dynamic myVariable = GetDataThatLooksVerySimilarButNotTheSame();
//How to do this?
if (myVariable.MyProperty.Exists)
//Do stuff
The two common solutions to this include making the call and catching the RuntimeBinderException, using reflection to check for the call, or serialising to a text format and parsing from there. The problem with exceptions is that they are very slow, because when one is constructed, the current call stack is serialised. Serialising to JSON or something analogous incurs a similar penalty. This leaves us with reflection but it only works if the underlying object is actually a POCO with real members on it. If it's a dynamic wrapper around a dictionary, a COM object, or an external web service, then reflection won't help.
class Program
static void Main()
dynamic x = new ExpandoObject();
x.Name = "Damian Powell";
x.Age = "21 (probably)";
if (Dynamic.HasMember(x, "Age"))
Console.WriteLine("Age={0}", x.Age);
public static class Dynamic
public static bool HasMember(object dynObj, string memberName)
return GetMemberNames(dynObj).Contains(memberName);
public static IEnumerable<string> GetMemberNames(object dynObj)
var metaObjProvider = dynObj as IDynamicMetaObjectProvider;
if (null == metaObjProvider) throw new InvalidOperationException(
"The supplied object must be a dynamic object " +
"(i.e. it must implement IDynamicMetaObjectProvider)"
var metaObj = metaObjProvider.GetMetaObject(
var memberNames = metaObj.GetDynamicMemberNames();
return memberNames;
dynamic testedObject = new ExpandoObject();
testedObject.MyName = "I am a testing object";
Executing.This(delegate {var unused = testedObject.MyName; }).Should().NotThrow();
Executing.This(delegate {var unused = testedObject.NotExistingProperty; }).Should().Throw();
使用这个,我测试所有现有的属性使用“Should(). notthrow()”。
public static class DynamicHelper
private static void Test( )
dynamic myobj = new
myInt = 1,
myArray = new[ ]
1, 2.3
myDict = new
myInt = 1
var myIntOrZero = myobj.GetAsOrDefault< int >( ( Func< int > )( ( ) => myobj.noExist ) );
int? myNullableInt = GetAs< int >( myobj, ( Func< int > )( ( ) => myobj.myInt ) );
if( default( int ) != myIntOrZero )
Console.WriteLine( $"myInt: '{myIntOrZero}'" );
if( default( int? ) != myNullableInt )
Console.WriteLine( $"myInt: '{myNullableInt}'" );
if( DoesPropertyExist( myobj, "myInt" ) )
Console.WriteLine( $"myInt exists and it is: '{( int )myobj.myInt}'" );
public static bool DoesPropertyExist( dynamic dyn, string property )
var t = ( Type )dyn.GetType( );
var props = t.GetProperties( );
return props.Any( p => p.Name.Equals( property ) );
public static object GetAs< T >( dynamic obj, Func< T > lookup )
var val = lookup( );
return ( T )val;
catch( RuntimeBinderException ) { }
return null;
public static T GetAsOrDefault< T >( this object obj, Func< T > test )
var val = test( );
return ( T )val;
catch( RuntimeBinderException ) { }
return default( T );