当我输入这个查询: 删除邮件中id = 71的所有邮件


SQL error: database is locked



我只是犯了同样的错误。 5分钟后,我发现我没有关闭一个shell巫婆正在使用db。 请关闭它,再试一次;)



If a crash or power loss does occur and a hot journal is left on the disk, it is essential that the original database file and the hot journal remain on disk with their original names until the database file is opened by another SQLite process and rolled back. [...] We suspect that a common failure mode for SQLite recovery happens like this: A power failure occurs. After power is restored, a well-meaning user or system administrator begins looking around on the disk for damage. They see their database file named "important.data". This file is perhaps familiar to them. But after the crash, there is also a hot journal named "important.data-journal". The user then deletes the hot journal, thinking that they are helping to cleanup the system. We know of no way to prevent this other than user education.

The rollback is supposed to happen automatically the next time the database is opened, but it will fail if the process can't lock the database. As others have said, one possible reason for this is that another process currently has it open. Another possibility is a stale NFS lock, if the database is on an NFS volume. In that case, a workaround is to replace the database file with a fresh copy that isn't locked on the NFS server (mv database.db original.db; cp original.db database.db). Note that the sqlite FAQ recommends caution regarding concurrent access to databases on NFS volumes, because of buggy implementations of NFS file locking.



这个环节解决了问题。:当Sqlite给出:数据库锁定错误 它解决了我的问题也许对你有用。


如果你想删除一个“database is locked”错误,请按照以下步骤执行:

将数据库文件复制到其他位置。 用复制的数据库替换数据库。这将解除对访问数据库文件的所有进程的引用。

SQLite wiki DatabaseIsLocked页面提供了此错误消息的解释。在某种程度上,它指出争用的来源是内部的(对发出错误的进程而言)。本页没有解释的是SQLite如何决定进程中的某些东西持有锁,以及哪些条件会导致误报。




