
我如何在Python中表示等价的Enum ?





class Animal:    
  TYPE_DOG = 1
  TYPE_CAT = 2

  type2str = {
    TYPE_DOG: "dog",
    TYPE_CAT: "cat"

  def __init__(self, type_):
    assert type_ in self.type2str.keys()
    self._type = type_

  def __repr__(self):
    return "<%s type=%s>" % (
        self.__class__.__name__, self.type2str[self._type].upper())


从Python 3.4开始,正式支持枚举。您可以在Python 3.4文档页面上找到文档和示例。

枚举是使用类语法创建的,这使得它们很容易 读和写。中描述了另一种创建方法 功能的API。定义枚举,子类Enum如下所示:

from enum import Enum
class Color(Enum):
     red = 1
     green = 2
     blue = 3

Alec Thomas简洁回答的一个变体(支持获取枚举值的名称):

class EnumBase(type):
    def __init__(self, name, base, fields):
        super(EnumBase, self).__init__(name, base, fields)
        self.__mapping = dict((v, k) for k, v in fields.iteritems())
    def __getitem__(self, val):
        return self.__mapping[val]

def enum(*seq, **named):
    enums = dict(zip(seq, range(len(seq))), **named)
    return EnumBase('Enum', (), enums)

Numbers = enum(ONE=1, TWO=2, THREE='three')
print Numbers.TWO
print Numbers[Numbers.ONE]
print Numbers[2]
print Numbers['three']


class ConstMeta(type):
    Metaclass for some class that store constants
    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        init class instance
        def static_attrs():
            @rtype: (static_attrs, static_val_set)
            @return: Static attributes in dict format and static value set
            import types
            attrs = {}
            val_set = set()
            #Maybe more
            filter_names = set(['__doc__', '__init__', '__metaclass__', '__module__', '__main__'])
            for key, value in dct.iteritems():
                if type(value) != types.FunctionType and key not in filter_names:
                    if len(value) != 2:
                        raise NotImplementedError('not support for values that is not 2 elements!')
                    #Check value[0] duplication.
                    if value[0] not in val_set:
                        raise KeyError("%s 's key: %s is duplicated!" % (dict([(key, value)]), value[0]))
                    attrs[key] = value
            return attrs, val_set

        attrs, val_set = static_attrs()
        #Set STATIC_ATTRS to class instance so that can reuse
        setattr(cls, 'STATIC_ATTRS', attrs)
        setattr(cls, 'static_val_set', val_set)
        super(ConstMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)

    def __getattribute__(cls, name):
        Rewrite the special function so as to get correct attribute value
        static_attrs = object.__getattribute__(cls, 'STATIC_ATTRS')
        if name in static_attrs:
            return static_attrs[name][0]
        return object.__getattribute__(cls, name)

    def static_values(cls):
        Put values in static attribute into a list, use the function to validate value.
        @return: Set of values
        return cls.static_val_set

    def __getitem__(cls, key):
        Rewrite to make syntax SomeConstClass[key] works, and return desc string of related static value.
        @return: Desc string of related static value
        for k, v in cls.STATIC_ATTRS.iteritems():
            if v[0] == key:
                return v[1]
        raise KeyError('Key: %s does not exists in %s !' % (str(key), repr(cls)))

class Const(object):
    Base class for constant class.


    Definition: (must inherit from Const class!
        >>> class SomeConst(Const):
        >>>   STATUS_NAME_1 = (1, 'desc for the status1')
        >>>   STATUS_NAME_2 = (2, 'desc for the status2')

    Invoke(base upper SomeConst class):
    1) SomeConst.STATUS_NAME_1 returns 1
    2) SomeConst[1] returns 'desc for the status1'
    3) SomeConst.STATIC_ATTRS returns {'STATUS_NAME_1': (1, 'desc for the status1'), 'STATUS_NAME_2': (2, 'desc for the status2')}
    4) SomeConst.static_values() returns set([1, 2])

    SomeCosnt's value 1, 2 can not be duplicated!
    If WrongConst is like this, it will raise KeyError:
    class WrongConst(Const):
        STATUS_NAME_1 = (1, 'desc for the status1')
        STATUS_NAME_2 = (1, 'desc for the status2')
    __metaclass__ = ConstMeta
#Const Base Class ends

def main():
    class STATUS(Const):
        ERROR = (-3, '??')
        OK = (0, '??')

    print STATUS.ERROR
    print STATUS.static_values()

    #Usage sample:
    user_input = 1
    #Validate input:
    print user_input in STATUS.static_values()
    #Template render like:
    print '<select>'
    for key, value in STATUS.STATIC_ATTRS.items():
        print '<option value="%s">%s</option>' % (value[0], value[1])
    print '</select>'

if __name__ == '__main__':


months = set('January', 'February', ..., 'December')


if m in months:


在PEP 435之前,Python没有等效的,但你可以实现自己的。


class Animal:
    DOG = 1
    CAT = 2

x = Animal.DOG

在Python 3.4 (PEP 435)中,可以将Enum作为基类。这为您提供了一些额外的功能,详见PEP。例如,enum成员不同于整数,它们由名称和值组成。

from enum import Enum

class Animal(Enum):
    DOG = 1
    CAT = 2

# <Animal.DOG: 1>

# 1

# "DOG"


class Animal(Enum):
    DOG, CAT = range(2)


class Animal(Enum):
    DOG = 1
    CAT = 2
    COW = 0

# [<Animal.DOG: 1>, <Animal.CAT: 2>, <Animal.COW: 0>]

[animal.value for animal in Animal]
# [1, 2, 0]

Animal.CAT in Animal
# True