在OS X中修改环境变量如PATH的正确方法是什么?
/etc/paths ~ / . profile ~ / tcshrc
我甚至没有这些文件中的一些,我很确定.tcshrc是错误的,因为OS X现在使用bash。这些变量,特别是PATH,定义在哪里?
我运行的是OS X v10.5 (Leopard)。
在OS X中修改环境变量如PATH的正确方法是什么?
/etc/paths ~ / . profile ~ / tcshrc
我甚至没有这些文件中的一些,我很确定.tcshrc是错误的,因为OS X现在使用bash。这些变量,特别是PATH,定义在哪里?
我运行的是OS X v10.5 (Leopard)。
就像Matt Curtis给出的答案一样,我通过launchctl设置环境变量,但我将它包装在一个名为export的函数中,因此每当我像在.bash_profile中一样导出一个变量时,它也由launchctl设置。我是这样做的:
My .bash_profile consists solely of one line, (This is just personal preference.) source .bashrc My .bashrc has this: function export() { builtin export "$@" if [[ ${#@} -eq 1 && "${@//[^=]/}" ]] then launchctl setenv "${@%%=*}" "${@#*=}" elif [[ ! "${@//[^ ]/}" ]] then launchctl setenv "${@}" "${!@}" fi } export -f export The above will overload the Bash builtin "export" and will export everything normally (you'll notice I export "export" with it!), then properly set them for OS X app environments via launchctl, whether you use any of the following: export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 # ~$ launchctl getenv LC_CTYPE # en_US.UTF-8 PATH="/usr/local/bin:${PATH}" PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:${PATH}" export PATH # ~$ launchctl getenv PATH # /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin export CXX_FLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.9" # ~$ launchctl getenv CXX_FLAGS # -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 This way I don't have to send every variable to launchctl every time, and I can just have my .bash_profile / .bashrc set up the way I want. Open a terminal window, check out your environment variables you're interested in with launchctl getenv myVar, change something in your .bash_profile/.bashrc, close the terminal window and re-open it, check the variable again with launchctl, and voilá, it's changed. Again, like the other solutions for the post-Mountain Lion world, for any new environment variables to be available for apps, you need to launch or re-launch them after the change.
~ /。概要文件是每次终端源。App上线 ~ /。bashrc是“传统上”设置Bash环境的所有导出语句的地方 /etc/paths是Mac OS中的主文件,包含为所有用户构建PATH环境变量的默认路径列表 /etc/paths.D /包含包含其他搜索路径的文件
非终端程序不继承您的终端所继承的系统范围的PATH和MANPATH变量!要为特定用户启动的所有进程设置环境,从而使MacOSX GUI应用程序可以使用环境变量,这些变量必须在~/. macosx /environment中定义。plist (Apple Technical Q&A QA1067)
使用以下命令行同步您的环境。Plist /etc/paths:
defaults write $HOME/.MacOSX/environment PATH "$(tr '\n' ':' </etc/paths)"
如果你想为gui应用程序设置环境变量,你需要~/. macosx /environment。plist文件
就像Matt Curtis给出的答案一样,我通过launchctl设置环境变量,但我将它包装在一个名为export的函数中,因此每当我像在.bash_profile中一样导出一个变量时,它也由launchctl设置。我是这样做的:
My .bash_profile consists solely of one line, (This is just personal preference.) source .bashrc My .bashrc has this: function export() { builtin export "$@" if [[ ${#@} -eq 1 && "${@//[^=]/}" ]] then launchctl setenv "${@%%=*}" "${@#*=}" elif [[ ! "${@//[^ ]/}" ]] then launchctl setenv "${@}" "${!@}" fi } export -f export The above will overload the Bash builtin "export" and will export everything normally (you'll notice I export "export" with it!), then properly set them for OS X app environments via launchctl, whether you use any of the following: export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 # ~$ launchctl getenv LC_CTYPE # en_US.UTF-8 PATH="/usr/local/bin:${PATH}" PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:${PATH}" export PATH # ~$ launchctl getenv PATH # /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin export CXX_FLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.9" # ~$ launchctl getenv CXX_FLAGS # -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 This way I don't have to send every variable to launchctl every time, and I can just have my .bash_profile / .bashrc set up the way I want. Open a terminal window, check out your environment variables you're interested in with launchctl getenv myVar, change something in your .bash_profile/.bashrc, close the terminal window and re-open it, check the variable again with launchctl, and voilá, it's changed. Again, like the other solutions for the post-Mountain Lion world, for any new environment variables to be available for apps, you need to launch or re-launch them after the change.
在Mac OS上设置PATH环境变量
touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
以Android SDK为例:
你需要添加路径到你的Android SDK平台工具和工具目录。在我的例子中,我将使用“/Development/android-sdk-macosx”作为SDK的安装目录。增加如下一行:
export PATH=${PATH}:/Development/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools:/Development/android-sdk-macosx/tools
source ~/.bash_profile
现在,每次你打开终端程序,你的路径将包括Android SDK。
2月2022日(MacOs 12+)
为bash打开~/.bash_profile 为zsh打开~/.zshrc
export varName=varValue
完成CLI步骤。 确保GUI应用程序关闭。 从命令行打开GUI应用程序。例如:
open /Applications/Sourcetree.app
Mac没有为所有上下文设置环境变量的配置选项。 避免更改用户配置文件之外的任何内容。
(MacOS 12.1+) 编辑/etc/launchd.conf 带有plist后缀的XML文件