
a b(c);

这是变量定义还是函数声明?这取决于符号c的含义。如果c是一个变量,则ab (c);定义一个名为b的类型为a的变量。它直接用c初始化。但如果c是类型,则ab (c);声明一个名为b的函数,该函数接受c并返回a。






在C/ c++中,if语句只允许在函数体中使用。这似乎是上下文敏感的,对吧?嗯,没有。与上下文无关的语法实际上不需要这样的属性,即您可以提取某一行代码并确定它是否有效。这实际上并不是context-free的意思。它实际上只是一个标签,模糊地暗示了一些与它的发音相关的东西。

现在,如果函数体中的语句根据直接语法祖先之外的定义而被不同地解析(例如,标识符是描述类型还是变量),如a * b;大小写,那么它实际上是上下文敏感的。这里没有实际的歧义;如果a是类型,则解析为指针声明,否则解析为乘法声明。

Being context-sensitive does not necessarily mean "hard to parse". C is actually not that hard because the infamous a * b; "ambiguity" can be resolved with a symbol table containing typedefs encountered previously. It doesn't require any arbitrary template instantiations (which have been proven to be Turing Complete) to resolve that case like C++ does on occasion. It's not actually possible to write a C program that will not compile in a finite amount of time even though it has the same context-sensitivity that C++ does.

Python (and other whitespace-sensitive languages) is also context-dependent, as it requires state in the lexer to generate indent and dedent tokens, but that doesn't make it any harder to parse than a typical LL-1 grammar. It actually uses a parser-generator, which is part of why Python has such uninformative syntax error messages. It's also important to note here that there is no "ambiguity" like the a * b; problem in Python, giving a good concrete example of a context-sensitive language without "ambiguous" grammar (as mentioned in the first paragraph).











If you allow arbitrary symbol sequences on both sides of any production, you produce an Type-0 grammar ("unrestricted") in the Chomsky hierarchy, which is more powerful than a context-sensitive grammar; unrestricted grammars are Turing-complete. A context-sensitive (Type-1) grammar allows multiple symbols of context on the left hand side of a production, but the same context must appear on the right hand side of the production (hence the name "context-sensitive"). [1] Context-sensitive grammars are equivalent to linear-bounded Turing machines.

在示例程序中,质数计算可以由线性有界的图灵机执行,因此它不能完全证明图灵等价,但重要的部分是解析器需要执行计算以便执行语法分析。它可以是任何可以表示为模板实例化的计算,并且有充分的理由相信c++模板实例化是图灵完备的。例如,Todd L. Veldhuizen在2003年的论文。



But in any event, like line 21 (i.e. auto b = foo<IsPrime<234799>>::typen<1>();) in the program below, the expressions are not ambiguous at all; they are simply parsed differently depending on context. In the simplest expression of the issue, the syntactic category of certain identifiers is dependent on how they have been declared (types and functions, for example), which means that the formal language would have to recognize the fact that two arbitrary-length strings in the same program are identical (declaration and use). This can be modelled by the "copy" grammar, which is the grammar which recognizes two consecutive exact copies of the same word. It's easy to prove with the pumping lemma that this language is not context-free. A context-sensitive grammar for this language is possible, and a Type-0 grammar is provided in the answer to this question: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/163830/context-sensitive-grammar-for-the-copy-language .


What looks like a formal grammar in the C++ standard is not the complete formal definition of the syntax of the C++ language. It's not even the complete formal definition of the language after preprocessing, which might be easier to formalize. (That wouldn't be the language, though: the C++ language as defined by the standard includes the preprocessor, and the operation of the preprocessor is described algorithmically since it would be extremely hard to describe in any grammatical formalism. It is in that section of the standard where lexical decomposition is described, including the rules where it must be applied more than once.)



最后,这是我们承诺的项目。当且仅当IsPrime中的N <N>是素数时,第21行在语法上是正确的。否则,typen是一个整数,而不是一个模板,因此typen<1>()将被解析为(typen<1)>(),这在语法上是不正确的,因为()不是一个语法上有效的表达式。

template<bool V> struct answer { answer(int) {} bool operator()(){return V;}};

template<bool no, bool yes, int f, int p> struct IsPrimeHelper
  : IsPrimeHelper<p % f == 0, f * f >= p, f + 2, p> {};
template<bool yes, int f, int p> struct IsPrimeHelper<true, yes, f, p> { using type = answer<false>; };
template<int f, int p> struct IsPrimeHelper<false, true, f, p> { using type = answer<true>; };

template<int I> using IsPrime = typename IsPrimeHelper<!(I&1), false, 3, I>::type;
template<int I>
struct X { static const int i = I; int a[i]; }; 

template<typename A> struct foo;
template<>struct foo<answer<true>>{
  template<int I> using typen = X<I>;
template<> struct foo<answer<false>>{
  static const int typen = 0;

int main() {
  auto b = foo<IsPrime<234799>>::typen<1>(); // Syntax error if not prime
  return 0;


aB → AGB


这只能在[α, β]中被理解为A→γ。在上下文无关(类型2)语法中,α和β必须为空。


α→β,|α|≥|β| > 0(|α|意味着“α”的长度)




x = (name)(expression);




斯坦利·沃福德。计算机系统。页341 - 346。