That's hard to say.The worst of MergeSort is n(log2n)-n+1,which is accurate if n equals 2^k(I have already proved this).And for any n,it's between (n lg n - n + 1) and (n lg n + n + O(lg n)).But for quickSort,its best is nlog2n(also n equals 2^k).If you divide Mergesort by quickSort,it equals one when n is infinite.So it's as if the worst case of MergeSort is better than the best case of QuickSort,why do we use quicksort?But remember,MergeSort is not in place,it require 2n memeroy space.And MergeSort also need to do many array copies,which we don't include in the analysis of algorithm.In a word,MergeSort is really faseter than quicksort in theroy,but in reality you need to consider memeory space,the cost of array copy,merger is slower than quick sort.I once made an experiment where I was given 1000000 digits in java by Random class,and it took 2610ms by mergesort,1370ms by quicksort.
1) A small number of keys in the data. A dataset of all the same value will sort in n^2 time on a vanilla 2-partition QuickSort because all of the values except the pivot location are placed on one side each time. Modern implementations address this by methods such as using a 3-partition sort. These methods execute on a dataset of all the same value in O(n) time. So using such an implementation means that an input with a small number of keys actually improves performance time and is no longer a concern.
一侧50%:(理想情况下) 75%在一边:2.4倍长 90%在一边:6.6倍长 95%在一边:13.5倍长 一边99%长69倍
In a naive implementation of QuickSort, cases such as a sorted array (for 1st element pivot) or a reverse-sorted array (for last element pivot) will reliably produce a worst-case O(n^2) execution time. Additionally, implementations with a predictable pivot selection can be subjected to DoS attack by data that is designed to produce worst case execution. Modern implementations avoid this by a variety of methods, such as randomizing the data before sort, choosing the median of 3 randomly chosen indexes, etc. With this randomization in the mix, we have 2 cases:
小数据集。最坏的情况是可能的但O(n²)不是灾难性的因为n足够小,所以n²也很小。 大数据集。最坏的情况在理论上是可能的,但在实践中并非如此。
好的枢轴总是精确地在25%/75%的分割和2.4*理想情况下运行。我们从来没有得到过理想的分割或者比25/75更好的分割。 糟糕的枢轴总是最坏的情况,基本上对解决方案没有任何贡献。
Our QuickSort implementation will stop at n=10 and switch to an insertion sort, so we require 22 25%/75% pivot partitions to break the 5,000 value input down that far. (10*1.333333^22 > 5000) Or, we require 4990 worst case pivots. Keep in mind that if we accumulate 22 good pivots at any point then the sort will complete, so worst case or anything near it requires extremely bad luck. If it took us 88 recursions to actually achieve the 22 good pivots required to sort down to n=10, that would be 4*2.4*ideal case or about 10 times the execution time of the ideal case. How likely is it that we would not achieve the required 22 good pivots after 88 recursions?
640项数组:10^-13(需要在60次尝试中获得15个良好的枢轴点) 5000项数组:10^-18(需要在88次尝试中有22个良好的枢轴) 40000项的数组:10^-23(需要在116个中有29个好的枢轴)
Quicksort also competes with mergesort, another recursive sort algorithm but with the benefit of worst-case Θ(nlogn) running time. Mergesort is a stable sort, unlike quicksort and heapsort, and can be easily adapted to operate on linked lists and very large lists stored on slow-to-access media such as disk storage or network attached storage. Although quicksort can be written to operate on linked lists, it will often suffer from poor pivot choices without random access. The main disadvantage of mergesort is that, when operating on arrays, it requires Θ(n) auxiliary space in the best case, whereas the variant of quicksort with in-place partitioning and tail recursion uses only Θ(logn) space. (Note that when operating on linked lists, mergesort only requires a small, constant amount of auxiliary storage.)
在c/c++领域,当不使用stl容器时,我倾向于使用快速排序,因为它是构建的 进入运行时,而归并排序没有。
(MergeSort需要额外的内存,与要排序的元素数量成线性关系)。 有一个小的隐藏常数。