create a single design document.
name this design document the way you want or, better, the way the readers are more accustomed to. Examples: "Software Architecture", "Software Design Specification".
break this document into views and keep in mind you can create a view as a refinement of another view.
make the views in the document navigable by adding cross-references or hyperlinks
then you'll have higher level views showing broad but shallow overview of the design, and closer-to-implementation views showing narrow but deeper design details.
you may want to take a look at an example of multi-view architecture document (here).
一个很好的思考方法是Len Bass, Paul Clements和Rick Kazman的声明,“所有的架构都是设计,但并不是所有的设计都是架构”[软件架构实践]。我不确定我是否完全同意这一点(因为架构可以包括其他活动),但它抓住了架构是处理设计的关键子集的设计活动的本质。
A useful attempt at separating architecture, design and implementation as concepts was done by Amnon Eden and Rick Kazman some years ago in a research paper entitled "Architecture, Design, Implementation" which can be found here: http://www.sei.cmu.edu/library/assets/ICSE03-1.pdf. Their language is quite abstract but simplistically they say that architecture is design that can be used in many contexts and is meant to be applied across the system, design is (err) design that can be used in many contexts but is applied in a specific part of the system, and implementation is design specific to a context and applied in that context.
So an architectural decision could be a decision to integrate the system via messaging rather than RPC (so it's a general principle that could be applied in many places and is intended to apply to the whole system), a design decision might be to use a master/slave thread structure in the input request handling module of the system (a general principle that could be used anywhere but in this case is just used in one module) and finally, an implementation decision might be to move responsibilities for security from the Request Router to the Request Handler in the Request Manager module (a decision relevant only to that context, used in that context).