
public void myFunction(ref MyClass someClass)


public void myFunction(out MyClass someClass)



From the standpoint of a method which receives a parameter, the difference between ref and out is that C# requires that methods must write to every out parameter before returning, and must not do anything with such a parameter, other than passing it as an out parameter or writing to it, until it has been either passed as an out parameter to another method or written directly. Note that some other languages do not impose such requirements; a virtual or interface method which is declared in C# with an out parameter may be overridden in another language which does not impose any special restrictions on such parameters.


struct MyStruct
   myStruct(IDictionary<int, MyStruct> d)
     d.TryGetValue(23, out this);

如果myDictionary标识了一个用c#以外的语言编写的dictionary <TKey,TValue>实现,即使MyStruct s = new MyStruct(myDictionary);看起来像一个任务,它可能会留下未修改的s。



From the standpoint of a method which receives a parameter, the difference between ref and out is that C# requires that methods must write to every out parameter before returning, and must not do anything with such a parameter, other than passing it as an out parameter or writing to it, until it has been either passed as an out parameter to another method or written directly. Note that some other languages do not impose such requirements; a virtual or interface method which is declared in C# with an out parameter may be overridden in another language which does not impose any special restrictions on such parameters.


struct MyStruct
   myStruct(IDictionary<int, MyStruct> d)
     d.TryGetValue(23, out this);

如果myDictionary标识了一个用c#以外的语言编写的dictionary <TKey,TValue>实现,即使MyStruct s = new MyStruct(myDictionary);看起来像一个任务,它可能会留下未修改的s。




ref is a keyword which is used to pass any value by reference(refer to call by value and call by reference in programming for further knowledge). In short, you declare and initialize a value for example let us say int age = 5; so this age is saved in the memory by holding a place of 4 bytes. Now if you are passing this age variable to another method with ref (which means passing them by reference and not by value) then the compiler will just pass the reference of that variable or in clear terms, the memory address of the place where the variable is stored and the called method receives this address and directly accesses the data in that address. So obviously any change to that data will happen also to the variable present in the calling method.

示例:我提供了我的stackoverflow帐户的密码并告诉他 他可以做任何他想做的事,他可以提问或回答。的 问题是,他做的任何改变都会直接影响到我的账户。



示例:我将stackoverflow站点地址发送给我的朋友并询问 让他帮我开个账户,把证件还给我。



示例:我提供了我的stackoverflow帐户的密码,但告诉了他 不做任何事情,除了阅读或浏览网站。不要问 问题,没有答案,没有投票,什么都没有。


https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/ref https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/out-parameter-modifier https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/in-parameter-modifier


Ref表示Ref参数中的值已经设置,方法可以读取和修改它。 使用ref关键字等同于说调用方负责初始化形参的值。

Out告诉编译器,对象的初始化是由 函数需要赋值给out形参。 没有分配是不允许的。



在下面提到的例子中,当我注释//myRefObj = new myClass {Name = "ref outside called!! ""}; 行,将得到一个错误说“使用未分配的局部变量'myRefObj'”,但没有这样的错误在out。


在哪里使用Out:当我们调用一个没有in形参的过程时,相同的参数将用于返回该过程的值。 还要注意输出

public partial class refAndOutUse : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        myClass myRefObj;
        myRefObj = new myClass { Name = "ref outside called!!  <br/>" };
        myRefFunction(ref myRefObj);
        Response.Write(myRefObj.Name); //ref inside function

        myClass myOutObj;
        myOutFunction(out myOutObj);
        Response.Write(myOutObj.Name); //out inside function

    void myRefFunction(ref myClass refObj)
        refObj.Name = "ref inside function <br/>";
        Response.Write(refObj.Name); //ref inside function
    void myOutFunction(out myClass outObj)
        outObj = new myClass { Name = "out inside function <br/>" }; 
        Response.Write(outObj.Name); //out inside function

public class myClass
    public string Name { get; set; }
