

template<class T>
std::string optionalToString(T* obj)
    if (FUNCTION_EXISTS(T->toString))
        return obj->toString();
        return "toString not defined";



c++ 11的一个简单解决方案:

template<class T>
auto optionalToString(T* obj)
 -> decltype(  obj->toString()  )
    return     obj->toString();
auto optionalToString(...) -> string
    return "toString not defined";


template<class T>
constexpr auto test_has_toString_method(T* obj)
 -> decltype(  obj->toString() , std::true_type{} )
    return     obj->toString();
constexpr auto test_has_toString_method(...) -> std::false_type
    return "toString not defined";


我一直在寻找一个方法,允许以某种方式不绑定结构名has_member类的成员的名字。 实际上,如果lambda可以被允许在未求值的表达式中(这是被标准禁止的),这将更简单,即has_member<ClassName, SOME_MACRO_WITH_DECLTYPE(member_name)>

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <type_traits>

#define LAMBDA_FOR_MEMBER_NAME(NAME) [](auto object_instance) -> decltype(&(decltype(object_instance)::NAME)) {}

template<typename T>
struct TypeGetter
    constexpr TypeGetter() = default;
    constexpr TypeGetter(T) {}
    using type = T;

    constexpr auto getValue()
        return std::declval<type>();

template<typename T, typename LambdaExpressionT>
struct has_member {
    using lambda_prototype = LambdaExpressionT;

    template<class ValueT, class = void>
    struct is_void_t_deducable : std::false_type {};

    template<class ValueT>
    struct is_void_t_deducable<ValueT,
        std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<lambda_prototype>()(std::declval<ValueT>()))>> : std::true_type {};

    static constexpr bool value = is_void_t_deducable<T>::value;

struct SimpleClass
    int field;
    void method() {}

int main(void)
    const auto helpful_lambda = LAMBDA_FOR_MEMBER_NAME(field);
    using member_field = decltype(helpful_lambda);
    std::cout << has_member<SimpleClass, member_field>::value;

    const auto lambda = LAMBDA_FOR_MEMBER_NAME(method);
    using member_method = decltype(lambda);
    std::cout << has_member<SimpleClass, member_method>::value;
template<class T>
auto optionalToString(T* obj)
->decltype( obj->toString(), std::string() )
     return obj->toString();

template<class T>
auto optionalToString(T* obj)
->decltype( std::string() )
     throw "Error!";


这里有一个替代Nicola Bonelli的解决方案,它不依赖于非标准typeof运算符。

不幸的是,它不能在GCC (MinGW) 3.4.5或Digital Mars 8.42n上工作,但它可以在所有版本的MSVC(包括VC6)和Comeau c++上工作。


更新- 2008年11月7日:

看起来,虽然这段代码在语法上是正确的,但MSVC和Comeau c++所显示的行为并不符合标准(感谢Leon Timmermans和litb为我指明了正确的方向)。c++ 03标准说:

14.6.2依赖名称[temp.dep] 段3 在类模板定义中 或类模板的成员,如果 类模板的基类 类型取决于模板参数 基类范围不检查 在非限定名称查找期间 在定义的时候 类的模板或成员 类模板的实例化或 成员。


GCC和Digital Mars的行为看起来是正确的——在这两种情况下,非成员toString()函数都绑定到调用。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

struct Hello
    std::string toString() {
        return "Hello";

struct Generic {};

// the following namespace keeps the toString() method out of
//  most everything - except the other stuff in this
//  compilation unit

namespace {
    std::string toString()
        return "toString not defined";

    template <typename T>
    class optionalToStringImpl : public T
        std::string doToString() {

            // in theory, the name lookup for this call to 
            //  toString() should find the toString() in 
            //  the base class T if one exists, but if one 
            //  doesn't exist in the base class, it'll 
            //  find the free toString() function in 
            //  the private namespace.
            // This theory works for MSVC (all versions
            //  from VC6 to VC9) and Comeau C++, but
            //  does not work with MinGW 3.4.5 or 
            //  Digital Mars 8.42n
            // I'm honestly not sure what the standard says 
            //  is the correct behavior here - it's sort 
            //  of like ADL (Argument Dependent Lookup - 
            //  also known as Koenig Lookup) but without
            //  arguments (except the implied "this" pointer)

            return toString();

template <typename T>
std::string optionalToString(T & obj)
    // ugly, hacky cast...
    optionalToStringImpl<T>* temp = reinterpret_cast<optionalToStringImpl<T>*>( &obj);

    return temp->doToString();

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Hello helloObj;
    Generic genericObj;

    std::cout << optionalToString( helloObj) << std::endl;
    std::cout << optionalToString( genericObj) << std::endl;
    return 0;

MSVC有__if_exists和__if_not_exists关键字(Doc)。连同Nicola的typef - sfinae方法,我可以创建一个检查GCC和MSVC,就像OP所寻找的那样。



#include <type_traits>
struct A{};

struct B{ int foo(int a, int b);};

struct C{void foo(int a, int b);};

struct D{int foo();};

struct E: public B{};

// available in C++17 onwards as part of <type_traits>
using void_t = void;

template<typename T, typename = void> struct Has_foo: std::false_type{};

template<typename T> 
struct Has_foo<T, void_t<
            decltype(std::declval<T>().foo((int)0, (int)0))
>>: std::true_type{};

static_assert(not Has_foo<A>::value, "A does not have a foo");
static_assert(Has_foo<B>::value, "B has a foo");
static_assert(not Has_foo<C>::value, "C has a foo with the wrong return. ");
static_assert(not Has_foo<D>::value, "D has a foo with the wrong arguments. ");
static_assert(Has_foo<E>::value, "E has a foo since it inherits from B");