

受到Robert C. Martin的“Clean Code”的启发,我整理了一个例子:

When overloading constructors, it is best practise to only allow the use of
different constructors than the standart one by explicitly enforcing the 
useage of a static function to highlight the use of the overloaded constructor

in example:
Animal a = Animal.CreateInsectOrArachnia(2, "black", 8); //hatch a black widow

class Animal
   private int size;
   private String color;
   private int legs;

   public Animal(int size, String color)
       this.size = size;
       this.color = color;
       this.legs = 4;

   //will prevent the instanciation of Animal with this constructor
   private Animal(int size, String color, int legs)
       this.size = size;
       this.color = color;
       this.legs = legs;

   public static Animal CreateInsectOrArachnia(int size, String color, int legs)
    return new Animal (size, color, legs);






私有构造函数防止调用者显式实例化类 请参阅PrivateConstructor的进一步信息



to prevent instantiation outside of the object, in the following cases: singleton factory method static-methods-only (utility) class constants-only class . to prevent sublcassing (extending). If you make only a private constructor, no class can extend your class, because it can't call the super() constructor. This is some kind of a synonym for final overloaded constructors - as a result of overloading methods and constructors, some may be private and some public. Especially in case when there is a non-public class that you use in your constructors, you may create a public constructor that creates an instance of that class and then passes it to a private constructor.



执行new x()从不返回null,但是使用工厂模式,您可以返回null,甚至返回不同的子类型。

