在OS X中修改环境变量如PATH的正确方法是什么?


/etc/paths ~ / . profile ~ / tcshrc

我甚至没有这些文件中的一些,我很确定.tcshrc是错误的,因为OS X现在使用bash。这些变量,特别是PATH,定义在哪里?

我运行的是OS X v10.5 (Leopard)。


直到和包括OS X v10.7 (Lion),你可以设置它们:



https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/qa/qa1067/_index.html https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPRuntimeConfig/Articles/EnvironmentVars.html


对于OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion)及以上版本,您需要使用launchd和launchctl。


直到和包括OS X v10.7 (Lion),你可以设置它们:



https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/qa/qa1067/_index.html https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPRuntimeConfig/Articles/EnvironmentVars.html


对于OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion)及以上版本,您需要使用launchd和launchctl。




就像Matt Curtis给出的答案一样,我通过launchctl设置环境变量,但我将它包装在一个名为export的函数中,因此每当我像在.bash_profile中一样导出一个变量时,它也由launchctl设置。我是这样做的:

My .bash_profile consists solely of one line, (This is just personal preference.) source .bashrc My .bashrc has this: function export() { builtin export "$@" if [[ ${#@} -eq 1 && "${@//[^=]/}" ]] then launchctl setenv "${@%%=*}" "${@#*=}" elif [[ ! "${@//[^ ]/}" ]] then launchctl setenv "${@}" "${!@}" fi } export -f export The above will overload the Bash builtin "export" and will export everything normally (you'll notice I export "export" with it!), then properly set them for OS X app environments via launchctl, whether you use any of the following: export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 # ~$ launchctl getenv LC_CTYPE # en_US.UTF-8 PATH="/usr/local/bin:${PATH}" PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:${PATH}" export PATH # ~$ launchctl getenv PATH # /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin export CXX_FLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.9" # ~$ launchctl getenv CXX_FLAGS # -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 This way I don't have to send every variable to launchctl every time, and I can just have my .bash_profile / .bashrc set up the way I want. Open a terminal window, check out your environment variables you're interested in with launchctl getenv myVar, change something in your .bash_profile/.bashrc, close the terminal window and re-open it, check the variable again with launchctl, and voilá, it's changed. Again, like the other solutions for the post-Mountain Lion world, for any new environment variables to be available for apps, you need to launch or re-launch them after the change.



Open a terminal prompt Type sudo vi /etc/launchd.conf (note: this file might not yet exist) Put contents like the following into the file # Set environment variables here so they are available globally to all apps # (and Terminal), including those launched via Spotlight. # # After editing this file run the following command from the terminal to update # environment variables globally without needing to reboot. # NOTE: You will still need to restart the relevant application (including # Terminal) to pick up the changes! # grep -E "^setenv" /etc/launchd.conf | xargs -t -L 1 launchctl # # See http://www.digitaledgesw.com/node/31 # and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/135688/setting-environment-variables-in-os-x/ # # Note that you must hardcode the paths below, don't use environment variables. # You also need to surround multiple values in quotes, see MAVEN_OPTS example below. # setenv JAVA_VERSION 1.6 setenv JAVA_HOME /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home setenv GROOVY_HOME /Applications/Dev/groovy setenv GRAILS_HOME /Applications/Dev/grails setenv NEXUS_HOME /Applications/Dev/nexus/nexus-webapp setenv JRUBY_HOME /Applications/Dev/jruby setenv ANT_HOME /Applications/Dev/apache-ant setenv ANT_OPTS -Xmx512M setenv MAVEN_OPTS "-Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m" setenv M2_HOME /Applications/Dev/apache-maven setenv JMETER_HOME /Applications/Dev/jakarta-jmeter Save your changes in vi and reboot your Mac. Or use the grep/xargs command which is shown in the code comment above. Prove that your variables are working by opening a Terminal window and typing export and you should see your new variables. These will also be available in IntelliJ IDEA and other GUI applications you launch via Spotlight.


从macOS 10.12.6 (Sierra)开始,这个方法似乎已经停止在Apache httpd上工作(对于系统和launchctl配置的用户选项)。其他项目似乎没有受到影响。可以想象,这是httpd中的一个bug。


这涉及到OS X 10.10+(特别是10.11+由于无根模式,其中/usr/bin不再可写)。

我在很多地方读到过,使用launchctl setenv PATH <new PATH >来设置PATH变量由于OS X中的一个错误而不起作用(从个人经验来看似乎是正确的)。我发现还有另一种方法可以为非shell启动的应用程序设置PATH:

sudo launchctl config user path <new path>


config system | user parameter value Sets persistent configuration information for launchd(8) domains. Only the system domain and user domains may be configured. The location of the persistent storage is an implementation detail, and changes to that storage should only be made through this subcommand. A reboot is required for changes made through this subcommand to take effect. [...] path Sets the PATH environment variable for all services within the target domain to the string value. The string value should conform to the format outlined for the PATH environment variable in environ(7). Note that if a service specifies its own PATH, the service-specific environment variable will take precedence. NOTE: This facility cannot be used to set general environment variables for all services within the domain. It is intentionally scoped to the PATH environment vari- able and nothing else for security reasons.

我已经确认这与从Finder(使用getenv获取PATH)开始的GUI应用程序一起工作。 请注意,您只需要这样做一次,并且更改将在重新启动时保持不变。