
is_int('3.14') == False
is_int('-7')   == True



Python 3.7+:(u.isdecimal() and u.isascii()))

Python <= 3.6:(u.isdecimal() and u == str(int(u)))

其他答案建议使用.isdigit()或.isdecimal(),但它们都包含一些上unicode字符,如'缌' (u'\u0662'):

u = u'\u0662'     # '٢'
u.isdigit()       # True
u.isdecimal()     # True
u.isascii()       # False (Python 3.7+ only)
u == str(int(u))  # False





正确的RegEx解决方案应该结合Greg Hewgill和Nowell的思想,但不使用全局变量。可以通过将属性附加到方法来实现这一点。另外,我知道在方法中导入是不受欢迎的,但我想要的是像http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/Importing#lazy-imports这样的“惰性模块”效果


#!/usr/bin/env python

# Uses exclusively methods of the String object
def isInteger(i):
    i = str(i)
    return i=='0' or (i if i.find('..') > -1 else i.lstrip('-+').rstrip('0').rstrip('.')).isdigit()

# Uses re module for regex
def isIntegre(i):
    import re
    if not hasattr(isIntegre, '_re'):
        print("I compile only once. Remove this line when you are confident in that.")
        isIntegre._re = re.compile(r"[-+]?\d+(\.0*)?$")
    return isIntegre._re.match(str(i)) is not None

# When executed directly run Unit Tests
if __name__ == '__main__':
    for obj in [
                # integers
                0, 1, -1, 1.0, -1.0,
                '0', '0.','0.0', '1', '-1', '+1', '1.0', '-1.0', '+1.0',
                # non-integers
                1.1, -1.1, '1.1', '-1.1', '+1.1',
                '1.1.1', '1.1.0', '1.0.1', '1.0.0',
                '1.0.', '1..0', '1..',
                '0.0.', '0..0', '0..',
                'one', object(), (1,2,3), [1,2,3], {'one':'two'}
        # Notice the integre uses 're' (intended to be humorous)
        integer = ('an integer' if isInteger(obj) else 'NOT an integer')
        integre = ('an integre' if isIntegre(obj) else 'NOT an integre')
        # Make strings look like strings in the output
        if isinstance(obj, str):
            obj = ("'%s'" % (obj,))
        print("%30s is %14s is %14s" % (obj, integer, integre))


I compile only once. Remove this line when you are confident in that.
                             0 is     an integer is     an integre
                             1 is     an integer is     an integre
                            -1 is     an integer is     an integre
                           1.0 is     an integer is     an integre
                          -1.0 is     an integer is     an integre
                           '0' is     an integer is     an integre
                          '0.' is     an integer is     an integre
                         '0.0' is     an integer is     an integre
                           '1' is     an integer is     an integre
                          '-1' is     an integer is     an integre
                          '+1' is     an integer is     an integre
                         '1.0' is     an integer is     an integre
                        '-1.0' is     an integer is     an integre
                        '+1.0' is     an integer is     an integre
                           1.1 is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                          -1.1 is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                         '1.1' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                        '-1.1' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                        '+1.1' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                       '1.1.1' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                       '1.1.0' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                       '1.0.1' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                       '1.0.0' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                        '1.0.' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                        '1..0' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                         '1..' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                        '0.0.' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                        '0..0' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                         '0..' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                         'one' is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
<object object at 0x103b7d0a0> is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                     (1, 2, 3) is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                     [1, 2, 3] is NOT an integer is NOT an integre
                {'one': 'two'} is NOT an integer is NOT an integre


all([xi in '1234567890' for xi in x])


all([xi in '1234567890' for xi in x.lstrip('-')])


all([xi in '1234567890' for xi in str(x).lstrip('-')])


It doesn't work for various scientific and/or exponential notations (e.g. 1.2E3, 10^3, etc.) - both will return False. I don't think other answers accommodated this either, and even Python 3.8 has inconsistent opinions, since type(1E2) gives <class 'float'> whereas type(10^2) gives <class 'int'>. An empty string input gives True. A leading plus sign (e.g. "+7") gives False. Multiple minus signs are ignored so long as they're leading characters. This behavior is similar to the python interpreter* in that type(---1) returns <class int>. However, it isn't completely consistent with the interpreter in that int('---1') gives an error, but my solution returns True with the same input.





s.startswith('-') and s[1:].isdigit()


s.replace('-', '').isdigit()





>>> '16'.isdigit()


>>> s = '-17'
>>> s.startswith('-') and s[1:].isdigit()



def check_int(s):
    if s[0] in ('-', '+'):
        return s[1:].isdigit()
    return s.isdigit()