Microsoft documentation states that using has a double function (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zhdeatwt.aspx), both as a directive and in statements. As a statement, as it was pointed out here in other answers, the keyword is basically syntactic sugar to determine a scope to dispose an IDisposable object. As a directive, it is routinely used to import namespaces and types. Also as a directive, you can create aliases for namespaces and types, as pointed out in the book "C# 5.0 In a Nutshell: The Definitive Guide" (http://www.amazon.com/5-0-Nutshell-The-Definitive-Reference-ebook/dp/B008E6I1K8), by Joseph and Ben Albahari. One example:
namespace HelloWorld
using AppFunc = Func<IDictionary<DateTime, string>, List<string>>;
public class Startup
public static AppFunc OrderEvents()
AppFunc appFunc = (IDictionary<DateTime, string> events) =>
if ((events != null) && (events.Count > 0))
List<string> result = events.OrderBy(ev => ev.Key)
.Select(ev => ev.Value)
return result;
throw new ArgumentException("Event dictionary is null or empty.");
return appFunc;
这是一种明智的做法,因为滥用这种做法会损害代码的清晰性。在DotNetPearls (http://www.dotnetperls.com/using-alias)中有一个关于c#别名的很好的解释,也提到了优点和缺点。
Interestingly, you can also use the using/IDisposable pattern for other interesting things (such as the other point of the way that Rhino Mocks uses it). Basically, you can take advantage of the fact that the compiler will always call .Dispose on the "used" object. If you have something that needs to happen after a certain operation ... something that has a definite start and end ... then you can simply make an IDisposable class that starts the operation in the constructor, and then finishes in the Dispose method.
As a directive Generally we use the using keyword to add namespaces in code-behind and class files. Then it makes available all the classes, interfaces and abstract classes and their methods and properties in the current page. Example: using System.IO; As a statement This is another way to use the using keyword in C#. It plays a vital role in improving performance in garbage collection. The using statement ensures that Dispose() is called even if an exception occurs when you are creating objects and calling methods, properties and so on. Dispose() is a method that is present in the IDisposable interface that helps to implement custom garbage collection. In other words if I am doing some database operation (Insert, Update, Delete) but somehow an exception occurs then here the using statement closes the connection automatically. No need to call the connection Close() method explicitly. Another important factor is that it helps in Connection Pooling. Connection Pooling in .NET helps to eliminate the closing of a database connection multiple times. It sends the connection object to a pool for future use (next database call). The next time a database connection is called from your application the connection pool fetches the objects available in the pool. So it helps to improve the performance of the application. So when we use the using statement the controller sends the object to the connection pool automatically, there is no need to call the Close() and Dispose() methods explicitly. You can do the same as what the using statement is doing by using try-catch block and call the Dispose() inside the finally block explicitly. But the using statement does the calls automatically to make the code cleaner and more elegant. Within the using block, the object is read-only and cannot be modified or reassigned. Example: string connString = "Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind;"; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString)) { SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerId, CompanyName FROM Customers"; conn.Open(); using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", dr.GetString(0), dr.GetString(1)); } }
在前面的代码中,我没有关闭任何连接;它会自动关闭。由于using语句(using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString)), using语句将自动调用conn. close(),对于SqlDataReader对象也是如此。并且如果发生任何异常,它将自动关闭连接。
using (File file = new File (parameters))
// Code to do stuff with the file
Using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
// Execute SQL statements here.
// You do not have to close the connection explicitly
// here as "USING" will close the connection once the
// object Conn goes out of the defined scope.
using (Font font2 = new Font("Arial", 10.0f))
// Use font2
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