在OS X中修改环境变量如PATH的正确方法是什么?


/etc/paths ~ / . profile ~ / tcshrc

我甚至没有这些文件中的一些,我很确定.tcshrc是错误的,因为OS X现在使用bash。这些变量,特别是PATH,定义在哪里?

我运行的是OS X v10.5 (Leopard)。




Open a terminal prompt Type sudo vi /etc/launchd.conf (note: this file might not yet exist) Put contents like the following into the file # Set environment variables here so they are available globally to all apps # (and Terminal), including those launched via Spotlight. # # After editing this file run the following command from the terminal to update # environment variables globally without needing to reboot. # NOTE: You will still need to restart the relevant application (including # Terminal) to pick up the changes! # grep -E "^setenv" /etc/launchd.conf | xargs -t -L 1 launchctl # # See http://www.digitaledgesw.com/node/31 # and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/135688/setting-environment-variables-in-os-x/ # # Note that you must hardcode the paths below, don't use environment variables. # You also need to surround multiple values in quotes, see MAVEN_OPTS example below. # setenv JAVA_VERSION 1.6 setenv JAVA_HOME /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home setenv GROOVY_HOME /Applications/Dev/groovy setenv GRAILS_HOME /Applications/Dev/grails setenv NEXUS_HOME /Applications/Dev/nexus/nexus-webapp setenv JRUBY_HOME /Applications/Dev/jruby setenv ANT_HOME /Applications/Dev/apache-ant setenv ANT_OPTS -Xmx512M setenv MAVEN_OPTS "-Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m" setenv M2_HOME /Applications/Dev/apache-maven setenv JMETER_HOME /Applications/Dev/jakarta-jmeter Save your changes in vi and reboot your Mac. Or use the grep/xargs command which is shown in the code comment above. Prove that your variables are working by opening a Terminal window and typing export and you should see your new variables. These will also be available in IntelliJ IDEA and other GUI applications you launch via Spotlight.


在Mac OS上设置PATH环境变量


touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile


以Android SDK为例:

你需要添加路径到你的Android SDK平台工具和工具目录。在我的例子中,我将使用“/Development/android-sdk-macosx”作为SDK的安装目录。增加如下一行:

export PATH=${PATH}:/Development/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools:/Development/android-sdk-macosx/tools


source ~/.bash_profile

现在,每次你打开终端程序,你的路径将包括Android SDK。

虽然这里的答案并不是“错误的”,但我还要补充一点:永远不要在OS X中改变影响“所有进程”的环境变量,甚至在shell之外,也不要影响给定用户交互运行的所有进程。

In my experience, global changes to environment variables like PATH for all processes are even more likely to break things on OS X than on Windows. Reason being, lots of OS X applications and other software (including, perhaps especially, components of the OS itself) rely on UNIX command-line tools under the hood, and assume the behavior of the versions of these tools provided with the system, and don't necessarily use absolute paths when doing so (similar comments apply to dynamically-loaded libraries and DYLD_* environment variables). Consider, for instance, that the highest-rated answers to various Stack Overflow questions about replacing OS X-supplied versions of interpreters like Python and Ruby generally say "don't do this."

OS X is really no different than other UNIX-like operating systems (e.g., Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris) in this respect; the most likely reason Apple doesn't provide an easy way to do this is because it breaks things. To the extent Windows isn't as prone to these problems, it's due to two things: (1) Windows software doesn't tend to rely on command-line tools to the extent that UNIX software does, and (2) Microsoft has had such an extensive history of both "DLL hell" and security problems caused by changes that affect all processes that they've changed the behavior of dynamic loading in newer Windows versions to limit the impact of "global" configuration options like PATH.




嗯,我不确定/etc/paths和~/. macosx /environment。plist文件。那些是新的。

但是使用Bash时,您应该知道每次新的shell调用都会执行.bashrc 并且.bash_profile只在启动时执行一次。

我不知道在Mac OS x上这种情况发生的频率有多高。我想随着windows系统启动一切,这种区别已经消失了。


ln -s .bashrc .bash_profile



已弃用和删除的功能 Launchctl不再具有交互模式,也不再接受来自stdin的命令。/etc/launchd.conf文件不再用于在早期启动时运行子命令;出于安全考虑,该功能已被删除。虽然有文档表明在设置用户会话之前会查询$HOME/.launchd.conf,但这个功能从未实现过。


您可以使用launchctl setenv设置launchd(以及从Spotlight开始的任何东西)所使用的环境。例如,设置路径:

launchctl setenv PATH /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin


launchctl setenv PATH $PATH


这包括已经在终端下运行的任何shell。如果你在那里,你可以更直接地设置环境,例如export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH for bash或zsh。


新方法(自10.10 Yosemite起)

使用launchctl config用户路径/bin:/usr/bin:/mystuff。更多信息请参见man launchctl。


这个答案顶部的launchctl手册页引用说,出于安全原因,这里描述的特性(在引导时读取/etc/launchd.conf)被删除了,因此ymmv. conf。


setenv PATH /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin



egrep -v '^\s*#' /etc/launchd.conf | launchctl

你可以通过命令man launchctl找到更多关于launchctl以及它如何加载launchd.conf的信息。