is a logical-and of the booleans of its leaf nodes. That scales well - after setting a boolean in a leaf node, you just walk up the tree and set each node's "have this?" boolean with the && of its child node's boolean (and you don't need to recurse down those other child nodes, since if you're doing this process consistently every time you go to set one of the leaves to true, they will be set to true if and only if all of their children are.)
不幸的是,在c++ 17之前没有标准的方法来做这件事。
c++ 17得到std::filesystem::directory_iterator。
最接近标准C方法的是opendir和readdir from direct .h。这是一个标准的C接口,它只是在POSIX中标准化,而不是在C标准本身中。它可以在Mac OS、Linux、所有bsd、其他UNIX/类UNIX系统和任何其他POSIX/SUS系统上开箱即用。对于Windows,有一个direct .h实现,你只需要下载并放入你的include路径。
在Windows上,经过一些挖掘,看起来为了获得最大的性能,你想要使用FindFirstFileEx与FindExInfoBasic和FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH,当你可以的时候,这是许多开源库,如上面的direct .h Windows似乎没有做到的。但是对于需要处理比前两个Windows版本更老的东西的代码,您不妨只使用直接的FindFirstFile,而不使用额外的标记。
CFileStatus FileStatus;
BOOL bFileExists = CFile::GetStatus(FileName,FileStatus);
It depends on where the files reside. For instance, if they are all supposed to be in the same directory, you can read all the directory entries into a hash table and then check all the names against the hash table. This might be faster on some systems than checking each file individually. The fastest way to check each file individually depends on your system ... if you're writing ANSI C, the fastest way is fopen because it's the only way (a file might exist but not be openable, but you probably really want openable if you need to "do something on it"). C++, POSIX, Windows all offer additional options.
While I'm at it, let me point out some problems with your question. You say that you want the fastest way, and that you have thousands of files, but then you ask for the code for a function to test a single file (and that function is only valid in C++, not C). This contradicts your requirements by making an assumption about the solution ... a case of the XY problem. You also say "in standard c++11(or)c++(or)c" ... which are all different, and this also is inconsistent with your requirement for speed ... the fastest solution would involve tailoring the code to the target system. The inconsistency in the question is highlighted by the fact that you accepted an answer that gives solutions that are system-dependent and are not standard C or C++.
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
inline bool exists_test0 (const std::string& name) {
ifstream f(name.c_str());
return f.good();
inline bool exists_test1 (const std::string& name) {
if (FILE *file = fopen(name.c_str(), "r")) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
inline bool exists_test2 (const std::string& name) {
return ( access( name.c_str(), F_OK ) != -1 );
inline bool exists_test3 (const std::string& name) {
struct stat buffer;
return (stat (name.c_str(), &buffer) == 0);
Method | Time |
exists_test0 (ifstream) |
0.485s |
exists_test1 (FILE fopen) |
0.302s |
exists_test2 (posix access()) |
0.202s |
exists_test3 (posix stat()) |
0.134s |
备注:在c++ 14中,一旦文件系统TS完成并被采用,解决方案将使用:
从c++ 17开始,只有:
使用stat函数是检查文件是否存在的最快方法。注意,我的结果与PherricOxide的答案是一致的。 boost::filesystem::exists函数的性能与stat函数非常接近,并且具有可移植性。如果boost库可以从代码中访问,我会推荐这个解决方案。
2018-05-05 00:35:35
Running ./filesystem
Run on (8 X 2661 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 32K (x4)
L1 Instruction 32K (x4)
L2 Unified 256K (x4)
L3 Unified 8192K (x1)
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
use_stat 815 ns 813 ns 861291
use_open 2007 ns 1919 ns 346273
use_access 1186 ns 1006 ns 683024
use_boost 831 ns 830 ns 831233
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
const std::string fname("filesystem.cpp");
struct stat buf;
// Use stat function
void use_stat(benchmark::State &state) {
for (auto _ : state) {
benchmark::DoNotOptimize(stat(fname.data(), &buf));
// Use open function
void use_open(benchmark::State &state) {
for (auto _ : state) {
int fd = open(fname.data(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd > -1) close(fd);
// Use access function
void use_access(benchmark::State &state) {
for (auto _ : state) {
benchmark::DoNotOptimize(access(fname.data(), R_OK));
// Use boost
void use_boost(benchmark::State &state) {
for (auto _ : state) {
boost::filesystem::path p(fname);