8! / ((8 - 3)! * 3!) = 56
8! / ((8 - 3)! * 3!) = 56
赶时髦,发布另一个解决方案。这是一个通用的Java实现。输入:(int k)是要选择的元素数量,(List<T> List)是要选择的列表。返回一个组合列表(list < list <T>>)。
public static <T> List<List<T>> getCombinations(int k, List<T> list) {
List<List<T>> combinations = new ArrayList<List<T>>();
if (k == 0) {
combinations.add(new ArrayList<T>());
return combinations;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
T element = list.get(i);
List<T> rest = getSublist(list, i+1);
for (List<T> previous : getCombinations(k-1, rest)) {
return combinations;
public static <T> List<T> getSublist(List<T> list, int i) {
List<T> sublist = new ArrayList<T>();
for (int j = i; j < list.size(); j++) {
return sublist;
static bool nextCombination(int[] num, int n, int k)
bool finished, changed;
changed = finished = false;
if (k > 0)
for (int i = k - 1; !finished && !changed; i--)
if (num[i] < (n - 1) - (k - 1) + i)
if (i < k - 1)
for (int j = i + 1; j < k; j++)
num[j] = num[j - 1] + 1;
changed = true;
finished = (i == 0);
return changed;
static IEnumerable Combinations<T>(IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
T[] elem = elements.ToArray();
int size = elem.Length;
if (k <= size)
int[] numbers = new int[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
numbers[i] = i;
yield return numbers.Select(n => elem[n]);
while (nextCombination(numbers, size, k));
static void Main(string[] args)
int k = 3;
var t = new[] { "dog", "cat", "mouse", "zebra"};
foreach (IEnumerable<string> i in Combinations(t, k))
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", i));
private static bool NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(int[] num, int n, int k)
if (k > 1 && NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(num, num[k - 1], k - 1))
return true;
if (num[k - 1] + 1 == n)
return false;
++num[k - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < k - 1; ++i)
num[i] = i;
return true;
例如,如果你在k=3, n=5上运行第一个方法("nextCombination"),你会得到:
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 1 4
0 2 3
0 2 4
0 3 4
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 3 4
2 3 4
int[] nums = new int[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
nums[i] = i;
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", nums));
while (NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(nums, n, k));
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 2 3
1 2 3
0 1 4
0 2 4
1 2 4
0 3 4
1 3 4
2 3 4
下面是c++中的迭代算法,它不使用STL,也不使用递归,也不使用条件嵌套循环。这样更快,它不执行任何元素交换,也不会给堆栈带来递归负担,还可以通过分别用mallloc()、free()和printf()替换new、delete和std::cout轻松地移植到ANSI C。
void OutputArrayChar(unsigned int* ka, size_t n, const char *alphabet) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
std::cout << alphabet[ka[i]] << ",";
std::cout << endl;
void GenCombinations(const unsigned int N, const unsigned int K, const char *alphabet) {
unsigned int *ka = new unsigned int [K]; //dynamically allocate an array of UINTs
unsigned int ki = K-1; //Point ki to the last elemet of the array
ka[ki] = N-1; //Prime the last elemet of the array.
while (true) {
unsigned int tmp = ka[ki]; //Optimization to prevent reading ka[ki] repeatedly
while (ki) //Fill to the left with consecutive descending values (blue squares)
ka[--ki] = --tmp;
OutputArrayChar(ka, K, alphabet);
while (--ka[ki] == ki) { //Decrement and check if the resulting value equals the index (bright green squares)
OutputArrayChar(ka, K, alphabet);
if (++ki == K) { //Exit condition (all of the values in the array are flush to the left)
delete[] ka;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
GenCombinations(7, 4, "abcdefg");
return 0;
令combine = (list, n) => N == 0 ? [[]]: 列表。flatMap((e, i) => 结合( 列表。切片(i + 1) N - 1 ).Map (c => [e].concat(c)) ); Let res = combine([1,2,3,4], 3); res.forEach(e => console.log(e.join()));
下面是一个使用宏的Lisp方法。这适用于Common Lisp,也适用于其他Lisp方言。
(defmacro do-combinations ((var lst num) &body body)
(loop with syms = (loop repeat num collect (gensym))
for i on syms
for k = `(loop for ,(car i) on (cdr ,(cadr i))
do (let ((,var (list ,@(reverse syms)))) (progn ,@body)))
then `(loop for ,(car i) on ,(if (cadr i) `(cdr ,(cadr i)) lst) do ,k)
finally (return k)))
(macroexpand-1 '(do-combinations (p '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 4) (pprint (mapcar #'car p))))
(LOOP FOR #:G3217 ON '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) DO
(LOOP FOR #:G3216 ON (CDR #:G3217) DO
(LOOP FOR #:G3215 ON (CDR #:G3216) DO
(LOOP FOR #:G3214 ON (CDR #:G3215) DO
(LET ((P (LIST #:G3217 #:G3216 #:G3215 #:G3214)))
(do-combinations (p '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 4) (pprint (mapcar #'car p)))
(1 2 3 4)
(1 2 3 5)
(1 2 3 6)
//Generate combination subsets from a base set of elements (passed as an array). This function should generate an
//array containing nCr elements, where nCr = n!/[r! (n-r)!].
//[1] baseSet : The base set to create the subsets from (e.g., ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"])
//[2] cnt : The number of elements each subset is to contain (e.g., 3)
function MakeCombinationSubsets(baseSet, cnt)
var bLen = baseSet.length;
var indices = [];
var subSet = [];
var done = false;
var result = []; //Contains all the combination subsets generated
var done = false;
var i = 0;
var idx = 0;
var tmpIdx = 0;
var incr = 0;
var test = 0;
var newIndex = 0;
var inBounds = false;
var tmpIndices = [];
var checkBounds = false;
//First, generate an array whose elements are indices into the base set ...
for (i=0; i<cnt; i++)
//Now create a clone of this array, to be used in the loop itself ...
tmpIndices = [];
tmpIndices = tmpIndices.concat(indices);
//Now initialise the loop ...
idx = cnt - 1; //point to the last element of the indices array
incr = 0;
done = false;
while (!done)
//Create the current subset ...
subSet = []; //Make sure we begin with a completely empty subset before continuing ...
for (i=0; i<cnt; i++)
subSet.push(baseSet[tmpIndices[i]]); //Create the current subset, using items selected from the
//base set, using the indices array (which will change as we
//continue scanning) ...
//Add the subset thus created to the result set ...
//Now update the indices used to select the elements of the subset. At the start, idx will point to the
//rightmost index in the indices array, but the moment that index moves out of bounds with respect to the
//base set, attention will be shifted to the next left index.
test = tmpIndices[idx] + 1;
if (test >= bLen)
//Here, we're about to move out of bounds with respect to the base set. We therefore need to scan back,
//and update indices to the left of the current one. Find the leftmost index in the indices array that
//isn't going to move out of bounds with respect to the base set ...
tmpIdx = idx - 1;
incr = 1;
inBounds = false; //Assume at start that the index we're checking in the loop below is out of bounds
checkBounds = true;
while (checkBounds)
if (tmpIdx < 0)
checkBounds = false; //Exit immediately at this point
newIndex = tmpIndices[tmpIdx] + 1;
test = newIndex + incr;
if (test >= bLen)
//Here, incrementing the current selected index will take that index out of bounds, so
//we move on to the next index to the left ...
//Here, the index will remain in bounds if we increment it, so we
//exit the loop and signal that we're in bounds ...
inBounds = true;
checkBounds = false;
//End if/else
//End if
//End while
//At this point, if we'er still in bounds, then we continue generating subsets, but if not, we abort immediately.
if (!inBounds)
done = true;
//Here, we're still in bounds. We need to update the indices accordingly. NOTE: at this point, although a
//left positioned index in the indices array may still be in bounds, incrementing it to generate indices to
//the right may take those indices out of bounds. We therefore need to check this as we perform the index
//updating of the indices array.
tmpIndices[tmpIdx] = newIndex;
inBounds = true;
checking = true;
i = tmpIdx + 1;
while (checking)
test = tmpIndices[i - 1] + 1; //Find out if incrementing the left adjacent index takes it out of bounds
if (test >= bLen)
inBounds = false; //If we move out of bounds, exit NOW ...
checking = false;
tmpIndices[i] = test; //Otherwise, update the indices array ...
i++; //Now move on to the next index to the right in the indices array ...
checking = (i < cnt); //And continue until we've exhausted all the indices array elements ...
//End if/else
//End while
//At this point, if the above updating of the indices array has moved any of its elements out of bounds,
//we abort subset construction from this point ...
if (!inBounds)
done = true;
//End if/else
//Here, the rightmost index under consideration isn't moving out of bounds with respect to the base set when
//we increment it, so we simply increment and continue the loop ...
tmpIndices[idx] = test;
//End if
//End while
//End function
function MakePowerSet(baseSet)
var bLen = baseSet.length;
var result = [];
var i = 0;
var partialSet = [];
result.push([]); //add the empty set to the power set
for (i=1; i<bLen; i++)
partialSet = MakeCombinationSubsets(baseSet, i);
result = result.concat(partialSet);
//End i loop
//Now, finally, add the base set itself to the power set to make it complete ...
partialSet = [];
result = result.concat(partialSet);
//End function
我用集合["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]作为基本集进行了测试,并运行代码以产生以下幂集: