假设我有一个进程,它只生成一个子进程。现在,当父进程由于某种原因(正常或不正常,通过kill, ^C,断言失败或其他任何原因)退出时,我希望子进程死亡。如何正确地做到这一点?
(前面问过)当父进程退出的时候,我怎么能让子进程退出呢? (稍后问)用fork()创建的子进程会在父进程被杀死时自动被杀死吗?
如何在Windows中自动销毁子进程? 当父进程被杀死时,杀死子进程
假设我有一个进程,它只生成一个子进程。现在,当父进程由于某种原因(正常或不正常,通过kill, ^C,断言失败或其他任何原因)退出时,我希望子进程死亡。如何正确地做到这一点?
(前面问过)当父进程退出的时候,我怎么能让子进程退出呢? (稍后问)用fork()创建的子进程会在父进程被杀死时自动被杀死吗?
如何在Windows中自动销毁子进程? 当父进程被杀死时,杀死子进程
Let us suppose you have the two socket file descriptors fd1, fd2. Now fork() to create the child process, which will inherit the fds. In the parent you close fd2 and in the child you close fd1. Now each process can poll() the remaining open fd on its own end for the POLLIN event. As long as each side doesn't explicitly close() its fd during normal lifetime, you can be fairly sure that a POLLHUP flag should indicate the other's termination (no matter clean or not). Upon notified of this event, the child can decide what to do (e.g. to die).
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int sv[2]; /* sv[0] for parent, sv[1] for child */
socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv);
pid_t pid = fork();
if ( pid > 0 ) { /* parent */
fprintf(stderr, "parent: pid = %d\n", getpid());
} else { /* child */
fprintf(stderr, "child: pid = %d\n", getpid());
struct pollfd mon;
mon.fd = sv[1];
mon.events = POLLIN;
poll(&mon, 1, -1);
if ( mon.revents & POLLHUP )
fprintf(stderr, "child: parent hung up\n");
您可以尝试编译上面的概念验证代码,并在./a这样的终端中运行它。&。你有大约100秒的时间来尝试通过各种信号杀死父PID,否则它就会退出。在任何一种情况下,您都应该看到消息“child: parent hung up”。
Linux手册中的unix(7), FreeBSD的unix(4), poll(2), socketpair(2), Linux上的socket(7)。
Historically, from UNIX v7, the process system has detected orphanity of processes by checking a process' parent id. As I say, historically, the init(8) system process is a special process by only one reason: It cannot die. It cannot die because the kernel algorithm to deal with assigning a new parent process id, depends on this fact. when a process executes its exit(2) call (by means of a process system call or by external task as sending it a signal or the like) the kernel reassigns all children of this process the id of the init process as their parent process id. This leads to the most easy test, and most portable way of knowing if a process has got orphan. Just check the result of the getppid(2) system call and if it is the process id of the init(2) process then the process got orphan before the system call.
first, we have the possibility of changing the init process to any user process, so How can we assure that the init process will always be parent of all orphan processes? Well, in the exit system call code there's a explicit check to see if the process executing the call is the init process (the process with pid equal to 1) and if that's the case, the kernel panics (It should not be able anymore to maintain the process hierarchy) so it is not permitted for the init process to do an exit(2) call. second, there's a race condition in the basic test exposed above. Init process' id is assumed historically to be 1, but that's not warranted by the POSIX approach, that states (as exposed in other response) that only a system's process id is reserved for that purpose. Almost no posix implementation does this, and you can assume in original unix derived systems that having 1 as response of getppid(2) system call is enough to assume the process is orphan. Another way to check is to make a getppid(2) just after the fork and compare that value with the result of a new call. This simply doesn't work in all cases, as both call are not atomic together, and the parent process can die after the fork(2) and before the first getppid(2) system call. The processparent id only changes once, when its parent does anexit(2)call, so this should be enough to check if thegetppid(2)result changed between calls to see that parent process has exit. This test is not valid for the actual children of the init process, because they are always children ofinit(8)`, but you can assume safely these processes as having no parent either (except when you substitute in a system the init process)
Let us suppose you have the two socket file descriptors fd1, fd2. Now fork() to create the child process, which will inherit the fds. In the parent you close fd2 and in the child you close fd1. Now each process can poll() the remaining open fd on its own end for the POLLIN event. As long as each side doesn't explicitly close() its fd during normal lifetime, you can be fairly sure that a POLLHUP flag should indicate the other's termination (no matter clean or not). Upon notified of this event, the child can decide what to do (e.g. to die).
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int sv[2]; /* sv[0] for parent, sv[1] for child */
socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv);
pid_t pid = fork();
if ( pid > 0 ) { /* parent */
fprintf(stderr, "parent: pid = %d\n", getpid());
} else { /* child */
fprintf(stderr, "child: pid = %d\n", getpid());
struct pollfd mon;
mon.fd = sv[1];
mon.events = POLLIN;
poll(&mon, 1, -1);
if ( mon.revents & POLLHUP )
fprintf(stderr, "child: parent hung up\n");
您可以尝试编译上面的概念验证代码,并在./a这样的终端中运行它。&。你有大约100秒的时间来尝试通过各种信号杀死父PID,否则它就会退出。在任何一种情况下,您都应该看到消息“child: parent hung up”。
Linux手册中的unix(7), FreeBSD的unix(4), poll(2), socketpair(2), Linux上的socket(7)。
另一种Linux特有的方法是在一个新的PID名称空间中创建父进程。然后它将是该名称空间中的PID 1,当它退出时,它的所有子节点将立即被SIGKILL杀死。
将stdin管道传递给子管道-您不必向流中写入任何数据。 Child从stdin无限读取到EOF。EOF表示父节点已经离开。 这是一种万无一失、便于携带的检测父节点何时离开的方法。即使父线程崩溃,操作系统也会关闭管道。
详见man 2 prctl。