最近Stack Overflow上有一群讨厌perl的人,所以我想我应该把我的“关于你最喜欢的语言你讨厌的五件事”的问题带到Stack Overflow上。拿你最喜欢的语言来说,告诉我你讨厌它的五件事。这些可能只是让你烦恼的事情,承认的设计缺陷,公认的性能问题,或任何其他类别。你只需要讨厌它,它必须是你最喜欢的语言。




This is a good question for code reviews too. People who really know a codebase will have all sorts of suggestions for it, and those who don't know it so well have non-specific complaints. I ask things like "If you could start over on this project, what would you do differently?" In this fantasy land, users and programmers get to complain about anything and everything they don't like. "I want a better interface", "I want to separate the model from the view", "I'd use this module instead of this other one", "I'd rename this set of methods", or whatever they really don't like about the current situation. That's how I get a handle on how much a particular developer knows about the codebase. It's also a clue about how much of the programmer's ego is tied up in what he's telling me.



下面是关于Perl 5的更多内容,来自创建了大量Perl模块,特别是在Moose上工作过的人的观点。

The horrible brokenness that is overloading and tied variables. Both of these features are a failed attempt to allow transparent extension to the built-in types. They both fail in various ways, and require module authors like myself to either implement horrible hacks to support them, or to say "never pass an overloaded object to the foo() method". Neither alternative is really acceptable. Lack of proper hooks into the compilation process and the meta-model. Moose in general, and role usage in particular, could be made much safer if the Perl core allowed us to affect the compilation process via a sane API that allowed us to hook into the meta-model (packages, classes, etc.) Lack of named parameters built into the language. Instead, everyone reinvents this. It's annoying. Similarly, lack of optional types. I don't want a static language, but the ability to specify types and constraints, particularly on function/method parameters, would be great. Perl 6 gets this right. Types are optional, but very rich, and there's no fundamental difference between built-in and user-defined types. The backwards compatibility police. This is more of a cultural issue. A number of the above issues can never really be fixed, since Perl 5 has a very strong commitment to backwards compatibility. So even if something were to be added that effectively replaced the current ball of shit that is tie and overloading, those features will never be removed. Of course, backwards compatibility is also one of Perl 5's greatest strengths. Bonus hate: Perl's built-in exception mechanism is a joke. The fact that exceptions may be a string or object makes for an eternity of fiddly exception-catching code, and the lack of a catch in the language syntax is the wart on the wart.






我的意思是,是的,在c++ 0x中有std::thread,但没有std::socket或任何类似的东西。没有跨平台代码的主要原因是,您必须为希望在多个平台上执行的每个函数学习一个新的库。没有作为标准提供的OS头文件或OS函数,c++只适合推位。


Double x, int y, char z = func();和void func(double x, int y, char z)一样有效;请。没有返回值重载的唯一原因是我们“可能”编写了模棱两可的代码。可能!请在我真正写出模棱两可的代码时给我悲伤,而不是之前。






1) It's a scripting language and not a fully compiled one (I'd prefer to be able to compile binaries—I don't care about bytecode). This is very annoying if I have to use very many libraries (i.e. everyone who uses my program has to install all the libraries, and this basically means no normal people will be able to, or have the patience to, properly set it up—unless I do a ton of work that should be unnecessary). I know ways to make binaries, but they don't always work, and I'm guessing they bundle the interpreter in the binaries anyhow (and I don't want that). Now, if I could get a bytecode compiler that would include copies of all the files that I imported (and only those) to be placed in my program's folder, that might be a suitable compromise (then no one would have to download extra libraries and such). It would also be nice if the compiled python files could be compressed into a single file with one specified as the file to run the program before this is done.

2)有时看起来有点bug;有几次,应该工作的代码根本没有工作(没有程序员错误),特别是与“from moduleX import *”和其他导入相关的问题有关的代码,以及一些与全局和局部变量有关的问题。










局部函数不能让步 编译lambda的能力有时取决于它是否内联 元组的值/引用类型语义不一致 数组下标和类型参数之间偶尔会出现歧义 缺乏普遍采用


默认情况下弱类型(Option Strict修复了这个问题,但默认情况下没有启用) 在方法上不需要括号(myFunction而不是myFunction()等等) 是否使用括号来定义数组/使用(myArray(12)而不是myArray[12]) 不支持直接递增(i++) 是否支持遗留的On Error关键字和整个VB6-Namespace


No statements in lambdas. GRRRR foo( a for b in c if d ) feels wrong, it surprises me every time I get away with it. Shouldin't it be foo( (a for b in c if d) )? Can i have a dict comprehension? map and filter operators have special syntax in list comprehensions, how about something for reduce? or sort? Just by having a yield statement in it, a function is magically transformed into a generator, and its interface changes completely. Also, that generator cannot do any work before the first next(). at least, not without using a function that returns a generator.


No brief syntax for making modular code libraries. You have to call a function that returns a dictionary of public methods. And you have to edit that in (at least) two places every time you alter the interface of your module. Creating closures involves returning it from a function that returns a function from ('sup dog) yo' function. Clutter! for each ( foo ) syntax and behavior feels like an afterthought. Knowing when your code will actually run (and in what order) is more of a dark-art. The only way to get it right for sure is put everything (yes, that too) in one big file. and even then you still need to wait for a document.onload Am i missing something? is there no trivial way to get json serialized values without building them by hand? (yes jQuery can do this, sort of).