



以10为基数,可以将10.25写成1025 * 10-2(整数乘以10的幂)。IEEE-754浮点数是不同的,但是考虑它们的一个非常简单的方法是乘以2的幂。例如,您可以看到164 * 2-4(整数乘以2的幂),也等于10.25。这不是数字在内存中的表示方式,但数学含义是相同的。

即使以10为基数,这个符号也不能准确地表示大多数简单的分数。例如,你不能表示1/3:十进制表示是重复的(0.3333…),所以没有一个有限整数可以乘以10的幂得到1/3。你可以设定一个长序列的3和一个小指数,如333333333 * 10-10,但它是不准确的:如果你乘以3,你不会得到1。


The problem with floats and doubles is that the vast majority of money-like numbers don't have an exact representation as an integer times a power of 2. In fact, the only multiples of 0.01 between 0 and 1 (which are significant when dealing with money because they're integer cents) that can be represented exactly as an IEEE-754 binary floating-point number are 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1. All the others are off by a small amount. As an analogy to the 0.333333 example, if you take the floating-point value for 0.01 and you multiply it by 10, you won't get 0.1. Instead you will get something like 0.099999999786...






JSR 354:货币和货币API

JSR 354提供了一个API,用于表示、传输和执行Money和Currency的综合计算。你可以从以下连结下载:

JSR 354:货币和货币API下载


用于处理例如货币数量和货币的API 支持可互换实现的api 用于创建实现类实例的工厂 用于计算、转换和格式化货币金额的功能 用于处理Money和Currencies的Java API,计划包含在Java 9中。 所有规范类和接口都位于javax.money中。*包。

JSR 354: Money and Currency API示例:


MonetaryAmountFactory<?> amountFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory();
MonetaryAmount monetaryAmount = amountFactory.setCurrency(Monetary.getCurrency("EUR")).setNumber(12345.67).create();
MonetaryAmountFormat format = MonetaryFormats.getAmountFormat(Locale.getDefault());


MonetaryAmount monetaryAmount = Money.of(12345.67, "EUR");
MonetaryAmountFormat format = MonetaryFormats.getAmountFormat(Locale.getDefault());


MonetaryAmount monetaryAmount = Money.of(12345.67, "EUR");
MonetaryAmount otherMonetaryAmount = monetaryAmount.divide(2).add(Money.of(5, "EUR"));


// getting CurrencyUnits by locale
CurrencyUnit yen = MonetaryCurrencies.getCurrency(Locale.JAPAN);
CurrencyUnit canadianDollar = MonetaryCurrencies.getCurrency(Locale.CANADA);


MonetaryAmount monetaryAmount = Money.of(123.45, euro);
CurrencyUnit currency = monetaryAmount.getCurrency();
NumberValue numberValue = monetaryAmount.getNumber();

int intValue = numberValue.intValue(); // 123
double doubleValue = numberValue.doubleValue(); // 123.45
long fractionDenominator = numberValue.getAmountFractionDenominator(); // 100
long fractionNumerator = numberValue.getAmountFractionNumerator(); // 45
int precision = numberValue.getPrecision(); // 5

// NumberValue extends java.lang.Number.
// So we assign numberValue to a variable of type Number
Number number = numberValue;


CurrencyUnit usd = MonetaryCurrencies.getCurrency("USD");
MonetaryAmount dollars = Money.of(12.34567, usd);
MonetaryOperator roundingOperator = MonetaryRoundings.getRounding(usd);
MonetaryAmount roundedDollars = dollars.with(roundingOperator); // USD 12.35


List<MonetaryAmount> amounts = new ArrayList<>();
amounts.add(Money.of(2, "EUR"));
amounts.add(Money.of(42, "USD"));
amounts.add(Money.of(7, "USD"));
amounts.add(Money.of(13.37, "JPY"));
amounts.add(Money.of(18, "USD"));


// A monetary operator that returns 10% of the input MonetaryAmount
// Implemented using Java 8 Lambdas
MonetaryOperator tenPercentOperator = (MonetaryAmount amount) -> {
    BigDecimal baseAmount = amount.getNumber().numberValue(BigDecimal.class);
    BigDecimal tenPercent = baseAmount.multiply(new BigDecimal("0.1"));
    return Money.of(tenPercent, amount.getCurrency());

MonetaryAmount dollars = Money.of(12.34567, "USD");

// apply tenPercentOperator to MonetaryAmount
MonetaryAmount tenPercentDollars = dollars.with(tenPercentOperator); // USD 1.234567


使用JSR 354在Java中处理金钱和货币

Java 9货币和货币API (JSR 354)

参见:JSR 354 -货币和货币


以10为基数,可以将10.25写成1025 * 10-2(整数乘以10的幂)。IEEE-754浮点数是不同的,但是考虑它们的一个非常简单的方法是乘以2的幂。例如,您可以看到164 * 2-4(整数乘以2的幂),也等于10.25。这不是数字在内存中的表示方式,但数学含义是相同的。

即使以10为基数,这个符号也不能准确地表示大多数简单的分数。例如,你不能表示1/3:十进制表示是重复的(0.3333…),所以没有一个有限整数可以乘以10的幂得到1/3。你可以设定一个长序列的3和一个小指数,如333333333 * 10-10,但它是不准确的:如果你乘以3,你不会得到1。


The problem with floats and doubles is that the vast majority of money-like numbers don't have an exact representation as an integer times a power of 2. In fact, the only multiples of 0.01 between 0 and 1 (which are significant when dealing with money because they're integer cents) that can be represented exactly as an IEEE-754 binary floating-point number are 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1. All the others are off by a small amount. As an analogy to the 0.333333 example, if you take the floating-point value for 0.01 and you multiply it by 10, you won't get 0.1. Instead you will get something like 0.099999999786...




groovy:000> new BigDecimal(1.0F)
===> 1
groovy:000> new BigDecimal(1.01F)
===> 1.0099999904632568359375


问题是IEEE规范没有一种方法来精确地表示所有的分数,其中一些分数最终是重复的分数,所以你最终会得到近似错误。由于会计人员喜欢精确到每一分钱,如果客户支付账单,在付款处理后他们欠0.01,他们会被收取费用或无法关闭他们的帐户,那么最好使用精确的类型,如decimal(在c#中)或Java. math. bigdecimal。

这并不是说如果你四舍五入,误差就无法控制:请参阅Peter Lawrey的这篇文章。只是从一开始就不用四舍五入更容易。大多数处理资金的应用程序不需要大量的数学运算,操作包括添加东西或将金额分配到不同的存储空间。引入浮点数和舍入只会使事情复杂化。

摘自Bloch, J., Effective Java,(第二版,第48项。第3版,项目60):

float和double类型是 尤其不适用于货币 因为这是不可能的 表示0.1(或任何其他。 10的负次方)作为浮点数或 完全的两倍。 例如,假设您有1.03美元 你花了42c。多少钱? 你走了? System.out.println(1.03 - .42); 输出0.6100000000000001。 解决这个问题的正确方法是 使用BigDecimal, int或long 用于货币计算。




Using a calculator, or calculating results by hand, 1.40 * 165 = 231 exactly. However, internally using doubles, on my compiler / operating system environment, it is stored as a binary number close to 230.99999... so if you truncate the number, you get 230 instead of 231. You may reason that rounding instead of truncating would have given the desired result of 231. That is true, but rounding always involves truncation. Whatever rounding technique you use, there are still boundary conditions like this one that will round down when you expect it to round up. They are rare enough that they often will not be found through casual testing or observation. You may have to write some code to search for examples that illustrate outcomes that do not behave as expected.

Assume you want to round something to the nearest penny. So you take your final result, multiply by 100, add 0.5, truncate, then divide the result by 100 to get back to pennies. If the internal number you stored was 3.46499999.... instead of 3.465, you are going to get 3.46 instead 3.47 when you round the number to the nearest penny. But your base 10 calculations may have indicated that the answer should be 3.465 exactly, which clearly should round up to 3.47, not down to 3.46. These kinds of things happen occasionally in real life when you use doubles for financial calculations. It is rare, so it often goes unnoticed as an issue, but it happens.
