enum Suit: String {
    case spades = "♠"
    case hearts = "♥"
    case diamonds = "♦"
    case clubs = "♣"


for suit in Suit {
    // do something with suit





//Function inside struct Card
static func generateFullDeck() -> [Card] {
    let allRanks = [Rank.Ace, Rank.Two, Rank.Three, Rank.Four, Rank.Five, Rank.Six, Rank.Seven, Rank.Eight, Rank.Nine, Rank.Ten, Rank.Jack, Rank.Queen, Rank.King]
    let allSuits = [Suit.Hearts, Suit.Diamonds, Suit.Clubs, Suit.Spades]
    var myFullDeck: [Card] = []

    for myRank in allRanks {
        for mySuit in allSuits {
            myFullDeck.append(Card(rank: myRank, suit: mySuit))
    return myFullDeck

//actual use:
let aFullDeck = Card.generateFullDeck()    //Generate the desired full deck

var allDesc: [String] = []
for aCard in aFullDeck {
    println(aCard.simpleDescription())    //You'll see all the results in playground


这是一个相当老的帖子,来自Swift 2.0。现在有一些更好的解决方案,使用了swift 3.0的新特性: 在Swift 3.0中迭代一个Enum

关于这个问题,有一个解决方案,它使用了Swift 4.2的一个新功能(在我写这篇编辑时还没有发布): 我如何得到一个Swift枚举的计数?


enum Number: String {
    case One
    case Two
    case Three
    case Four
    case EndIndex

    func nextCase () -> Number
        switch self {
        case .One:
            return .Two
        case .Two:
            return .Three
        case .Three:
            return .Four
        case .Four:
            return .EndIndex

        Add all additional cases above
        case .EndIndex:
            return .EndIndex

    static var allValues: [String] {
        var array: [String] = Array()
        var number = Number.One

        while number != Number.EndIndex {
            number = number.nextCase()
        return array


for item in Number.allValues {
    print("number is: \(item)")


struct Card {

    // ...

    static func deck() -> Card[] {
        var deck = Card[]()
        for rank in Rank.Ace.toRaw()...Rank.King.toRaw() {
            for suit in [Suit.Spades, .Hearts, .Clubs, .Diamonds] {
                let card = Card(rank: Rank.fromRaw(rank)!, suit: suit)
    return deck

let deck = Card.deck()

编辑: 快速进化提案SE-0194枚举案例派生集合为这个问题提出了一个水平的解决方案。我们在Swift 4.2和更新版本中看到了它。该提案还指出了一些变通方法,这些方法与这里已经提到的一些方法类似,但可能会很有趣。


这是基于@Peymmankh的回答的另一种方法,适用于Swift 3。

public protocol EnumCollection: Hashable {}

extension EnumCollection {

public static func allValues() -> [Self] {
    typealias S = Self

    let retVal = AnySequence { () -> AnyIterator<S> in
        var raw = 0
        return AnyIterator {
            let current = withUnsafePointer(to: &raw) {
                 $0.withMemoryRebound(to: S.self, capacity: 1) { $0.pointee }
            guard current.hashValue == raw else { return nil }
            raw += 1
            return current

    return [S](retVal)

在Swift 3中,当底层枚举有rawValue时,你可以实现Strideable协议。优点是不像其他建议那样创建值数组,并且标准的Swift“for in”循环工作,这是一个很好的语法。

// "Int" to get rawValue, and Strideable so we can iterate
enum MyColorEnum: Int, Strideable {
    case Red
    case Green
    case Blue
    case Black

    // required by Strideable
    typealias Stride = Int

    func advanced(by n:Stride) -> MyColorEnum {
        var next = self.rawValue + n
        if next > MyColorEnum.Black.rawValue {
            next = MyColorEnum.Black.rawValue
        return MyColorEnum(rawValue: next)!

    func distance(to other: MyColorEnum) -> Int {
        return other.rawValue - self.rawValue

    // just for printing
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Red: return "Red"
        case .Green: return "Green"
        case .Blue: return "Blue"
        case .Black: return "Black"

// this is how you use it:
for i in MyColorEnum.Red ... MyColorEnum.Black {
    print("ENUM: \(i)")
enum Rank: Int
    case Ace = 0
    case Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seve, Eight, Nine, Ten
    case Jack, Queen, King
    case Count

enum Suit : Int
    case Spades = 0
    case Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
    case Count

struct Card
    var rank:Rank
    var suit:Suit

class Test
    func makeDeck() -> Card[]
        let suitsCount:Int = Suit.Count.toRaw()
        let rankCount:Int = Rank.Count.toRaw()
        let repeatedCard:Card = Card(rank:Rank.Ace, suit:Suit.Spades)
        let deck:Card[] = Card[](count:suitsCount*rankCount, repeatedValue:repeatedCard)

        for i:Int in 0..rankCount
            for j:Int in 0..suitsCount
                deck[i*suitsCount+j] = Card(rank: Rank.fromRaw(i)!, suit: Suit.fromRaw(j)!)
        return deck
