我一直以为Java使用pass-by-reference. 但是,我读了一篇博客文章,声称Java使用pass-by-value. 我不认为我明白作者所做的区别。




* * *

public class PassByValueString {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new PassByValueString().caller();

    public void caller() {
        String value = "Nikhil";
        boolean valueflag = false;
        String output = method(value, valueflag);
         * 'output' is insignificant in this example. we are more interested in
         * 'value' and 'valueflag'
        System.out.println("output : " + output);
        System.out.println("value : " + value);
        System.out.println("valueflag : " + valueflag);


    public String method(String value, boolean valueflag) {
        value = "Anand";
        valueflag = true;
        return "output";

output : output
value : Nikhil
valueflag : false


/** * * Pass By 價值 */

public class PassByValueNewString {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new PassByValueNewString().caller();

    public void caller() {
        String value = new String("Nikhil");
        boolean valueflag = false;
        String output = method(value, valueflag);
         * 'output' is insignificant in this example. we are more interested in
         * 'value' and 'valueflag'
        System.out.println("output : " + output);
        System.out.println("value : " + value);
        System.out.println("valueflag : " + valueflag);


    public String method(String value, boolean valueflag) {
        value = "Anand";
        valueflag = true;
        return "output";

output : output
value : Nikhil
valueflag : false

/** 这个“通过价值”具有“通过参考”的感觉

但是,从这个例子,我们可以理解,它只是通过值,记住,在这里我们通过参考作为值. 也就是说:参考通过值. 这就是为什么它们可以改变,但它仍然保持在当地范围后真实。

public class PassByValueObjectCase1 {

    private class Student {
        int id;
        String name;
        public Student() {
        public Student(int id, String name) {
            this.id = id;
            this.name = name;
        public int getId() {
            return id;
        public void setId(int id) {
            this.id = id;
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public void setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;
        public String toString() {
            return "Student [id=" + id + ", name=" + name + "]";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new PassByValueObjectCase1().caller();

    public void caller() {
        Student student = new Student(10, "Nikhil");
        String output = method(student);
         * 'output' is insignificant in this example. we are more interested in
         * 'student'
        System.out.println("output : " + output);
        System.out.println("student : " + student);

    public String method(Student student) {
        return "output";


output : output
student : Student [id=10, name=Anand]


* * *


注意: 我不符合私人课堂学生的代码. 学生的课堂定义与例子3相同。

public class PassByValueObjectCase2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new PassByValueObjectCase2().caller();

    public void caller() {
        // student has the actual reference to a Student object created
        // can we change this actual reference outside the local scope? Let's see
        Student student = new Student(10, "Nikhil");
        String output = method(student);
         * 'output' is insignificant in this example. we are more interested in
         * 'student'
        System.out.println("output : " + output);
        System.out.println("student : " + student); // Will it print Nikhil or Anand?

    public String method(Student student) {
        student = new Student(20, "Anand");
        return "output";


output : output
student : Student [id=10, name=Nikhil]


Java 编程语言仅通过值的论点,也就是说,您无法从所称方法中更改呼叫方法中的论点值。




The following code example illustrates this point:
1 public class PassTest {
3   // Methods to change the current values
4   public static void changeInt(int value) {
5     value = 55;
6  }
7   public static void changeObjectRef(MyDate ref) {
8     ref = new MyDate(1, 1, 2000);
9  }
10   public static void changeObjectAttr(MyDate ref) {
11     ref.setDay(4);
12   }
14 public static void main(String args[]) {
15     MyDate date;
16     int val;
18     // Assign the int
19     val = 11;
20     // Try to change it
21     changeInt(val);
22     // What is the current value?
23     System.out.println("Int value is: " + val);
25 // Assign the date
26     date = new MyDate(22, 7, 1964);
27     // Try to change it
28     changeObjectRef(date);
29     // What is the current value?
30 System.out.println("MyDate: " + date);
32 // Now change the day attribute
33     // through the object reference
34     changeObjectAttr(date);
35     // What is the current value?
36 System.out.println("MyDate: " + date);
37   }
38 }

This code outputs the following:
java PassTest
Int value is: 11
MyDate: 22-7-1964
MyDate: 4-7-1964
The MyDate object is not changed by the changeObjectRef method;
however, the changeObjectAttr method changes the day attribute of the
MyDate object.

Bob 保持他的列表,他称之为 tinyHouseAt1234Main,与相机相机,允许他在实时注意到实际房子的任何变化。

这个奇怪的副作用,通过一个列表到新的自动化服务是混乱的人谁问它是如何工作的。 事实上,什么是区别的能力远程控制机器人,改变的状态的房子在1234 Main, vs. 实际上物理上去那里,因为安妮给了你地址?




此分類上一篇: [ref 1]

void incrementValue(int inFunction){
  inFunction ++;
  System.out.println("In function: " + inFunction);

int original = 10;
System.out.print("Original before: " + original);
System.out.println("Original after: " + original);

We see in the console:
 > Original before: 10
 > In Function: 11
 > Original after: 10 (NO CHANGE)

以 [ref 2] 的例子

顯示優雅的機制觀點 max 5 min

(按参考通行) pass-by-copy-of-the-variable-值

void incrementValu(int[] inFuncion){
  System.out.println("In Function: " + inFunction[0]);

int[] arOriginal = {10, 20, 30};
System.out.println("Original before: " + arOriginal[0]);
System.out.println("Original before: " + arOriginal[0]);

We see in the console:
  >Original before: 10
  >In Function: 11
  >Original before: 11 (CHANGE)


此分類上一篇: [ref 3]

package com.pritesh.programs;

class Rectangle {
  int length;
  int width;

  Rectangle(int l, int b) {
    length = l;
    width = b;

  void area(Rectangle r1) {
    int areaOfRectangle = r1.length * r1.width;
    System.out.println("Area of Rectangle : " 
                            + areaOfRectangle);

class RectangleDemo {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(10, 20);


Java 按值传输参考。
