var test = {};
{level1: {level2: {level3: "level3"}}};
if(test.level1 && test.level1.level2 && test.level1.level2.level3) {
根据@Stephane LaFlèche的回答,我提出了另一个剧本版本。
var obj = {"a":{"b":{"c":"Hello World"}},"resTest":"potato","success":"This path exists"};
checkForPathInObject = function(object,path,value) {
var pathParts = path.split("."),
result = false;
// Check if required parameters are set; if not, return false
if(!object || typeof object == 'undefined' || !path || typeof path != 'string')
return false;
/* Loop through object keys to find a way to the path or check for value
* If the property does not exist, set result to false
* If the property is an object, update @object
* Otherwise, update result */
for(var i=0;i<pathParts.length;i++){
var currentPathPart = pathParts[i];
if(!object.hasOwnProperty( currentPathPart )) {
result = false;
} else if (object[ currentPathPart ] && path == pathParts[i]) {
result = pathParts[i];
} else if(typeof object[ currentPathPart ] == 'object') {
object = object[ currentPathPart ];
} else {
result = object[ currentPathPart ];
/* */
if(typeof value != 'undefined' && value == result)
return true;
return result;
// Uncomment the lines below to test the script
// alert( checkForPathInObject(obj,'a.b.c') ); // Results "Hello World"
// alert( checkForPathInObject(obj,'a.success') ); // Returns false
// alert( checkForPathInObject(obj,'resTest', 'potato') ); // Returns true
* Performs a deep search looking for the existence of a property in a
* nested object. Supports namespaced search: Passing a string with
* a parent sub-object where the property key may exist speeds up
* search, for instance: Say you have a nested object and you know for
* certain the property/literal you're looking for is within a certain
* sub-object, you can speed the search up by passing "level2Obj.targetProp"
* @param {object} obj Object to search
* @param {object} key Key to search for
* @return {*} Returns the value (if any) located at the key
var getPropByKey = function( obj, key ) {
var ret = false, ns = key.split("."),
args = arguments,
alen = args.length;
// Search starting with provided namespace
if ( ns.length > 1 ) {
obj = (libName).getPropByKey( obj, ns[0] );
key = ns[1];
// Look for a property in the object
if ( key in obj ) {
return obj[key];
} else {
for ( var o in obj ) {
if ( (libName).isPlainObject( obj[o] ) ) {
ret = (libName).getPropByKey( obj[o], key );
if ( ret === 0 || ret === undefined || ret ) {
return ret;
return false;