执行new x()从不返回null,但是使用工厂模式,您可以返回null,甚至返回不同的子类型。
public class MyClass {
private final String value;
private final String type;
public MyClass(int x){
this(Integer.toString(x), "int");
public MyClass(boolean x){
this(Boolean.toString(x), "boolean");
public String toString(){
return value;
public String getType(){
return type;
private MyClass(String value, String type){
this.value = value;
this.type = type;
编辑 几年后再看这个答案,我想指出,这个答案既不完整,也有点极端。单例的确是一种反模式,通常应该尽可能避免使用;然而,除了单例外,私有构造函数还有很多用途,我的回答只提到了一种。
To create an uninstantiable class that is just a collection of related static functions (this is basically a singleton, but if it is stateless and the static functions operate strictly on the parameters rather than on class state, this is not as unreasonable an approach as my earlier self would seem to suggest, though using an interface that is dependency injected often makes it easier to maintain the API when the implementation requires larger numbers of dependencies or other forms of context). When there are multiple different ways to create the object, a private constructor may make it easier to understand the different ways of constructing it (e.g., which is more readable to you new ArrayList(5) or ArrayList.createWithCapacity(5), ArrayList.createWithContents(5), ArrayList.createWithInitialSize(5)). In other words, a private constructor allows you to provide factory function's whose names are more understandable, and then making the constructor private ensures that people use only the more self-evident names. This is also commonly used with the builder pattern. For example: MyClass myVar = MyClass .newBuilder() .setOption1(option1) .setOption2(option2) .build();
to prevent instantiation outside of the object, in the following cases: singleton factory method static-methods-only (utility) class constants-only class . to prevent sublcassing (extending). If you make only a private constructor, no class can extend your class, because it can't call the super() constructor. This is some kind of a synonym for final overloaded constructors - as a result of overloading methods and constructors, some may be private and some public. Especially in case when there is a non-public class that you use in your constructors, you may create a public constructor that creates an instance of that class and then passes it to a private constructor.
为了控制Java对象的实例化,它不允许您创建对象的实例。 它不允许类被子类化 在实现单例模式时,这有一个特殊的优势,它使用私有构造函数,并控制为整个应用程序创建实例。 当你想要一个定义了所有常量的类,并且不再需要它的实例时,我们将这个类声明为私有构造函数。
public class CustomHttpClient {
private static HttpClient customHttpClient;
/** A private Constructor prevents any other class from instantiating. */
private CustomHttpClient() {
根据我的说法,我们可以将构造函数声明为私有的 可以在类中使用静态方法获取子类中该类的实例,在类中我们声明构造函数,然后返回类对象。我们将这个方法归为子类 通过使用classname。方法名BCZ是静态方法,我们将获得声明const的类的实例。
单例设计模式 限制创建实例的数量 使用静态工厂方法为对象创建提供有意义的名称 静态实用类或常量类 防止子类化 构建器设计模式,从而创建不可变类
//... ErrorType.java
public enum ErrorType {
//... ErrorTypeException.java
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;
//Translates ErrorTypes only
abstract public class ErrorTypeException extends Exception {
private ErrorTypeException(){}
//I don't want to expose thse
static private class Xx extends ErrorTypeException {}
static private class Yx extends ErrorTypeException {}
static private class Zx extends ErrorTypeException {}
// Want translation without exposing underlying type
public static Exception from(ErrorType errorType) {
switch (errorType) {
case X:
return new Xx();
case Y:
return new Yx();
return new Zx();
// Want to get hold of class without exposing underlying type
public static Class<? extends ErrorTypeException> toExceptionClass(ErrorType errorType) {
switch (errorType) {
case X:
return Xx.class;
case Y:
return Yx.class;
return Zx.class;
受到Robert C. Martin的“Clean Code”的启发,我整理了一个例子:
When overloading constructors, it is best practise to only allow the use of
different constructors than the standart one by explicitly enforcing the
useage of a static function to highlight the use of the overloaded constructor
in example:
Animal a = Animal.CreateInsectOrArachnia(2, "black", 8); //hatch a black widow
class Animal
private int size;
private String color;
private int legs;
public Animal(int size, String color)
this.size = size;
this.color = color;
this.legs = 4;
//will prevent the instanciation of Animal with this constructor
private Animal(int size, String color, int legs)
this.size = size;
this.color = color;
this.legs = legs;
public static Animal CreateInsectOrArachnia(int size, String color, int legs)
return new Animal (size, color, legs);
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