8! / ((8 - 3)! * 3!) = 56
8! / ((8 - 3)! * 3!) = 56
void r_nCr(unsigned int startNum, unsigned int bitVal, unsigned int testNum) // Should be called with arguments (2^r)-1, 2^(r-1), 2^(n-1)
unsigned int n = (startNum - bitVal) << 1;
n += bitVal ? 1 : 0;
for (unsigned int i = log2(testNum) + 1; i > 0; i--) // Prints combination as a series of 1s and 0s
cout << (n >> (i - 1) & 1);
cout << endl;
if (!(n & testNum) && n != startNum)
r_nCr(n, bitVal, testNum);
if (bitVal && bitVal < testNum)
r_nCr(startNum, bitVal >> 1, testNum);
我有一个用于project euler的排列算法,用python编写:
def missing(miss,src):
"Returns the list of items in src not present in miss"
return [i for i in src if i not in miss]
def permutation_gen(n,l):
"Generates all the permutations of n items of the l list"
for i in l:
if n<=1: yield [i]
r = [i]
for j in permutation_gen(n-1,missing([i],l)): yield r+j
for comb in permutation_gen(3,list("ABCDEFGH")):
print comb
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iconv.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int opt = -1, min_len = 0, max_len = 0;
char ofile[256], fchar[2], tchar[2];
ofile[0] = 0;
fchar[0] = 0;
tchar[0] = 0;
while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "o:f:t:l:L:")) != -1)
case 'o':
strncpy(ofile, optarg, 255);
case 'f':
strncpy(fchar, optarg, 1);
case 't':
strncpy(tchar, optarg, 1);
case 'l':
min_len = atoi(optarg);
case 'L':
max_len = atoi(optarg);
printf("usage: %s -oftlL\n\t-o output file\n\t-f from char\n\t-t to char\n\t-l min seq len\n\t-L max seq len", argv[0]);
if(max_len < 1)
printf("error, length must be more than 0\n");
return 1;
if(min_len > max_len)
printf("error, max length must be greater or equal min_length\n");
return 1;
if((int)fchar[0] > (int)tchar[0])
printf("error, invalid range specified\n");
return 1;
FILE *out = fopen(ofile, "w");
printf("failed to open input file with error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
int cur_len = min_len;
while(cur_len <= max_len)
char buf[cur_len];
for(int i = 0; i < cur_len; i++)
buf[i] = fchar[0];
fwrite(buf, cur_len, 1, out);
fwrite("\n", 1, 1, out);
while(buf[0] != (tchar[0]+1))
while(buf[cur_len-1] < tchar[0])
fwrite(buf, cur_len, 1, out);
fwrite("\n", 1, 1, out);
if(cur_len < 2)
if(buf[0] == tchar[0])
bool stop = true;
for(int i = 1; i < cur_len; i++)
if(buf[i] != tchar[0])
stop = false;
int u = cur_len-2;
for(; u>=0 && buf[u] >= tchar[0]; u--)
for(int i = u+1; i < cur_len; i++)
buf[i] = fchar[0];
fwrite(buf, cur_len, 1, out);
fwrite("\n", 1, 1, out);
return 0;
def combinations[A](s: List[A], k: Int): List[List[A]] =
if (k > s.length) Nil
else if (k == 1) s.map(List(_))
else combinations(s.tail, k - 1).map(s.head :: _) ::: combinations(s.tail, k)
我尽可能少地限制迭代器类型,所以这个解决方案假设只有前向迭代器,它可以是const_iterator。这应该适用于任何标准容器。在参数没有意义的情况下,它抛出std:: invalid_argument
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
template <typename Fci> // Fci - forward const iterator
std::vector<std::vector<Fci> >
enumerate_combinations(Fci begin, Fci end, unsigned int combination_size)
if(begin == end && combination_size > 0u)
throw std::invalid_argument("empty set and positive combination size!");
std::vector<std::vector<Fci> > result; // empty set of combinations
if(combination_size == 0u) return result; // there is exactly one combination of
// size 0 - emty set
std::vector<Fci> current_combination;
current_combination.reserve(combination_size + 1u); // I reserve one aditional slot
// in my vector to store
// the end sentinel there.
// The code is cleaner thanks to that
for(unsigned int i = 0u; i < combination_size && begin != end; ++i, ++begin)
current_combination.push_back(begin); // Construction of the first combination
// Since I assume the itarators support only incrementing, I have to iterate over
// the set to get its size, which is expensive. Here I had to itrate anyway to
// produce the first cobination, so I use the loop to also check the size.
if(current_combination.size() < combination_size)
throw std::invalid_argument("combination size > set size!");
result.push_back(current_combination); // Store the first combination in the results set
current_combination.push_back(end); // Here I add mentioned earlier sentinel to
// simplyfy rest of the code. If I did it
// earlier, previous statement would get ugly.
unsigned int i = combination_size;
Fci tmp; // Thanks to the sentinel I can find first
do // iterator to change, simply by scaning
{ // from right to left and looking for the
tmp = current_combination[--i]; // first "bubble". The fact, that it's
++tmp; // a forward iterator makes it ugly but I
} // can't help it.
while(i > 0u && tmp == current_combination[i + 1u]);
// Here is probably my most obfuscated expression.
// Loop above looks for a "bubble". If there is no "bubble", that means, that
// current_combination is the last combination, Expression in the if statement
// below evaluates to true and the function exits returning result.
// If the "bubble" is found however, the ststement below has a sideeffect of
// incrementing the first iterator to the left of the "bubble".
if(++current_combination[i] == current_combination[i + 1u])
return result;
// Rest of the code sets posiotons of the rest of the iterstors
// (if there are any), that are to the right of the incremented one,
// to form next combination
while(++i < combination_size)
current_combination[i] = current_combination[i - 1u];
// Below is the ugly side of using the sentinel. Well it had to haave some
// disadvantage. Try without it.
current_combination.end() - 1));
#include <stdio.h>
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
const int n = 6; /* The size of the set; for {1, 2, 3, 4} it's 4 */
const int p = 4; /* The size of the subsets; for {1, 2}, {1, 3}, ... it's 2 */
int comb[40] = {0}; /* comb[i] is the index of the i-th element in the combination */
int i = 0;
for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) comb[j] = 0;
while (i >= 0) {
if (comb[i] < n + i - p + 1) {
if (i == p - 1) { for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) printf("%d ", comb[j]); printf("\n"); }
else { comb[++i] = comb[i - 1]; }
} else i--; }
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
const int n = 32; /* The size of the set; for {1, 2, 3, 4} it's 4 */
const int p = 16; /* The size of the subsets; for {1, 2}, {1, 3}, ... it's 2 */
int comb[40] = {0}; /* comb[i] is the index of the i-th element in the combination */
int c = 0; int i = 0;
for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) comb[j] = 0;
while (i >= 0) {
if (comb[i] < n + i - p + 1) {
/* if (i == p - 1) { for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) printf("%d ", comb[j]); printf("\n"); } */
if (i == p - 1) c++;
else { comb[++i] = comb[i - 1]; }
} else i--; }
printf("%d!%d == %d combination(s) in %15.3f second(s)\n ", p, n, c, clock()/1000.0);
使用cmd.exe (windows)测试:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
c:\Program Files\lcc\projects>combination
16!32 == 601080390 combination(s) in 5.781 second(s)
c:\Program Files\lcc\projects>