8! / ((8 - 3)! * 3!) = 56
8! / ((8 - 3)! * 3!) = 56
function Combinations( arr, r ) {
// To avoid object referencing, cloning the array.
arr = arr && arr.slice() || [];
var len = arr.length;
if( !len || r > len || !r )
return [ [] ];
else if( r === len )
return [ arr ];
if( r === len ) return arr.reduce( ( x, v ) => {
x.push( [ v ] );
return x;
}, [] );
var head = arr.shift();
return Combinations( arr, r - 1 ).map( x => {
x.unshift( head );
return x;
} ).concat( Combinations( arr, r ) );
// Now do your stuff.
console.log( Combinations( [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ], 3 ) );
我尽可能少地限制迭代器类型,所以这个解决方案假设只有前向迭代器,它可以是const_iterator。这应该适用于任何标准容器。在参数没有意义的情况下,它抛出std:: invalid_argument
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
template <typename Fci> // Fci - forward const iterator
std::vector<std::vector<Fci> >
enumerate_combinations(Fci begin, Fci end, unsigned int combination_size)
if(begin == end && combination_size > 0u)
throw std::invalid_argument("empty set and positive combination size!");
std::vector<std::vector<Fci> > result; // empty set of combinations
if(combination_size == 0u) return result; // there is exactly one combination of
// size 0 - emty set
std::vector<Fci> current_combination;
current_combination.reserve(combination_size + 1u); // I reserve one aditional slot
// in my vector to store
// the end sentinel there.
// The code is cleaner thanks to that
for(unsigned int i = 0u; i < combination_size && begin != end; ++i, ++begin)
current_combination.push_back(begin); // Construction of the first combination
// Since I assume the itarators support only incrementing, I have to iterate over
// the set to get its size, which is expensive. Here I had to itrate anyway to
// produce the first cobination, so I use the loop to also check the size.
if(current_combination.size() < combination_size)
throw std::invalid_argument("combination size > set size!");
result.push_back(current_combination); // Store the first combination in the results set
current_combination.push_back(end); // Here I add mentioned earlier sentinel to
// simplyfy rest of the code. If I did it
// earlier, previous statement would get ugly.
unsigned int i = combination_size;
Fci tmp; // Thanks to the sentinel I can find first
do // iterator to change, simply by scaning
{ // from right to left and looking for the
tmp = current_combination[--i]; // first "bubble". The fact, that it's
++tmp; // a forward iterator makes it ugly but I
} // can't help it.
while(i > 0u && tmp == current_combination[i + 1u]);
// Here is probably my most obfuscated expression.
// Loop above looks for a "bubble". If there is no "bubble", that means, that
// current_combination is the last combination, Expression in the if statement
// below evaluates to true and the function exits returning result.
// If the "bubble" is found however, the ststement below has a sideeffect of
// incrementing the first iterator to the left of the "bubble".
if(++current_combination[i] == current_combination[i + 1u])
return result;
// Rest of the code sets posiotons of the rest of the iterstors
// (if there are any), that are to the right of the incremented one,
// to form next combination
while(++i < combination_size)
current_combination[i] = current_combination[i - 1u];
// Below is the ugly side of using the sentinel. Well it had to haave some
// disadvantage. Try without it.
current_combination.end() - 1));
// author: Sourabh Bhat (heySourabh@gmail.com)
public class Testing
public static void main(String[] args)
// Test case num = 5, outOf = 8.
int num = 5;
int outOf = 8;
int[][] combinations = getCombinations(num, outOf);
for (int i = 0; i < combinations.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < combinations[i].length; j++)
System.out.print(combinations[i][j] + " ");
private static int[][] getCombinations(int num, int outOf)
int possibilities = get_nCr(outOf, num);
int[][] combinations = new int[possibilities][num];
int arrayPointer = 0;
int[] counter = new int[num];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
counter[i] = i;
breakLoop: while (true)
// Initializing part
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
if (counter[i] >= outOf - (num - 1 - i))
counter[i] = counter[i - 1] + 1;
// Testing part
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
if (counter[i] < outOf)
} else
break breakLoop;
// Innermost part
combinations[arrayPointer] = counter.clone();
// Incrementing part
counter[num - 1]++;
for (int i = num - 1; i >= 1; i--)
if (counter[i] >= outOf - (num - 1 - i))
counter[i - 1]++;
return combinations;
private static int get_nCr(int n, int r)
if(r > n)
throw new ArithmeticException("r is greater then n");
long numerator = 1;
long denominator = 1;
for (int i = n; i >= r + 1; i--)
numerator *= i;
for (int i = 2; i <= n - r; i++)
denominator *= i;
return (int) (numerator / denominator);
function string_recurse(active, rest) {
if (rest.length == 0) {
} else {
string_recurse(active + rest.charAt(0), rest.substring(1, rest.length));
string_recurse(active, rest.substring(1, rest.length));
string_recurse("", "abc");
假设你的字母数组是这样的:"ABCDEFGH"。你有三个下标(i, j, k)来表示你要用哪个字母来表示当前单词。
A B C D E F G H ^ ^ ^ i j k
A B C D E F G H ^ ^ ^ i j k
A B C D E F G H ^ ^ ^ i j k A B C D E F G H ^ ^ ^ i j k
一旦j达到G, i也开始变化。
A B C D E F G H ^ ^ ^ i j k A B C D E F G H ^ ^ ^ i j k ...
function initializePointers($cnt) {
$pointers = [];
for($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++) {
$pointers[] = $i;
return $pointers;
function incrementPointers(&$pointers, &$arrLength) {
for($i=0; $i<count($pointers); $i++) {
$currentPointerIndex = count($pointers) - $i - 1;
$currentPointer = $pointers[$currentPointerIndex];
if($currentPointer < $arrLength - $i - 1) {
for($j=1; ($currentPointerIndex+$j)<count($pointers); $j++) {
$pointers[$currentPointerIndex+$j] = $pointers[$currentPointerIndex]+$j;
return true;
return false;
function getDataByPointers(&$arr, &$pointers) {
$data = [];
for($i=0; $i<count($pointers); $i++) {
$data[] = $arr[$pointers[$i]];
return $data;
function getCombinations($arr, $cnt)
$len = count($arr);
$result = [];
$pointers = initializePointers($cnt);
do {
$result[] = getDataByPointers($arr, $pointers);
} while(incrementPointers($pointers, count($arr)));
return $result;
$result = getCombinations([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3);
你会遇到的一个问题当然是内存,很快,你会在你的集合中遇到20个元素的问题——20C3 = 1140。如果你想遍历这个集合,最好使用修改过的灰码算法,这样你就不会把它们都保存在内存中。这将从前一个组合中生成下一个组合并避免重复。有很多不同的用途。我们想要最大化连续组合之间的差异吗?最小化?等等。
Hamilton路径与最小变化算法 相邻交换组合生成算法
Eades、Hickey、Read相邻交换组合生成算法的高效实现(PDF, Pascal代码) 结合发电机 组合灰色编码综述(PostScript) 灰色编码的一种算法
Chase's Twiddle(算法)
So, we have a set {1,2,3,4,5,6}... and we want three elements. Let's say {1,2,3} we can say that the difference between the elements is one and in order and minimal. {1,2,4} has one change and is lexicographically number 2. So the number of 'changes' in the last place accounts for one change in the lexicographical ordering. The second place, with one change {1,3,4} has one change but accounts for more change since it's in the second place (proportional to the number of elements in the original set).
我所描述的方法是一种解构,从集合到索引,我们需要做相反的事情——这要复杂得多。这就是巴克尔斯解决问题的方法。我写了一些C来计算它们,做了一些小改动——我使用集合的索引而不是一个数字范围来表示集合,所以我们总是从0…n开始工作。 注意:
由于组合是无序的,{1,3,2}={1,2,3}——我们将它们按字典顺序排列。 该方法有一个隐式的0来开始第一个差值集。
例如:27 = C (6, 4) + C (5,3) + C (2, 2) + C(1, 1)。那么,第27个单词的字典组合是{1,2,5,6},它们是你想要查找的任何集合的索引。下面的例子(OCaml),需要选择函数,留给读者:
(* this will find the [x] combination of a [set] list when taking [k] elements *)
let combination_maccaffery set k x =
(* maximize function -- maximize a that is aCb *)
(* return largest c where c < i and choose(c,i) <= z *)
let rec maximize a b x =
if (choose a b ) <= x then a else maximize (a-1) b x
let rec iterate n x i = match i with
| 0 -> []
| i ->
let max = maximize n i x in
max :: iterate n (x - (choose max i)) (i-1)
if x < 0 then failwith "errors" else
let idxs = iterate (List.length set) x k in
List.map (List.nth set) (List.sort (-) idxs)
为了教学目的,提供了以下两个算法。它们实现了一个迭代器和(更通用的)文件夹整体组合。 它们尽可能快,复杂度为O(nCk)。内存消耗受k约束。
let iter_combs n k f =
let rec iter v s j =
if j = k then f v
else for i = s to n - 1 do iter (i::v) (i+1) (j+1) done in
iter [] 0 0
let fold_combs n k f x =
let rec loop i s c x =
if i < n then
loop (i+1) s c @@
let c = i::c and s = s + 1 and i = i + 1 in
if s < k then loop i s c x else f c x
else x in
loop 0 0 [] x