我相当熟悉c++ 11的std::thread, std::async和std::future组件(例如,请看这个答案),这些都很简单。
我相当熟悉c++ 11的std::thread, std::async和std::future组件(例如,请看这个答案),这些都很简单。
随着技术规范N4663编程语言- c++扩展协程的提议和Visual Studio 2017 c++编译器对co_await的支持,也可以使用std::future和std::async来编写协程功能。请参阅https://stackoverflow.com/a/50753040/1466970中的讨论和示例,其中有一节讨论了std::future与co_await的使用。
下面的示例代码是一个简单的Visual Studio 2013 Windows控制台应用程序,展示了使用一些c++ 11并发类/模板和其他功能。它说明了promise/future的使用情况,自治线程将完成一些任务并停止,以及需要更多同步行为的使用情况,由于需要多个通知,promise/future对无法工作。
main()的第一部分是创建另外三个线程,并使用std::promise和std::future在线程之间发送数据。一个有趣的点是主线程启动一个线程T2,它将等待主线程的数据,执行一些操作,然后将数据发送给第三个线程T3, T3将执行一些操作并将数据发送回主线程。
类Sync_queue的源代码来自Stroustrup的《c++ Programming Language: 4th Edition》。
// cpp_threads.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <thread> // std::thread is defined here
#include <future> // std::future and std::promise defined here
#include <list> // std::list which we use to build a message queue on.
static std::atomic<int> kount(1); // this variable is used to provide an identifier for each thread started.
// create a simple queue to let us send notifications to some of our threads.
// a future and promise are one shot type of notifications.
// we use Sync_queue<> to have a queue between a producer thread and a consumer thread.
// this code taken from chapter 42 section 42.3.4
// The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup
// copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.
template<typename Ttype>
class Sync_queue {
void put(const Ttype &val);
void get(Ttype &val);
std::mutex mtx; // mutex used to synchronize queue access
std::condition_variable cond; // used for notifications when things are added to queue
std::list <Ttype> q; // list that is used as a message queue
template<typename Ttype>
void Sync_queue<Ttype>::put(const Ttype &val) {
std::lock_guard <std::mutex> lck(mtx);
template<typename Ttype>
void Sync_queue<Ttype>::get(Ttype &val) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);
cond.wait(lck, [this]{return !q.empty(); });
val = q.front();
// thread function that starts up and gets its identifier and then
// waits for a promise to be filled by some other thread.
void func(std::promise<int> &jj) {
int myId = std::atomic_fetch_add(&kount, 1); // get my identifier
std::future<int> intFuture(jj.get_future());
auto ll = intFuture.get(); // wait for the promise attached to the future
std::cout << " func " << myId << " future " << ll << std::endl;
// function takes a promise from one thread and creates a value to provide as a promise to another thread.
void func2(std::promise<int> &jj, std::promise<int>&pp) {
int myId = std::atomic_fetch_add(&kount, 1); // get my identifier
std::future<int> intFuture(jj.get_future());
auto ll = intFuture.get(); // wait for the promise attached to the future
auto promiseValue = ll * 100; // create the value to provide as promised to the next thread in the chain
std::cout << " func2 " << myId << " promised " << promiseValue << " ll was " << ll << std::endl;
// thread function that starts up and waits for a series of notifications for work to do.
void func3(Sync_queue<int> &q, int iBegin, int iEnd, int *pInts) {
int myId = std::atomic_fetch_add(&kount, 1);
int ll;
q.get(ll); // wait on a notification and when we get it, processes it.
while (ll > 0) {
std::cout << " func3 " << myId << " start loop base " << ll << " " << iBegin << " to " << iEnd << std::endl;
for (int i = iBegin; i < iEnd; i++) {
pInts[i] = ll + i;
q.get(ll); // we finished this job so now wait for the next one.
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
std::chrono::milliseconds myDur(1000);
// create our various promise and future objects which we are going to use to synchronise our threads
// create our three threads which are going to do some simple things.
std::cout << "MAIN #1 - create our threads." << std::endl;
// thread T1 is going to wait on a promised int
std::promise<int> intPromiseT1;
std::thread t1(func, std::ref(intPromiseT1));
// thread T2 is going to wait on a promised int and then provide a promised int to thread T3
std::promise<int> intPromiseT2;
std::promise<int> intPromiseT3;
std::thread t2(func2, std::ref(intPromiseT2), std::ref(intPromiseT3));
// thread T3 is going to wait on a promised int and then provide a promised int to thread Main
std::promise<int> intPromiseMain;
std::thread t3(func2, std::ref(intPromiseT3), std::ref(intPromiseMain));
std::cout << "MAIN #2 - provide the value for promise #1" << std::endl;
std::cout << "MAIN #2.2 - provide the value for promise #2" << std::endl;
std::cout << "MAIN #2.4 - set_value 1001 completed." << std::endl;
std::future<int> intFutureMain(intPromiseMain.get_future());
auto t3Promised = intFutureMain.get();
std::cout << "MAIN #2.3 - intFutureMain.get() from T3. " << t3Promised << std::endl;
int iArray[100];
Sync_queue<int> q1; // notification queue for messages to thread t11
Sync_queue<int> q2; // notification queue for messages to thread t12
std::thread t11(func3, std::ref(q1), 0, 5, iArray); // start thread t11 with its queue and section of the array
std::thread t12(func3, std::ref(q2), 10, 15, iArray); // start thread t12 with its queue and section of the array
// send a series of jobs to our threads by sending notification to each thread's queue.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
std::cout << "MAIN #11 Loop to do array " << i << std::endl;
std::this_thread::sleep_for(myDur); // sleep a moment for I/O to complete
q1.put(i + 100);
std::this_thread::sleep_for(myDur); // sleep a moment for I/O to complete
q2.put(i + 1000);
std::this_thread::sleep_for(myDur); // sleep a moment for I/O to complete
// close down the job threads so that we can quit.
q1.put(-1); // indicate we are done with agreed upon out of range data value
q2.put(-1); // indicate we are done with agreed upon out of range data value
return 0;
MAIN #1 - create our threads.
MAIN #2 - provide the value for promise #1
func 1 future 22
MAIN #2.2 - provide the value for promise #2
func2 2 promised 100100 ll was 1001
func2 3 promised 10010000 ll was 100100
MAIN #2.4 - set_value 1001 completed.
MAIN #2.3 - intFutureMain.get() from T3. 10010000
MAIN #11 Loop to do array 0
func3 4 start loop base 100 0 to 5
func3 5 start loop base 1000 10 to 15
MAIN #11 Loop to do array 1
func3 4 start loop base 101 0 to 5
func3 5 start loop base 1001 10 to 15
MAIN #11 Loop to do array 2
func3 4 start loop base 102 0 to 5
func3 5 start loop base 1002 10 to 15
MAIN #11 Loop to do array 3
func3 4 start loop base 103 0 to 5
func3 5 start loop base 1003 10 to 15
MAIN #11 Loop to do array 4
func3 4 start loop base 104 0 to 5
func3 5 start loop base 1004 10 to 15
在异步处理中有3个核心实体。c++ 11目前专注于其中的两个。
任务(逻辑打包为某个函子对象)将运行“某处”。 实际的处理节点——线程、进程等,当这些函子被提供给它时运行它们。查看“Command”设计模式,了解基本工作线程池是如何做到这一点的。 结果句柄:有人需要这个结果,需要一个对象来为他们获取结果。出于OOP和其他原因,任何等待或同步都应该在这个句柄的api中完成。
c++ 11调用了我在(1)std::promise和(3)std::future中提到的东西。 std::thread是(2)唯一公开提供的东西。这是不幸的,因为真正的程序需要管理线程和内存资源,大多数程序都希望任务运行在线程池上,而不是为每个小任务创建和销毁一个线程(这几乎总是会导致不必要的性能损失,并且很容易造成更糟糕的资源短缺)。
根据Herb Sutter和c++ 11智囊团的其他人的说法,他们暂定计划添加std::executor,这很像Java,将是线程池的基础,逻辑上类似于(2)的设置。也许我们会在c++ 2014中看到它,但我打赌更像c++ 17(如果他们搞砸了这些标准,上帝会帮助我们)。
std::promise is a bit lower-level, for when you want to pass an asynchronous result to the future, but the code that makes the result ready cannot be wrapped up in a single function suitable for passing to std::async. For example, you might have an array of several promises and associated futures and have a single thread which does several calculations and sets a result on each promise. async would only allow you to return a single result, to return several you would need to call async several times, which might waste resources.
Bartosz milwski提供了一个很好的记录。
c++将期货的实现划分为一个集合 小块的
承诺是传递返回值(或对象)的载体 异常)从执行函数的线程到线程 这就利用了未来的功能。
对象周围构造的同步对象 承诺信道的接收端。
promise<int> intPromise;
future<int> intFuture = intPromise.get_future();
std::thread t(asyncFun, std::move(intPromise));
// do some other stuff
int result = intFuture.get(); // may throw MyException