我知道color bf命令设置了整个命令行窗口的颜色,但我想打印不同颜色的单行。
call :color_echo "blue" "blue txt"
call :color_echo "red" "red txt"
echo "white txt"
REM : https://www.robvanderwoude.com/ansi.php
@echo off
set "color=%~1"
set "txt=%~2"
set ESC=
set black=%ESC%[30m
set red=%ESC%[31m
set green=%ESC%[32m
set yellow=%ESC%[33m
set blue=%ESC%[34m
set magenta=%ESC%[35m
set cyan=%ESC%[36m
set white=%ESC%[37m
if "%~1" == "black" set "color=!black!"
if "%~1" == "red" set "color=!red!"
if "%~1" == "green" set "color=!green!"
if "%~1" == "yellow" set "color=!yellow!"
if "%~1" == "blue" set "color=!blue!"
if "%~1" == "magenta" set "color=!magenta!"
if "%~1" == "cyan" set "color=!cyan!"
if "%~1" == "white" set "color=!white!"
echo | set /p="!color!!txt!"
REM : return to standard white color
echo | set /p="!white!"
REM : exiting the function only
Windows 10 - TH2及以上版本:
(a.k.a Version 1511, build 10586, release 2015-11-10)
echo ^[[32m HI ^[[0m
使用实际按键:echo Ctrl+[[32m HI Ctrl+[[0mEnter .
echo echo ^[[32m HI ^[[0m >> batch_file.cmd
为非windows 10用户提供了一个不需要调用标签的选项,避免了这样做带来的延迟。
下面是findstr colorprint例程的宏版本
usage -其中BF被替换为背景/前景色的十六进制数字值: %Col%{BF}{"要打印的字符串"}
@Echo off & CD "%TEMP%"
For /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (set "DEL=%%a")
Set "Col=For %%l in (1 2)Do if %%l==2 (Set "_Str="&(For /F "tokens=1,2 Delims={}" %%G in ("!oline!")Do Set "C_Out=%%G" & Set "_Str=%%~H")&(For %%s in (!_Str!)Do Set ".Str=%%s")&( <nul set /p ".=%DEL%" > "!_Str!" )&( findstr /v /a:!C_Out! /R "^$" "!_Str!" nul )&( del " !_Str!" > nul 2>&1 ))Else Set Oline="
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem /* concatenation of multiple macro expansions requires the macro to be expanded within it's own code block. */
(%Col%{02}{"green on black,"}) & (%Col%{10}{black on blue})
Echo/& (%Col%{04}{red on black}) & (%Col%{34}{" red on blue"})
Goto :Eof
@Echo off & PUSHD "%TEMP%"
rem /* Macro Definitions */
(Set \n=^^^
%= macro newline Do not modify =%
(Set LF=^
%= linefeed. Do not modify =%)
If "!![" == "[" (
Echo/%%COL%% macro must be defined prior to delayed expansion being enabled
Goto :end
For /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (set "DEL=%%a")
rem /* %hCol% - Alternate color macro; escaped for use in COL macro. No error checking. Usage: (%hCol:?=HEXVALUE%Output String) */
Set "hCol=For %%o in (1 2)Do if %%o==2 (^<nul set /p ".=%DEL%" ^> "!os!" ^& findstr /v /a:? /R "^$" "!os!" nul ^& del "!os!" ^> nul 2^>^&1 )Else Set os="
rem /* %TB% - used with substitution within COL macro to format help output; not fit for general use, */
Set "TB=^&^< nul Set /P "=.%DEL%!TAB!"^&"
rem /* %COL% - main color output macro. Usage: (%COL%{[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]}{String to Print}) */
Set COL=Set "_v=1"^&Set "Oline="^& For %%l in (1 2)Do if %%l==2 (%\n%
If not "!Oline!" == "" (%\n%
Set "_Str="%\n%
For /F "tokens=1,2 Delims={}" %%G in ("!oline!")Do (%\n%
Set "Hex=%%G"%\n%
Set "_Str=%%~H"%\n%
Echo/!Hex!^|findstr /RX "[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]" ^> nul ^|^| (Echo/^&(%hCol:?=04%Invalid - )%TB%(%hCol:?=06%Bad Hex value.)%TB%(%hCol:?=01%%%COL%%{!Hex!}{!_Str!})%TB:TAB=LF%(%hCol:?=02%!Usage!)^&Set "_Str="^&Set "_v=0")%\n%
If not "!_Str!" == "" (%\n%
^<nul set /p ".=%DEL%" ^> "!_Str!"%\n%
findstr /v /a:!Hex! /R "^$" "!_Str!" nul %\n%
del "!_Str!" ^> nul 2^>^&1%\n%
)Else If not !_v! EQU 0 (%\n%
Echo/^&(%hCol:?=04%Invalid -)%TB%(%hCol:?=06%Arg 2 absent.)%TB%(%hCol:?=01%%%COL%%!Oline!)%TB:TAB=LF%(%hCol:?=04%Input is required for output string.)%TB:TAB=LF%(%hCol:?=02%!Usage!)%\n%
)Else (Echo/^&(%hCol:?=04%Invalid -)%TB%(%hCol:?=06%No Args)%TB:TAB=!TAB!!TAB!%(%hCol:?=01%%%COL%%!Oline!)%TB:TAB=LF%(%hCol:?=02%!Usage!))%\n%
)Else Set Oline=
Set "usage=%%COL%%{[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]}{String to Print}"
For /F eol^=^%LF%%LF%^ delims^= %%A in ('forfiles /p "%~dp0." /m "%~nx0" /c "cmd /c echo(0x09"') do Set "TAB=%%A"
rem /* removes escaping from macros to enable use outside of COL macro */
Set "hCol=%hCol:^=%"
Set "TB=%TB:^=%"
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem /* usage examples */
(%COL%{02}{"green on black,"}) & (%COL%{10}{"black on blue"})
(%COL%{04}{"red on black"}) & (%COL%{34}{" red on blue"})&(%COL%{40}{"black on red"})
Echo/& %COL%{03}{Demonstration of error handling-}
rem /* error handling */
Echo/%TB:TAB=!LF! % %hCol:?=20%Example 1 - No args
Echo/%TB:TAB=!LF! % %hCol:?=20%Example 2 - Missing 2nd Arg
Echo/%TB:TAB=!LF! % %hCol:?=20%Example 3 - Invalid hex value for 1st Arg
Echo/%TB:TAB=!LF! % %hCol:?=0d%Done
Goto :Eof
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Public Module MyApplication
Public Declare Function GetStdHandle Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetStdHandle" (ByVal nStdHandle As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function SetConsoleTextAttribute Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetConsoleTextAttribute" (ByVal hConsoleOutput As Long, ByVal wAttributes As Long) As Long
Public Const STD_ERROR_HANDLE = -12&
Public Const STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10&
Public Const STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11&
Sub Main()
Dim hOut as Long
Dim Ret as Long
Dim Colour As Long
Dim Colour1 As Long
Dim Text As String
hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
Colour = CLng("&h" & Split(Command(), " ")(0))
Colour1 = Clng("&h" & Split(Command(), " ")(1))
Text = Mid(Command(), 7)
Ret = SetConsoleTextAttribute(hOut, Colour)
Ret = SetConsoleTextAttribute(hOut, Colour1)
End Sub
End Module
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\vbc.exe" /target:exe /out:"%userprofile%\desktop\ColourText.exe" "%userprofile%\desktop\ColourText.bas" /verbose
ColourText ColourOfText ColourOfTextWhenFinished Text
ColourText F1 F1
ColourText F2 71 This is green on white
ColourText F1 F1
ColourText F4 F4
Echo Hello
Echo Hello today
ColourText F1 F1
要得到颜色代码,将下列数字加在一起。在程序员模式下使用计算器。这些是十六进制数。它们可以加在一起,例如红色+蓝色+ FG强度= 13 = d,因为10+没有使用背景将是黑色的。颜色代码必须是两个字符,例如08而不是8。
FOREGROUND_RED = &H4 ' text color contains red.
FOREGROUND_INTENSITY = &H8 ' text color is intensified.
FOREGROUND_GREEN = &H2 ' text color contains green.
FOREGROUND_BLUE = &H1 ' text color contains blue.
BACKGROUND_BLUE = &H10 ' background color contains blue.
BACKGROUND_GREEN = &H20 ' background color contains green.
BACKGROUND_INTENSITY = &H80 ' background color is intensified.
BACKGROUND_RED = &H40 ' background color contains red.
我对cmd中缺乏适当的着色感到恼火,所以我继续创建cmdcolor。它只是一个标准输出代理,它寻找一组有限的ANSI/VT100控制序列(换句话说,就像在bash中),即echo \033[31m RED \033[0m DEFAULT | cmdcolor.exe。
call :color_echo "blue" "blue txt"
call :color_echo "red" "red txt"
echo "white txt"
REM : https://www.robvanderwoude.com/ansi.php
@echo off
set "color=%~1"
set "txt=%~2"
set ESC=
set black=%ESC%[30m
set red=%ESC%[31m
set green=%ESC%[32m
set yellow=%ESC%[33m
set blue=%ESC%[34m
set magenta=%ESC%[35m
set cyan=%ESC%[36m
set white=%ESC%[37m
if "%~1" == "black" set "color=!black!"
if "%~1" == "red" set "color=!red!"
if "%~1" == "green" set "color=!green!"
if "%~1" == "yellow" set "color=!yellow!"
if "%~1" == "blue" set "color=!blue!"
if "%~1" == "magenta" set "color=!magenta!"
if "%~1" == "cyan" set "color=!cyan!"
if "%~1" == "white" set "color=!white!"
echo | set /p="!color!!txt!"
REM : return to standard white color
echo | set /p="!white!"
REM : exiting the function only
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