我相当熟悉c++ 11的std::thread, std::async和std::future组件(例如,请看这个答案),这些都很简单。
我相当熟悉c++ 11的std::thread, std::async和std::future组件(例如,请看这个答案),这些都很简单。
一句话解释: future::get()永远等待promise::set_value()。
void print_int(std::future<int>& fut) {
int x = fut.get(); // future would wait prom.set_value forever
std::cout << "value: " << x << '\n';
int main()
std::promise<int> prom; // create promise
std::future<int> fut = prom.get_future(); // engagement with future
std::thread th1(print_int, std::ref(fut)); // send future to new thread
prom.set_value(10); // fulfill promise
// (synchronizes with getting the future)
return 0;
随着技术规范N4663编程语言- c++扩展协程的提议和Visual Studio 2017 c++编译器对co_await的支持,也可以使用std::future和std::async来编写协程功能。请参阅https://stackoverflow.com/a/50753040/1466970中的讨论和示例,其中有一节讨论了std::future与co_await的使用。
下面的示例代码是一个简单的Visual Studio 2013 Windows控制台应用程序,展示了使用一些c++ 11并发类/模板和其他功能。它说明了promise/future的使用情况,自治线程将完成一些任务并停止,以及需要更多同步行为的使用情况,由于需要多个通知,promise/future对无法工作。
main()的第一部分是创建另外三个线程,并使用std::promise和std::future在线程之间发送数据。一个有趣的点是主线程启动一个线程T2,它将等待主线程的数据,执行一些操作,然后将数据发送给第三个线程T3, T3将执行一些操作并将数据发送回主线程。
类Sync_queue的源代码来自Stroustrup的《c++ Programming Language: 4th Edition》。
// cpp_threads.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <thread> // std::thread is defined here
#include <future> // std::future and std::promise defined here
#include <list> // std::list which we use to build a message queue on.
static std::atomic<int> kount(1); // this variable is used to provide an identifier for each thread started.
// create a simple queue to let us send notifications to some of our threads.
// a future and promise are one shot type of notifications.
// we use Sync_queue<> to have a queue between a producer thread and a consumer thread.
// this code taken from chapter 42 section 42.3.4
// The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup
// copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.
template<typename Ttype>
class Sync_queue {
void put(const Ttype &val);
void get(Ttype &val);
std::mutex mtx; // mutex used to synchronize queue access
std::condition_variable cond; // used for notifications when things are added to queue
std::list <Ttype> q; // list that is used as a message queue
template<typename Ttype>
void Sync_queue<Ttype>::put(const Ttype &val) {
std::lock_guard <std::mutex> lck(mtx);
template<typename Ttype>
void Sync_queue<Ttype>::get(Ttype &val) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);
cond.wait(lck, [this]{return !q.empty(); });
val = q.front();
// thread function that starts up and gets its identifier and then
// waits for a promise to be filled by some other thread.
void func(std::promise<int> &jj) {
int myId = std::atomic_fetch_add(&kount, 1); // get my identifier
std::future<int> intFuture(jj.get_future());
auto ll = intFuture.get(); // wait for the promise attached to the future
std::cout << " func " << myId << " future " << ll << std::endl;
// function takes a promise from one thread and creates a value to provide as a promise to another thread.
void func2(std::promise<int> &jj, std::promise<int>&pp) {
int myId = std::atomic_fetch_add(&kount, 1); // get my identifier
std::future<int> intFuture(jj.get_future());
auto ll = intFuture.get(); // wait for the promise attached to the future
auto promiseValue = ll * 100; // create the value to provide as promised to the next thread in the chain
std::cout << " func2 " << myId << " promised " << promiseValue << " ll was " << ll << std::endl;
// thread function that starts up and waits for a series of notifications for work to do.
void func3(Sync_queue<int> &q, int iBegin, int iEnd, int *pInts) {
int myId = std::atomic_fetch_add(&kount, 1);
int ll;
q.get(ll); // wait on a notification and when we get it, processes it.
while (ll > 0) {
std::cout << " func3 " << myId << " start loop base " << ll << " " << iBegin << " to " << iEnd << std::endl;
for (int i = iBegin; i < iEnd; i++) {
pInts[i] = ll + i;
q.get(ll); // we finished this job so now wait for the next one.
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
std::chrono::milliseconds myDur(1000);
// create our various promise and future objects which we are going to use to synchronise our threads
// create our three threads which are going to do some simple things.
std::cout << "MAIN #1 - create our threads." << std::endl;
// thread T1 is going to wait on a promised int
std::promise<int> intPromiseT1;
std::thread t1(func, std::ref(intPromiseT1));
// thread T2 is going to wait on a promised int and then provide a promised int to thread T3
std::promise<int> intPromiseT2;
std::promise<int> intPromiseT3;
std::thread t2(func2, std::ref(intPromiseT2), std::ref(intPromiseT3));
// thread T3 is going to wait on a promised int and then provide a promised int to thread Main
std::promise<int> intPromiseMain;
std::thread t3(func2, std::ref(intPromiseT3), std::ref(intPromiseMain));
std::cout << "MAIN #2 - provide the value for promise #1" << std::endl;
std::cout << "MAIN #2.2 - provide the value for promise #2" << std::endl;
std::cout << "MAIN #2.4 - set_value 1001 completed." << std::endl;
std::future<int> intFutureMain(intPromiseMain.get_future());
auto t3Promised = intFutureMain.get();
std::cout << "MAIN #2.3 - intFutureMain.get() from T3. " << t3Promised << std::endl;
int iArray[100];
Sync_queue<int> q1; // notification queue for messages to thread t11
Sync_queue<int> q2; // notification queue for messages to thread t12
std::thread t11(func3, std::ref(q1), 0, 5, iArray); // start thread t11 with its queue and section of the array
std::thread t12(func3, std::ref(q2), 10, 15, iArray); // start thread t12 with its queue and section of the array
// send a series of jobs to our threads by sending notification to each thread's queue.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
std::cout << "MAIN #11 Loop to do array " << i << std::endl;
std::this_thread::sleep_for(myDur); // sleep a moment for I/O to complete
q1.put(i + 100);
std::this_thread::sleep_for(myDur); // sleep a moment for I/O to complete
q2.put(i + 1000);
std::this_thread::sleep_for(myDur); // sleep a moment for I/O to complete
// close down the job threads so that we can quit.
q1.put(-1); // indicate we are done with agreed upon out of range data value
q2.put(-1); // indicate we are done with agreed upon out of range data value
return 0;
MAIN #1 - create our threads.
MAIN #2 - provide the value for promise #1
func 1 future 22
MAIN #2.2 - provide the value for promise #2
func2 2 promised 100100 ll was 1001
func2 3 promised 10010000 ll was 100100
MAIN #2.4 - set_value 1001 completed.
MAIN #2.3 - intFutureMain.get() from T3. 10010000
MAIN #11 Loop to do array 0
func3 4 start loop base 100 0 to 5
func3 5 start loop base 1000 10 to 15
MAIN #11 Loop to do array 1
func3 4 start loop base 101 0 to 5
func3 5 start loop base 1001 10 to 15
MAIN #11 Loop to do array 2
func3 4 start loop base 102 0 to 5
func3 5 start loop base 1002 10 to 15
MAIN #11 Loop to do array 3
func3 4 start loop base 103 0 to 5
func3 5 start loop base 1003 10 to 15
MAIN #11 Loop to do array 4
func3 4 start loop base 104 0 to 5
func3 5 start loop base 1004 10 to 15
std::promise is a bit lower-level, for when you want to pass an asynchronous result to the future, but the code that makes the result ready cannot be wrapped up in a single function suitable for passing to std::async. For example, you might have an array of several promises and associated futures and have a single thread which does several calculations and sets a result on each promise. async would only allow you to return a single result, to return several you would need to call async several times, which might waste resources.
c++ 11中有两个截然不同但又相关的概念:异步计算(在其他地方调用的函数)和并发执行(线程,并行工作的东西)。这两个概念在某种程度上是正交的。异步计算只是一种不同风格的函数调用,而线程是一个执行上下文。线程本身是有用的,但是为了讨论的目的,我将把它们作为一个实现细节。
int foo(double, char, bool);
std::async: The most convenient and straight-forward way to perform an asynchronous computation is via the async function template, which returns the matching future immediately: auto fut = std::async(foo, 1.5, 'x', false); // is a std::future<int> We have very little control over the details. In particular, we don't even know if the function is executed concurrently, serially upon get(), or by some other black magic. However, the result is easily obtained when needed: auto res = fut.get(); // is an int We can now consider how to implement something like async, but in a fashion that we control. For example, we may insist that the function be executed in a separate thread. We already know that we can provide a separate thread by means of the std::thread class. The next lower level of abstraction does exactly that: std::packaged_task. This is a template that wraps a function and provides a future for the functions return value, but the object itself is callable, and calling it is at the user's discretion. We can set it up like this: std::packaged_task<int(double, char, bool)> tsk(foo); auto fut = tsk.get_future(); // is a std::future<int> The future becomes ready once we call the task and the call completes. This is the ideal job for a separate thread. We just have to make sure to move the task into the thread: std::thread thr(std::move(tsk), 1.5, 'x', false); The thread starts running immediately. We can either detach it, or have join it at the end of the scope, or whenever (e.g. using Anthony Williams's scoped_thread wrapper, which really should be in the standard library). The details of using std::thread don't concern us here, though; just be sure to join or detach thr eventually. What matters is that whenever the function call finishes, our result is ready: auto res = fut.get(); // as before Now we're down to the lowest level: How would we implement the packaged task? This is where the std::promise comes in. The promise is the building block for communicating with a future. The principal steps are these: The calling thread makes a promise. The calling thread obtains a future from the promise. The promise, along with function arguments, are moved into a separate thread. The new thread executes the function and fulfills the promise. The original thread retrieves the result. As an example, here's our very own "packaged task": template <typename> class my_task; template <typename R, typename ...Args> class my_task<R(Args...)> { std::function<R(Args...)> fn; std::promise<R> pr; // the promise of the result public: template <typename ...Ts> explicit my_task(Ts &&... ts) : fn(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...) { } template <typename ...Ts> void operator()(Ts &&... ts) { pr.set_value(fn(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...)); // fulfill the promise } std::future<R> get_future() { return pr.get_future(); } // disable copy, default move }; Usage of this template is essentially the same as that of std::packaged_task. Note that moving the entire task subsumes moving the promise. In more ad-hoc situations, one could also move a promise object explicitly into the new thread and make it a function argument of the thread function, but a task wrapper like the one above seems like a more flexible and less intrusive solution.
A default-constructed promise is inactive. Inactive promises can die without consequence. A promise becomes active when a future is obtained via get_future(). However, only one future may be obtained! A promise must either be satisfied via set_value() or have an exception set via set_exception() before its lifetime ends if its future is to be consumed. A satisfied promise can die without consequence, and get() becomes available on the future. A promise with an exception will raise the stored exception upon call of get() on the future. If the promise dies with neither value nor exception, calling get() on the future will raise a "broken promise" exception.
#include <iostream>
#include <future>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
int test();
int main()
return test();
catch (std::future_error const & e)
std::cout << "Future error: " << e.what() << " / " << e.code() << std::endl;
catch (std::exception const & e)
std::cout << "Standard exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
catch (...)
std::cout << "Unknown exception." << std::endl;
int test()
std::promise<int> pr;
return 0;
// fine, no problems
int test()
std::promise<int> pr;
auto fut = pr.get_future();
return 0;
// fine, no problems; fut.get() would block indefinitely
int test()
std::promise<int> pr;
auto fut1 = pr.get_future();
auto fut2 = pr.get_future(); // Error: "Future already retrieved"
return 0;
int test()
std::promise<int> pr;
auto fut = pr.get_future();
std::promise<int> pr2(std::move(pr));
return fut.get();
// Fine, returns "10".
int test()
std::promise<int> pr;
auto fut = pr.get_future();
std::promise<int> pr2(std::move(pr));
pr2.set_value(10); // Error: "Promise already satisfied"
return fut.get();
int test()
std::promise<int> pr;
auto fut = pr.get_future();
std::promise<int> pr2(std::move(pr));
return fut.get();
// throws the runtime_error exception
int test()
std::promise<int> pr;
auto fut = pr.get_future();
std::promise<int> pr2(std::move(pr));
} // Error: "broken promise"
return fut.get();
Bartosz milwski提供了一个很好的记录。
c++将期货的实现划分为一个集合 小块的
承诺是传递返回值(或对象)的载体 异常)从执行函数的线程到线程 这就利用了未来的功能。
对象周围构造的同步对象 承诺信道的接收端。
promise<int> intPromise;
future<int> intFuture = intPromise.get_future();
std::thread t(asyncFun, std::move(intPromise));
// do some other stuff
int result = intFuture.get(); // may throw MyException