使用Criteria或HQL的优点和缺点是什么?Criteria API是一种在Hibernate中表达查询的面向对象的好方法,但有时Criteria queries比HQL更难理解/构建。







Criteria respects the laziness settings in your mappings and guarantees that what you want loaded is loaded. This means one Criteria query might result in several SQL immediate SELECT statements to fetch the subgraph with all non-lazy mapped associations and collections. If you want to change the "how" and even the "what", use setFetchMode() to enable or disable outer join fetching for a particular collection or association. Criteria queries also completely respect the fetching strategy (join vs select vs subselect). HQL respects the laziness settings in your mappings and guarantees that what you want loaded is loaded. This means one HQL query might result in several SQL immediate SELECT statements to fetch the subgraph with all non-lazy mapped associations and collections. If you want to change the "how" and even the "what", use LEFT JOIN FETCH to enable outer-join fetching for a particular collection or nullable many-to-one or one-to-one association, or JOIN FETCH to enable inner join fetching for a non-nullable many-to-one or one-to-one association. HQL queries do not respect any fetch="join" defined in the mapping document.


Criteria Api是Hibernate的一个很好的概念。根据我的观点,这些是我们可以区分HQL和Criteria Api的少数点

HQL is to perform both select and non-select operations on the data, but Criteria is only for selecting the data, we cannot perform non-select operations using criteria. HQL is suitable for executing Static Queries, where as Criteria is suitable for executing Dynamic Queries HQL doesn’t support pagination concept, but we can achieve pagination with Criteria. Criteria used to take more time to execute than HQL. With Criteria we are safe with SQL Injection because of its dynamic query generation but in HQL as your queries are either fixed or parametrized, there is no safe from SQL Injection


We used mainly Criteria in our application in the beginning but after it was replaced with HQL due to the performance issues. Mainly we are using very complex queries with several joins which leads to multiple queries in Criteria but is very optimized in HQL. The case is that we use just several propeties on specific object and not complete objects. With Criteria the problem was also string concatenation. Let say if you need to display name and surname of the user in HQL it is quite easy (name || ' ' || surname) but in Crteria this is not possible. To overcome this we used ResultTransormers, where there were methods where such concatenation was implemented for needed result. Today we mainly use HQL like this:

String hql = "select " +
            "c.uuid as uuid," +
            "c.name as name," +
            "c.objective as objective," +
            "c.startDate as startDate," +
            "c.endDate as endDate," +
            "c.description as description," +
            "s.status as status," +
            "t.type as type " +
            "from " + Campaign.class.getName() + " c " +
            "left join c.type t " +
            "left join c.status s";

Query query =  hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().getSession(EntityMode.MAP).createQuery(hql);
return query.list();
