例如,给定列表['one', 'two', 'one'],算法应该返回True,而给定['one', 'two', 'three']则应该返回False。
from collections import Counter
def has_dupes(l):
# second element of the tuple has number of repetitions
return Counter(l).most_common()[0][1] > 1
def get_dupes(l):
return [k for k, v in Counter(l).items() if v > 1]
def has_duplicated_elements(iterable):
""" Given an `iterable`, return True if there are duplicated entries. """
clean_elements_set = set()
clean_elements_set_add = clean_elements_set.add
for possible_duplicate_element in iterable:
if possible_duplicate_element in clean_elements_set:
return True
clean_elements_set_add( possible_duplicate_element )
return False
def getDupes(l):
seen = set()
seen_add = seen.add
for x in l:
if x in seen or seen_add(x):
yield x
def hasDupes(l):
if getDupes(l).next(): return True # Found a dupe
except StopIteration:
return False
def getDupes(c):
d = {}
for i in c:
if i in d:
if d[i]:
yield i
d[i] = False
d[i] = True
def getDupes(c):
a, b = itertools.tee(sorted(c))
next(b, None)
r = None
for k, g in itertools.ifilter(lambda x: x[0]==x[1], itertools.izip(a, b)):
if k != r:
yield k
r = k
Finding FIRST duplicate, single dupe places "n" elements in to 1m element array
Test set len change : 50 - . . . . . -- 0.002
Test in dict : 50 - . . . . . -- 0.002
Test in set : 50 - . . . . . -- 0.002
Test sort/adjacent : 50 - . . . . . -- 0.023
Test sort/groupby : 50 - . . . . . -- 0.026
Test sort/zip : 50 - . . . . . -- 1.102
Test sort/izip : 50 - . . . . . -- 0.035
Test sort/tee/izip : 50 - . . . . . -- 0.024
Test moooeeeep : 50 - . . . . . -- 0.001 *
Test iter*/sorted : 50 - . . . . . -- 0.027
Test set len change : 5000 - . . . . . -- 0.017
Test in dict : 5000 - . . . . . -- 0.003 *
Test in set : 5000 - . . . . . -- 0.004
Test sort/adjacent : 5000 - . . . . . -- 0.031
Test sort/groupby : 5000 - . . . . . -- 0.035
Test sort/zip : 5000 - . . . . . -- 1.080
Test sort/izip : 5000 - . . . . . -- 0.043
Test sort/tee/izip : 5000 - . . . . . -- 0.031
Test moooeeeep : 5000 - . . . . . -- 0.003 *
Test iter*/sorted : 5000 - . . . . . -- 0.031
Test set len change : 50000 - . . . . . -- 0.035
Test in dict : 50000 - . . . . . -- 0.023
Test in set : 50000 - . . . . . -- 0.023
Test sort/adjacent : 50000 - . . . . . -- 0.036
Test sort/groupby : 50000 - . . . . . -- 0.134
Test sort/zip : 50000 - . . . . . -- 1.121
Test sort/izip : 50000 - . . . . . -- 0.054
Test sort/tee/izip : 50000 - . . . . . -- 0.045
Test moooeeeep : 50000 - . . . . . -- 0.019 *
Test iter*/sorted : 50000 - . . . . . -- 0.055
Test set len change : 500000 - . . . . . -- 0.249
Test in dict : 500000 - . . . . . -- 0.145
Test in set : 500000 - . . . . . -- 0.165
Test sort/adjacent : 500000 - . . . . . -- 0.139
Test sort/groupby : 500000 - . . . . . -- 1.138
Test sort/zip : 500000 - . . . . . -- 1.159
Test sort/izip : 500000 - . . . . . -- 0.126
Test sort/tee/izip : 500000 - . . . . . -- 0.120 *
Test moooeeeep : 500000 - . . . . . -- 0.131
Test iter*/sorted : 500000 - . . . . . -- 0.157
my_list = ['one', 'two', 'one']
duplicates = []
for value in my_list:
if my_list.count(value) > 1:
if value not in duplicates:
print(duplicates) //["one"]
xs = [1, 2, 1]
s = set()
any(x in s or s.add(x) for x in xs)
# You can use a similar approach to actually retrieve the duplicates.
s = set()
duplicates = set(x for x in xs if x in s or s.add(x))
一个更简单的解决方案如下。只需用pandas . replicated()方法检查True/False,然后取sum。请参阅pandas. series . replicated - pandas 0.24.1文档
import pandas as pd
def has_duplicated(l):
return pd.Series(l).duplicated().sum() > 0
print(has_duplicated(['one', 'two', 'one']))
# True
print(has_duplicated(['one', 'two', 'three']))
# False
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