Josh Bloch的Effective Java在第8项(第二版)中提出了几乎所有情况下合理的良好实现。最好的办法是去查一下,因为作者在那里解释了为什么这种方法是好的。
Create a int result and assign a non-zero value. For every field f tested in the equals() method, calculate a hash code c by: If the field f is a boolean: calculate (f ? 0 : 1); If the field f is a byte, char, short or int: calculate (int)f; If the field f is a long: calculate (int)(f ^ (f >>> 32)); If the field f is a float: calculate Float.floatToIntBits(f); If the field f is a double: calculate Double.doubleToLongBits(f) and handle the return value like every long value; If the field f is an object: Use the result of the hashCode() method or 0 if f == null; If the field f is an array: see every field as separate element and calculate the hash value in a recursive fashion and combine the values as described next. Combine the hash value c with result: result = 37 * result + c Return result
Josh Bloch的Effective Java在第8项(第二版)中提出了几乎所有情况下合理的良好实现。最好的办法是去查一下,因为作者在那里解释了为什么这种方法是好的。
Create a int result and assign a non-zero value. For every field f tested in the equals() method, calculate a hash code c by: If the field f is a boolean: calculate (f ? 0 : 1); If the field f is a byte, char, short or int: calculate (int)f; If the field f is a long: calculate (int)(f ^ (f >>> 32)); If the field f is a float: calculate Float.floatToIntBits(f); If the field f is a double: calculate Double.doubleToLongBits(f) and handle the return value like every long value; If the field f is an object: Use the result of the hashCode() method or 0 if f == null; If the field f is an array: see every field as separate element and calculate the hash value in a recursive fashion and combine the values as described next. Combine the hash value c with result: result = 37 * result + c Return result
如果我考虑如何在java中创建哈希表的问题,特别是jGuru FAQ条目,我相信可以判断哈希代码的其他标准是:
同步(算法是否支持并发访问)? 失败安全迭代(算法是否检测到迭代过程中发生变化的集合) 空值(哈希码是否支持集合中的空值)
在Apache Commons Lang中,有效Java的hashcode()和equals()逻辑有一个很好的实现。签出HashCodeBuilder和EqualsBuilder。
使用Apache Commons EqualsBuilder和HashCodeBuilder上的反射方法。
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