在与同事讨论了c# 3中var关键字的使用后,我想知道人们对通过var适当使用类型推断的看法是什么?
foreach(var item in someList) { // ... } // Type of 'item' not clear.
var something = someObject.SomeProperty; // Type of 'something' not clear.
var something = someMethod(); // Type of 'something' not clear.
var l = new List<string>(); // Obvious what l will be.
var s = new SomeClass(); // Obvious what s will be.
var results = from r in dataContext.SomeTable
select r; // Not *entirely clear* what results will be here.
var results = from item in someList
where item != 3
select item;
这并不比等价的foreach(var item in someList){//…}相当于。
Those saying 'it doesn't matter, use what you're happy with' are not seeing the whole picture. Everyone will pick up other people's code at one point or another and have to deal with whatever decisions they made at the time they wrote it. It's bad enough having to deal with radically different naming conventions, or - the classic gripe - bracing styles, without adding the whole 'var or not' thing into the mix. The worst case will be where one programmer didn't use var and then along comes a maintainer who loves it, and extends the code using it. So now you have an unholy mess.
I don't mind dynamic typing, and I don't mind implict typing - in languages that are designed for them. I quite like Python. But C# was designed as a statically explicitly-typed language and that's how it should stay. Breaking the rules for anonymous types was bad enough; letting people take that still further and break the idioms of the language even more is something I'm not happy with. Now that the genie is out of the bottle, it'll never go back in. C# will become balkanised into camps. Not good.
var something = SomeMethod();
var list = new List<KeyValuePair<string, double>>();
FillList( list );
foreach( var item in list ) {
DoWork( item );
对我来说,对var的反感说明了。net中双语的重要性。对于那些使用过VB . net的c#程序员来说,var的优势是显而易见的。标准的c#声明:
List<string> whatever = new List<string>();
在VB .NET中,相当于键入:
Dim whatever As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
不过,在VB . net中没有人这样做。这样做是愚蠢的,因为从。net的第一个版本开始,你就可以这样做了…
Dim whatever As New List(Of String)
...它创建变量并在一个相当紧凑的行中初始化它。啊,但是如果你想要一个IList<string>,而不是一个List<string>?在VB .NET中,这意味着你必须这样做:
Dim whatever As IList(Of String) = New List(Of String)
IList<string> whatever = new List<string>();