


  interface Something{}

  interface OneWhoCanProvideSomething {
     Something getSomething();

  interface OneWhoCanProvideCreatorsOfSomething{
     OneWhoCanProvideSomething getCreator();

public class AbstractFactoryExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //I need something
        //Let's create one
        Something something = new Something() {};

        //Or ask someone (FACTORY pattern)
        OneWhoCanProvideSomething oneWhoCanProvideSomethingOfTypeA = () -> null;
        OneWhoCanProvideSomething oneWhoCanProvideSomethingOfTypeB = () -> null;

        //Or ask someone who knows soemone who can create something (ABSTRACT FACTORY pattern)
        OneWhoCanProvideCreatorsOfSomething oneWhoCanProvideCreatorsOfSomething = () -> null;

        //Same thing, but you don't need to write you own interfaces
        Supplier<Something> supplierOfSomething = () -> null;
        Supplier<Supplier<Something>> supplierOfSupplier = () -> null;


现在的问题是你应该使用哪种创造方式以及为什么: 第一种方式(没有模式,只是普通的构造函数):自己创建不是一个好主意,你必须做所有的工作,你的客户端代码绑定到特定的实现。









点击这里查看:http://www.allapplabs.com/java_design_patterns/abstract_factory_pattern.htm 似乎Factory方法使用一个特定的类(不是抽象类)作为基类,而抽象工厂则使用一个抽象类。此外,如果使用接口而不是抽象类,结果将是抽象工厂模式的不同实现。







I live in a place where it rains in the rainy season, snows in winter and hot and sunny in summers. I need different kind of clothes to protect myself from the elements. To do so I go to the store near my house and ask for clothing/items to protect myself. The store keeper gives me the appropriate item as per the environment and depth of my pocket. The items he gives me are of same level of quality and price range. Since he is aware of my standards its easy for him to do so. But when a rich guy from across the street comes up with the same requirements he gets an expensive, branded item. One noticeable thing is all the items he gives to me complement each other in term quality, standard and cost. One can say they go with each other. Same is the case with the items this rich guy gets.


Now I can easily see myself considering an online store which provides a set of services to its numerous clients. Each client belongs to one of the three groups. When a premium group user opens up the site he gets great UI, highly customised advertisement pane, more options in the menus etc. These same set of features are presented to gold user but the functionality in the menu is less, advertisements are mostly relevent, and slightly less egronomic UI. Last is my kind of user, a ‘free group’ user. I am just served enough so that I do not get offended. The UI is a bare minimum, advertisements are way off track so much so that I do not know what comes in it, lastly the menu has only log out.


产品:广告面板,菜单,用户界面画师。 摘要工厂:网络商店用户体验 Concreate Factory:高级用户体验,黄金用户体验,普通用户体验。