





24.08.2010 Codeplex页面现在在这里:http://extensionoverflow.codeplex.com/

11.11.2008 XmlSerialize / XmlDeserialize现在是实现和单元测试。



11.11.2008 FormatWith现在是实现和单元测试。


我们需要更多的开发人员。: -)

09.11.2008 ThrowIfArgumentIsNull现已在Codeplex上实现和单元测试。



/// <summary>
/// Returns the fiscal year for the passed in date
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">the date</param>
/// <returns>the fiscal year</returns>
public static int FiscalYear(this DateTime value)
  int ret = value.Year;
  if (value.Month >= 7) ret++;
  return ret;

/// <summary>
/// Returns the fiscal year for the passed in date
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">the date</param>
/// <returns>the fiscal year</returns>
public static string FiscalYearString(this DateTime value)
  int fy = FiscalYear(value);
  return "{0}/{1}".Format(fy - 1, fy);


获取一个camelCaseWord或PascalCaseWord并将其“Word化”,即camelCaseWord => camelCaseWord

public static string Wordify( this string camelCaseWord )
    // if the word is all upper, just return it
    if( !Regex.IsMatch( camelCaseWord, "[a-z]" ) )
        return camelCaseWord;

    return string.Join( " ", Regex.Split( camelCaseWord, @"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])" ) );


public static string Capitalize( this string word )
    return word[0].ToString( ).ToUpper( ) + word.Substring( 1 );


SomeEntityObject entity = DataAccessObject.GetSomeEntityObject( id );
List<PropertyInfo> properties = entity.GetType().GetPublicNonCollectionProperties( );

// wordify the property names to act as column headers for an html table or something
List<string> columns = properties.Select( p => p.Name.Capitalize( ).Wordify( ) ).ToList( );


// This file contains extension methods for generic List<> class to operate on sorted lists.
// Duplicate values are OK.
// O(ln(n)) is still much faster then the O(n) of LINQ's searches/filters.
static partial class SortedList
    // Return the index of the first element with the key greater then provided.
    // If there's no such element within the provided range, it returns iAfterLast.
    public static int sortedFirstGreaterIndex<tElt, tKey>( this IList<tElt> list, Func<tElt, tKey, int> comparer, tKey key, int iFirst, int iAfterLast )
        if( iFirst < 0 || iAfterLast < 0 || iFirst > list.Count || iAfterLast > list.Count )
            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
        if( iFirst > iAfterLast )
            throw new ArgumentException();
        if( iFirst == iAfterLast )
            return iAfterLast;

        int low = iFirst, high = iAfterLast;
        // The code below is inspired by the following article:
        // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search#Single_comparison_per_iteration
        while( low < high )
            int mid = ( high + low ) / 2;
            // 'mid' might be 'iFirst' in case 'iFirst+1 == iAfterLast'.
            // 'mid' will never be 'iAfterLast'.
            if( comparer( list[ mid ], key ) <= 0 ) // "<=" since we gonna find the first "greater" element
                low = mid + 1;
                high = mid;
        return low;

    // Return the index of the first element with the key greater then the provided key.
    // If there's no such element, returns list.Count.
    public static int sortedFirstGreaterIndex<tElt, tKey>( this IList<tElt> list, Func<tElt, tKey, int> comparer, tKey key )
        return list.sortedFirstGreaterIndex( comparer, key, 0, list.Count );

    // Add an element to the sorted array.
    // This could be an expensive operation if frequently adding elements that sort firstly.
    // This is cheap operation when adding elements that sort near the tail of the list.
    public static int sortedAdd<tElt>( this List<tElt> list, Func<tElt, tElt, int> comparer, tElt elt )
        if( list.Count == 0 || comparer( list[ list.Count - 1 ], elt ) <= 0 )
            // either the list is empty, or the item is greater then all elements already in the collection.
            list.Add( elt );
            return list.Count - 1;
        int ind = list.sortedFirstGreaterIndex( comparer, elt );
        list.Insert( ind, elt );
        return ind;

    // Find first exactly equal element, return -1 if not found.
    public static int sortedFindFirstIndex<tElt, tKey>( this List<tElt> list, Func<tElt, tKey, int> comparer, tKey elt )
        int low = 0, high = list.Count - 1;

        while( low < high )
            int mid = ( high + low ) / 2;
            if( comparer( list[ mid ], elt ) < 0 )
                low = mid + 1;
                high = mid; // this includes the case when we've found an element exactly matching the key
        if( high >= 0 && 0 == comparer( list[ high ], elt ) )
            return high;
        return -1;

    // Return the IEnumerable that returns array elements in the reverse order.
    public static IEnumerable<tElt> sortedReverse<tElt>( this List<tElt> list )
        for( int i=list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            yield return list[ i ];

我使用这个扩展方法通常与匿名类型,以获得一个字典ala ruby

public static Dictionary<string, object> ToDictionary(this object o)
    var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    foreach (var propertyInfo in o.GetType().GetProperties())
        if (propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0)
            dictionary.Add(propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.GetValue(o, null));

    return dictionary;


var dummy = new { color = "#000000", width = "100%", id = "myid" };
Dictionary<string, object> dict = dummy.ToDictionary();


public static void ForEach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Action<T> action)
    foreach (T item in source)


dummy.ToDictionary().ForEach((p) => Console.Write("{0}='{1}' ", p.Key, p.Value));


Color ='#000000' width='100%' id='myid'


public static string ToXml<T>(this T obj) where T : class
    XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(obj.GetType());
    using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter())
        s.Serialize(writer, obj);
        return writer.ToString();

public static class EnumerableExtensions
    public static U MapReduce<T, U>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, Func<T, U> map, Func<U, U, U> reduce)
        CodeContract.RequiresAlways(enumerable != null);
        CodeContract.RequiresAlways(map != null);
        CodeContract.RequiresAlways(reduce != null);
        return enumerable.AsParallel().Select(map).Aggregate(reduce);
    public static U MapReduce<T, U>(this IList<T> list, Func<T, U> map, Func<U, U, U> reduce)
        CodeContract.RequiresAlways(list != null);
        CodeContract.RequiresAlways(list.Count >= 2);
        CodeContract.RequiresAlways(map != null);
        CodeContract.RequiresAlways(reduce != null);
        U result = map(list[0]);
        for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++)
            result = reduce(result,map(list[i]));
        return result;

    //Parallel version; creates garbage
    public static U MapReduce<T, U>(this IList<T> list, Func<T, U> map, Func<U, U, U> reduce)
        CodeContract.RequiresAlways(list != null);
        CodeContract.RequiresAlways(map != null);
        CodeContract.RequiresAlways(reduce != null);

        U[] mapped = new U[list.Count];
        Parallel.For(0, mapped.Length, i =>
                mapped[i] = map(list[i]);
        U result = mapped[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++)
            result = reduce(result, mapped[i]);
        return result;
