



这里有一个很好的阅读:抽象、封装和信息隐藏,作者是Object Agency的Edward V. Berard。




这里有一个很好的阅读:抽象、封装和信息隐藏,作者是Object Agency的Edward V. Berard。


Every function is an encapsulation; in pseudocode: point x = { 1, 4 } point y = { 23, 42 } numeric d = distance(x, y) Here, distance encapsulates the calculation of the (Euclidean) distance between two points in a plane: it hides implementation details. This is encapsulation, pure and simple. Abstraction is the process of generalisation: taking a concrete implementation and making it applicable to different, albeit somewhat related, types of data. The classical example of abstraction is C’s qsort function to sort data: The thing about qsort is that it doesn't care about the data it sorts — in fact, it doesn’t know what data it sorts. Rather, its input type is a typeless pointer (void*) which is just C’s way of saying “I don't care about the type of data” (this is also called type erasure). The important point is that the implementation of qsort always stays the same, regardless of data type. The only thing that has to change is the compare function, which differs from data type to data type. qsort therefore expects the user to provide said compare function as a function argument.


class point {
    numeric x
    numeric y



T pi<T> = 3.1415926535


template <typename T> constexpr T pi = T{3.1415926535};

封装是将复杂性包裹在一个胶囊中,即类&因此封装… 抽象是一个对象区别于其他对象的特征。

抽象可以通过使具有一个或多个抽象方法的类抽象来实现。它只是一个特性,应该由扩展它的类来实现。 例如,当你发明/设计一辆汽车时,你定义了一个特征,比如汽车应该有4个门、刹车、方向盘等,所以任何使用这种设计的人都应该包括这些特征。实现并不是抽象的首要部分。它只会定义应该包含的特征。

Encapsulation is achieved keeping data and the behaviour in one capsule that is class & by making use of access modifiers like public, private, protected along with inheritance, aggregation or composition. So you only show only required things, that too, only to the extent you want to show. i.e. public, protected, friendly & private ka funda…… e.g. GM decides to use the abstracted design of car above. But they have various products having the same characteristics & doing almost same functionality. So they write a class which extends the above abstract class. It says how gear box should work, how break should work, how steering wheel should work. Then all the products just use this common functionality. They need not know how the gear box works or break works or steering wheal works. Indivisual product can surely have more features like a/c or auto lock etc…..



Now abstraction is exposing only the interfaces push and pop. The underlying representation is hidden (is it an array or a linked list?) and a well-defined interface is provided. Now how do you ensure that no accidental access is made to the abstracted data? That is where encapsulation comes in. For example, classes in C++ use the access specifiers which ensure that accidental access and modification is prevented. And also, by making the above-mentioned interfaces as public, it ensures that the only way to manipulate the stack is through the well-defined interface. In the process, it has coupled the data and the code that can manipulate it (let's not get the friend functions involved here). That is, the code and data are bonded together or tied or encapsulated.


