



p = [1 1 1.1 1 0.9 1 1 1.1 1 0.9 1 1.1 1 1 0.9 1 1 1.1 1 1 1 1 1.1 0.9 1 1.1 1 1 0.9, ...
     1 1.1 1 1 1.1 1 0.8 0.9 1 1.2 0.9 1 1 1.1 1.2 1 1.5 1 3 2 5 3 2 1 1 1 0.9 1 1, ... 
     3 2.6 4 3 3.2 2 1 1 0.8 4 4 2 2.5 1 1 1];


有一种具有一般平均值的基本噪声 有很大的“峰值”或“更高的数据点”明显偏离噪声。


峰的宽度不能事先确定 峰的高度明显偏离其他值 算法实时更新(因此每个新数据点都会更新)






* Smoothed zero-score alogrithm shamelessly copied from https://stackoverflow.com/a/22640362/6029703
* Uses a rolling mean and a rolling deviation (separate) to identify peaks in a vector
* @param y - The input vector to analyze
* @param lag - The lag of the moving window (i.e. how big the window is)
* @param threshold - The z-score at which the algorithm signals (i.e. how many standard deviations away from the moving mean a peak (or signal) is)
* @param influence - The influence (between 0 and 1) of new signals on the mean and standard deviation (how much a peak (or signal) should affect other values near it)
* @return - The calculated averages (avgFilter) and deviations (stdFilter), and the signals (signals)
fun smoothedZScore(y: List<Double>, lag: Int, threshold: Double, influence: Double): Triple<List<Int>, List<Double>, List<Double>> {
    val stats = SummaryStatistics()
    // the results (peaks, 1 or -1) of our algorithm
    val signals = MutableList<Int>(y.size, { 0 })
    // filter out the signals (peaks) from our original list (using influence arg)
    val filteredY = ArrayList<Double>(y)
    // the current average of the rolling window
    val avgFilter = MutableList<Double>(y.size, { 0.0 })
    // the current standard deviation of the rolling window
    val stdFilter = MutableList<Double>(y.size, { 0.0 })
    // init avgFilter and stdFilter
    y.take(lag).forEach { s -> stats.addValue(s) }
    avgFilter[lag - 1] = stats.mean
    stdFilter[lag - 1] = Math.sqrt(stats.populationVariance) // getStandardDeviation() uses sample variance (not what we want)
    //loop input starting at end of rolling window
    (lag..y.size - 1).forEach { i ->
        //if the distance between the current value and average is enough standard deviations (threshold) away
        if (Math.abs(y[i] - avgFilter[i - 1]) > threshold * stdFilter[i - 1]) {
            //this is a signal (i.e. peak), determine if it is a positive or negative signal
            signals[i] = if (y[i] > avgFilter[i - 1]) 1 else -1
            //filter this signal out using influence
            filteredY[i] = (influence * y[i]) + ((1 - influence) * filteredY[i - 1])
        } else {
            //ensure this signal remains a zero
            signals[i] = 0
            //ensure this value is not filtered
            filteredY[i] = y[i]
        //update rolling average and deviation
        (i - lag..i - 1).forEach { stats.addValue(filteredY[it]) }
        avgFilter[i] = stats.getMean()
        stdFilter[i] = Math.sqrt(stats.getPopulationVariance()) //getStandardDeviation() uses sample variance (not what we want)
    return Triple(signals, avgFilter, stdFilter)



在计算拓扑学中,持久同调的思想导致一个有效的 -快如排序数字-解决方案。它不仅检测峰值,还以一种自然的方式量化峰值的“重要性”,使您能够选择对您重要的峰值。

算法的总结。 在一维设置(时间序列,实值信号)中,算法可以简单地描述为下图:

Think of the function graph (or its sub-level set) as a landscape and consider a decreasing water level starting at level infinity (or 1.8 in this picture). While the level decreases, at local maxima islands pop up. At local minima these islands merge together. One detail in this idea is that the island that appeared later in time is merged into the island that is older. The "persistence" of an island is its birth time minus its death time. The lengths of the blue bars depict the persistence, which is the above mentioned "significance" of a peak.

效率。 在对函数值进行排序之后,找到一个在线性时间内运行的实现并不难——实际上它是一个单一的、简单的循环。因此,这种实现在实践中应该是快速的,也很容易实现。

参考文献 一篇关于整个故事的文章和对持久同调(计算代数拓扑中的一个领域)动机的引用可以在这里找到: https://www.sthu.org/blog/13-perstopology-peakdetection/index.html

这是一个修改后的Fortran版本的z-score算法。 它是专门针对频率空间中传递函数的峰值(共振)检测进行修改的(每个更改在代码中都有一个小注释)。





function PeakDetect(y,lag,threshold, influence)
    implicit none
    ! Declaring part
    real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: y
    integer, dimension(size(y)) :: PeakDetect
    real, dimension(size(y)) :: filteredY, avgFilter, stdFilter
    integer :: lag, ii
    real :: threshold, influence

    ! Executing part
    PeakDetect = 0
    filteredY = 0.0
    filteredY(1:lag+1) = y(1:lag+1)
    avgFilter = 0.0
    avgFilter(lag+1) = mean(y(1:2*lag+1))
    stdFilter = 0.0
    stdFilter(lag+1) = std(y(1:2*lag+1))

    if (stdFilter(lag+1)/avgFilter(lag+1)>0.1) then ! If the coefficient of variation exceeds 10%, the signal is too uneven at the start, possibly because of a peak.
1001        format(1X,'Warning: Peak detection might have failed, as there may be a peak at the edge of the frequency range.',/)
    end if
    do ii = lag+2, size(y)
        if (abs(y(ii) - avgFilter(ii-1)) > threshold * stdFilter(ii-1)) then
            ! Find only the largest outstanding value which is only the one greater than its predecessor and its successor
            if (y(ii) > avgFilter(ii-1) .AND. y(ii) > y(ii-1) .AND. y(ii) > y(ii+1)) then
                PeakDetect(ii) = 1
            end if
            filteredY(ii) = influence * y(ii) + (1 - influence) * filteredY(ii-1)
            filteredY(ii) = y(ii)
        end if
        ! Modified with respect to the original code. Mean and standard deviation are calculted symmetrically around the current point
        avgFilter(ii) = mean(filteredY(ii-lag:ii+lag))
        stdFilter(ii) = std(filteredY(ii-lag:ii+lag))
    end do
end function PeakDetect

real function mean(y)
    !> @brief Calculates the mean of vector y
    implicit none
    ! Declaring part
    real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: y
    integer :: N
    ! Executing part
    N = max(1,size(y))
    mean = sum(y)/N
end function mean

real function std(y)
    !> @brief Calculates the standard deviation of vector y
    implicit none
    ! Declaring part
    real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: y
    integer :: N
    ! Executing part
    N = max(1,size(y))
    std = sqrt((N*dot_product(y,y) - sum(y)**2) / (N*(N-1)))
end function std


我允许自己创建一个javascript版本。也许会有帮助。javascript应该是上面给出的伪代码的直接转录。可用的npm包和github repo:

https://github.com/crux/smoothed-z-score @joe_six / smoothed-z-score-peak-signal-detection


// javascript port of: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22583391/peak-signal-detection-in-realtime-timeseries-data/48895639#48895639

function sum(a) {
    return a.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val)

function mean(a) {
    return sum(a) / a.length

function stddev(arr) {
    const arr_mean = mean(arr)
    const r = function(acc, val) {
        return acc + ((val - arr_mean) * (val - arr_mean))
    return Math.sqrt(arr.reduce(r, 0.0) / arr.length)

function smoothed_z_score(y, params) {
    var p = params || {}
    // init cooefficients
    const lag = p.lag || 5
    const threshold = p.threshold || 3.5
    const influence = p.influece || 0.5

    if (y === undefined || y.length < lag + 2) {
        throw ` ## y data array to short(${y.length}) for given lag of ${lag}`
    //console.log(`lag, threshold, influence: ${lag}, ${threshold}, ${influence}`)

    // init variables
    var signals = Array(y.length).fill(0)
    var filteredY = y.slice(0)
    const lead_in = y.slice(0, lag)
    //console.log("1: " + lead_in.toString())

    var avgFilter = []
    avgFilter[lag - 1] = mean(lead_in)
    var stdFilter = []
    stdFilter[lag - 1] = stddev(lead_in)
    //console.log("2: " + stdFilter.toString())

    for (var i = lag; i < y.length; i++) {
        //console.log(`${y[i]}, ${avgFilter[i-1]}, ${threshold}, ${stdFilter[i-1]}`)
        if (Math.abs(y[i] - avgFilter[i - 1]) > (threshold * stdFilter[i - 1])) {
            if (y[i] > avgFilter[i - 1]) {
                signals[i] = +1 // positive signal
            } else {
                signals[i] = -1 // negative signal
            // make influence lower
            filteredY[i] = influence * y[i] + (1 - influence) * filteredY[i - 1]
        } else {
            signals[i] = 0 // no signal
            filteredY[i] = y[i]

        // adjust the filters
        const y_lag = filteredY.slice(i - lag, i)
        avgFilter[i] = mean(y_lag)
        stdFilter[i] = stddev(y_lag)

    return signals

module.exports = smoothed_z_score





detected=data.map((a, b, c) => (a > 0) ? c[b] ** 4 * c[b - 1] ** 3 : -0).map((a, b, c) => a > Math.max(...c.slice(2)) / sensitivity).map((a, b, c) => (b > dwindow) && c.slice(b - dwindow, b).indexOf(a) == -1);


sensitivity = 20; dwindow = 4; data = [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.1, 1., 0.8, 0.9, 1., 1.2, 0.9, 1., 1., 1.1, 1.2, 1., 1.5, 1., 3., 2., 5., 3., 2., 1., 1., 1., 0.9, 1., 1., 3., 2.6, 4., 3., 3.2, 2., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1. ]; //data = data.concat(data); //data = data.concat(data); var data1 = [{ name: 'original source', y: data }]; Plotly.newPlot('stage1', data1, { title: 'Sensor data', yaxis: { title: 'signal' } }); filtered = data.map((a, b, c) => (a > 0) ? c[b] ** 4 * c[b - 1] ** 3 : -0); var data2 = [{ name: 'filtered source', y: filtered }]; Plotly.newPlot('stage2', data2, { title: 'Filtered data<br>aₙ = aₙ⁴ * aₙ₋₁³', yaxis: { title: 'signal' } }); dwindow = 6; k = dwindow; detected = filtered.map((a, b, c) => a > Math.max(...c.slice(2)) / sensitivity).map((a, b, c) => (b > k) && c.slice(b - k, b).indexOf(a) == -1) var data3 = [{ name: 'detected peaks', y: detected }]; Plotly.newPlot('stage3', data3, { title: 'Window 6', yaxis: { title: 'signal' } }); dwindow = 10; k = dwindow; detected = filtered.map((a, b, c) => a > Math.max(...c.slice(2)) / 20).map((a, b, c) => (b > k) && c.slice(b - k, b).indexOf(a) == -1) var data4 = [{ name: 'detected peaks', y: detected }]; Plotly.newPlot('stage4', data4, { title: 'Window 10', yaxis: { title: 'signal' } }); <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/plotly.js@2.16.5/dist/plotly.min.js"></script> <div id="stage1"></div> <div id="stage2"></div> <div id="stage3"></div> <div id="stage4"></div>






package main

import (


// This example is the equivalent of the R example from the algorithm's author.
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/54507329/14797322
func main() {
    data := []float64{1, 1, 1.1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1, 1.1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1, 1.1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.1, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1, 1, 1.1, 1, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.2, 0.9, 1, 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1, 1.5, 1, 3, 2, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1, 3, 2.6, 4, 3, 3.2, 2, 1, 1, 0.8, 4, 4, 2, 2.5, 1, 1, 1}

    // Algorithm configuration from example.
    const (
        lag       = 30
        threshold = 5
        influence = 0

    // Create then initialize the peak detector.
    detector := peakdetect.NewPeakDetector()
    err := detector.Initialize(influence, threshold, data[:lag]) // The length of the initial values is the lag.
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize peak detector.\nError: %s", err)

    // Start processing new data points and determine what signal, if any they produce.
    // This method, .Next(), is best for when data is being processed in a stream, but this simply iterates over a slice.
    nextDataPoints := data[lag:]
    for i, newPoint := range nextDataPoints {
        signal := detector.Next(newPoint)
        var signalType string
        switch signal {
        case peakdetect.SignalNegative:
            signalType = "negative"
        case peakdetect.SignalNeutral:
            signalType = "neutral"
        case peakdetect.SignalPositive:
            signalType = "positive"

        println(fmt.Sprintf("Data point at index %d has the signal: %s", i+lag, signalType))

    // This method, .NextBatch(), is a helper function for processing many data points at once. It's returned slice
    // should produce the same signal outputs as the loop above.
    signals := detector.NextBatch(nextDataPoints)
    println(fmt.Sprintf("1:1 ratio of batch inputs to signal outputs: %t", len(signals) == len(nextDataPoints)))