


sqrt(n) = p


p*p = n


a*b = n

其中p = a = b,如果a增加,则b减少,以保持a*b = n,因此p为上限。

Update: I am re-reading this answer again today and it became clearer to me more. The value p does not necessarily mean an integer because if it is, then n would not be a prime. So, p could be a real number (ie, with fractions). And instead of going through the whole range of n, now we only need to go through the whole range of p. The other p is a mirror copy so in effect we halve the range. And then, now I am seeing that we can actually continue re-doing the square root and doing it to p to further half the range.



n = a * b

现在a和b不可能都大于根号n,因为这样a * b就会大于根号n *根号n = n,所以在n的任何因式分解中,至少有一个因子必须小于根号n,如果我们找不到任何小于或等于根号的因子,n一定是质数。


bool isPrime = true;
for(int i = 2; i < n; i++){
    if(n%i == 0){
        isPrime = false;

上面的循环是这样做的:对于给定的1 < i < n,它检查n/i是否为整数(余数为0)。如果存在一个i,其中n/i是整数,那么我们可以确定n不是质数,此时循环终止。如果没有i, n/i是整数,那么n是素数。



i的序列是:i = 2,3,4,…, n - 1

整数检查的顺序是:j = n/i,也就是n/2, n/3, n/4,…n (n - 1) /

如果对于某些i = a, n/a是一个整数,那么n/a = k(整数)

或者n = ak,显然是n > k > 1(如果k = 1,那么a = n,但我从来没有达到n;如果k = n,那么a = 1,但我从2开始

同样,n/k = a,如上所述,a是i的值,所以n > a > 1。

所以,a和k都是1和n之间的整数(排他)。由于i达到了该范围内的每一个整数,在某个迭代i = a时,在另一个迭代i = k时。如果n的质数检验对于min(a,k)失败,那么对于max(a,k)也会失败。所以我们只需要检查这两种情况中的一种,除非min(a,k) = max(a,k)(其中两次检查减少为一次),即a = k,此时a*a = n,这意味着a =根号(n)。

换句话说,如果n的质数检验对于某些i >=√(n)(即max(a,k))失败,那么对于某些i <= n(即min(a,k))也会失败。因此,如果我们运行i = 2到根号n的测试就足够了。


sqrt(n) = p


p*p = n


a*b = n

其中p = a = b,如果a增加,则b减少,以保持a*b = n,因此p为上限。

Update: I am re-reading this answer again today and it became clearer to me more. The value p does not necessarily mean an integer because if it is, then n would not be a prime. So, p could be a real number (ie, with fractions). And instead of going through the whole range of n, now we only need to go through the whole range of p. The other p is a mirror copy so in effect we halve the range. And then, now I am seeing that we can actually continue re-doing the square root and doing it to p to further half the range.


为了检验一个数N是不是质数。 我们只需要检查N是否能被<=SQROOT(N)的数整除。这是因为,如果我们把N分解成任意两个因子比如X和Y。N = XY。 X和Y都不能小于SQROOT(N)因为XY < N X和Y都不能大于SQROOT(N)因为X*Y >n

因此,一个因子必须小于或等于SQROOT(N)(而另一个因子大于或等于SQROOT(N))。 因此,要检查N是否为质数,我们只需要检查那些<= SQROOT(N)的数字。