编辑:线段由两个端点定义。线段AB由两点A (x1,y1)和B (x2,y2)定义。我要求的是这条线段到点C (x3,y3)的距离。我的几何技能生疏了,所以我看到的例子让我很困惑,我很遗憾地承认。
编辑:线段由两个端点定义。线段AB由两点A (x1,y1)和B (x2,y2)定义。我要求的是这条线段到点C (x3,y3)的距离。我的几何技能生疏了,所以我看到的例子让我很困惑,我很遗憾地承认。
和这个答案一样,只是用的是Visual Basic。使其可作为Microsoft Excel和VBA/宏中的用户定义函数使用。
Function DistanceToSegment(x As Double, y As Double, x1 As Double, y1 As Double, x2 As Double, y2 As Double)
Dim A As Double
A = x - x1
Dim B As Double
B = y - y1
Dim C As Double
C = x2 - x1
Dim D As Double
D = y2 - y1
Dim dot As Double
dot = A * C + B * D
Dim len_sq As Double
len_sq = C * C + D * D
Dim param As Double
param = -1
If (len_sq <> 0) Then
param = dot / len_sq
End If
Dim xx As Double
Dim yy As Double
If (param < 0) Then
xx = x1
yy = y1
ElseIf (param > 1) Then
xx = x2
yy = y2
xx = x1 + param * C
yy = y1 + param * D
End If
Dim dx As Double
dx = x - xx
Dim dy As Double
dy = y - yy
DistanceToSegment = Math.Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy)
End Function
#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
class Vec2
float _x;
float _y;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
Vec2( const float x, const float y )
_x = x;
_y = y;
Vec2 operator+( const Vec2 &v ) const
return Vec2( this->_x + v._x, this->_y + v._y );
Vec2 operator-( const Vec2 &v ) const
return Vec2( this->_x - v._x, this->_y - v._y );
Vec2 operator*( const float f ) const
return Vec2( this->_x * f, this->_y * f );
float DistanceToSquared( const Vec2 p ) const
const float dX = p._x - this->_x;
const float dY = p._y - this->_y;
return dX * dX + dY * dY;
float DistanceTo( const Vec2 p ) const
return sqrt( this->DistanceToSquared( p ) );
float DotProduct( const Vec2 p ) const
return this->_x * p._x + this->_y * p._y;
// return minimum distance between line segment vw and point p, and the closest point on the line segment, q
float DistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( const Vec2 v, const Vec2 w, const Vec2 p, Vec2 * const q )
const float distSq = v.DistanceToSquared( w ); // i.e. |w-v|^2 ... avoid a sqrt
if ( distSq == 0.0 )
// v == w case
(*q) = v;
return v.DistanceTo( p );
// consider the line extending the segment, parameterized as v + t (w - v)
// we find projection of point p onto the line
// it falls where t = [(p-v) . (w-v)] / |w-v|^2
const float t = ( p - v ).DotProduct( w - v ) / distSq;
if ( t < 0.0 )
// beyond the v end of the segment
(*q) = v;
return v.DistanceTo( p );
else if ( t > 1.0 )
// beyond the w end of the segment
(*q) = w;
return w.DistanceTo( p );
// projection falls on the segment
const Vec2 projection = v + ( ( w - v ) * t );
(*q) = projection;
return p.DistanceTo( projection );
float DistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( float segmentX1, float segmentY1, float segmentX2, float segmentY2, float pX, float pY, float *qX, float *qY )
Vec2 q;
float distance = DistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( Vec2( segmentX1, segmentY1 ), Vec2( segmentX2, segmentY2 ), Vec2( pX, pY ), &q );
(*qX) = q._x;
(*qY) = q._y;
return distance;
void TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( float segmentX1, float segmentY1, float segmentX2, float segmentY2, float pX, float pY )
float qX;
float qY;
float d = DistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( segmentX1, segmentY1, segmentX2, segmentY2, pX, pY, &qX, &qY );
printf( "line segment = ( ( %f, %f ), ( %f, %f ) ), p = ( %f, %f ), distance = %f, q = ( %f, %f )\n",
segmentX1, segmentY1, segmentX2, segmentY2, pX, pY, d, qX, qY );
void TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint()
TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 );
TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( 0, 0, 20, 10, 5, 4 );
TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( 0, 0, 20, 10, 30, 15 );
TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( 0, 0, 20, 10, -30, 15 );
TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( 0, 0, 10, 0, 5, 1 );
TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( 0, 0, 0, 10, 1, 5 );
CREATE FUNCTION dist_to_segment(px double, py double, vx double, vy double, wx double, wy double)
RETURNS double
BEGIN atomic
declare l2 double;
declare t double;
declare nx double;
declare ny double;
set l2 =(vx - wx)*(vx - wx) + (vy - wy)*(vy - wy);
IF l2 = 0 THEN
RETURN sqrt((vx - px)*(vx - px) + (vy - py)*(vy - py));
set t = ((px - vx) * (wx - vx) + (py - vy) * (wy - vy)) / l2;
set t = GREATEST(0, LEAST(1, t));
set nx=vx + t * (wx - vx);
set ny=vy + t * (wy - vy);
RETURN sqrt((nx - px)*(nx - px) + (ny - py)*(ny - py));
CREATE FUNCTION dist_to_segment(px numeric, py numeric, vx numeric, vy numeric, wx numeric, wy numeric)
RETURNS numeric
AS $$
declare l2 numeric;
declare t numeric;
declare nx numeric;
declare ny numeric;
l2 := (vx - wx)*(vx - wx) + (vy - wy)*(vy - wy);
IF l2 = 0 THEN
RETURN sqrt((vx - px)*(vx - px) + (vy - py)*(vy - py));
t := ((px - vx) * (wx - vx) + (py - vy) * (wy - vy)) / l2;
t := GREATEST(0, LEAST(1, t));
nx := vx + t * (wx - vx);
ny := vy + t * (wy - vy);
RETURN sqrt((nx - px)*(nx - px) + (ny - py)*(ny - py));
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
distance[{start_, end_}, pt_] :=
param = ((pt - start).(end - start))/Norm[end - start]^2; (*parameter. the "."
here means vector product*)
param < 0, EuclideanDistance[start, pt], (*If outside bounds*)
param > 1, EuclideanDistance[end, pt],
True, EuclideanDistance[pt, start + param (end - start)] (*Normal distance*)
Plot3D[distance[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}, {xp, yp}], {xp, -1, 2}, {yp, -1, 2}]
let pointToLineSegmentDistance (a: Vector, b: Vector) (c: Vector) =
let d = b - a
let s = d.Length
let lambda = (c - a) * d / s
let p = (lambda |> max 0.0 |> min s) * d / s
(a + p - c).Length
pointToLineSegmentDistance (Vector(0.0, 0.0), Vector(1.0, 0.0)) (Vector(-1.0, 1.0))
I'm assuming you want to find the shortest distance between the point and a line segment; to do this, you need to find the line (lineA) which is perpendicular to your line segment (lineB) which goes through your point, determine the intersection between that line (lineA) and your line which goes through your line segment (lineB); if that point is between the two points of your line segment, then the distance is the distance between your point and the point you just found which is the intersection of lineA and lineB; if the point is not between the two points of your line segment, you need to get the distance between your point and the closer of two ends of the line segment; this can be done easily by taking the square distance (to avoid a square root) between the point and the two points of the line segment; whichever is closer, take the square root of that one.