


如果我考虑如何在java中创建哈希表的问题,特别是jGuru FAQ条目,我相信可以判断哈希代码的其他标准是:

同步(算法是否支持并发访问)? 失败安全迭代(算法是否检测到迭代过程中发生变化的集合) 空值(哈希码是否支持集合中的空值)



public class Zam {
    private String foo;
    private String bar;
    private String somethingElse;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;

        if (obj == null) {
            return false;

        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;

        Zam otherObj = (Zam)obj;

        if ((getFoo() == null && otherObj.getFoo() == null) || (getFoo() != null && getFoo().equals(otherObj.getFoo()))) {
            if ((getBar() == null && otherObj. getBar() == null) || (getBar() != null && getBar().equals(otherObj. getBar()))) {
                return true;

        return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        return (getFoo() + getBar()).hashCode();

    public String getFoo() {
        return foo;

    public String getBar() {
        return bar;



如果我考虑如何在java中创建哈希表的问题,特别是jGuru FAQ条目,我相信可以判断哈希代码的其他标准是:

同步(算法是否支持并发访问)? 失败安全迭代(算法是否检测到迭代过程中发生变化的集合) 空值(哈希码是否支持集合中的空值)

虽然这链接到Android文档(Wayback Machine)和我自己在Github上的代码,但它一般适用于Java。我的答案是dmeister的答案的扩展,只是代码更容易阅读和理解。

public int hashCode() {

    // Start with a non-zero constant. Prime is preferred
    int result = 17;

    // Include a hash for each field.

    // Primatives

    result = 31 * result + (booleanField ? 1 : 0);                   // 1 bit   » 32-bit

    result = 31 * result + byteField;                                // 8 bits  » 32-bit 
    result = 31 * result + charField;                                // 16 bits » 32-bit
    result = 31 * result + shortField;                               // 16 bits » 32-bit
    result = 31 * result + intField;                                 // 32 bits » 32-bit

    result = 31 * result + (int)(longField ^ (longField >>> 32));    // 64 bits » 32-bit

    result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(floatField);         // 32 bits » 32-bit

    long doubleFieldBits = Double.doubleToLongBits(doubleField);     // 64 bits (double) » 64-bit (long) » 32-bit (int)
    result = 31 * result + (int)(doubleFieldBits ^ (doubleFieldBits >>> 32));

    // Objects

    result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(arrayField);              // var bits » 32-bit

    result = 31 * result + referenceField.hashCode();                // var bits » 32-bit (non-nullable)   
    result = 31 * result +                                           // var bits » 32-bit (nullable)   
        (nullableReferenceField == null
            ? 0
            : nullableReferenceField.hashCode());

    return result;




public boolean equals(Object o) {

    // Optimization (not required).
    if (this == o) {
        return true;

    // Return false if the other object has the wrong type, interface, or is null.
    if (!(o instanceof MyType)) {
        return false;

    MyType lhs = (MyType) o; // lhs means "left hand side"

            // Primitive fields
    return     booleanField == lhs.booleanField
            && byteField    == lhs.byteField
            && charField    == lhs.charField
            && shortField   == lhs.shortField
            && intField     == lhs.intField
            && longField    == lhs.longField
            && floatField   == lhs.floatField
            && doubleField  == lhs.doubleField

            // Arrays

            && Arrays.equals(arrayField, lhs.arrayField)

            // Objects

            && referenceField.equals(lhs.referenceField)
            && (nullableReferenceField == null
                        ? lhs.nullableReferenceField == null
                        : nullableReferenceField.equals(lhs.nullableReferenceField));


class ListPair {
    List<Integer> first;
    List<Integer> second;

    ListPair(List<Integer> first, List<Integer> second) {
        this.first = first;
        this.second = second;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hashCode(first, second);



new ListPair(List.of(a), List.of(b, c))


new ListPair(List.of(b), List.of(a, c))

List的乘数具有相同的hashCode,即31*(a+b) + c。hashCode在这里被重用。显然,碰撞是不可避免的,但产生不必要的碰撞只是……不必要的。

There's nothing substantially smart about using 31. The multiplier must be odd in order to avoid losing information (any even multiplier loses at least the most significant bit, multiples of four lose two, etc.). Any odd multiplier is usable. Small multipliers may lead to faster computation (the JIT can use shifts and additions), but given that multiplication has latency of only three cycles on modern Intel/AMD, this hardly matters. Small multipliers also leads to more collision for small inputs, which may be a problem sometimes.


因此,我建议使用随机选择的大奇数(可以选择质数)。由于i86/amd64 cpu可以使用更短的指令来匹配一个有符号字节的操作数,因此对于像109这样的乘法器来说,速度优势很小。为了最小化冲突,可以使用类似0x58a54cf5的值。


如果你对dmeister推荐的Effective Java实现感到满意,你可以使用一个库调用来代替自己的调用:

public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hash(this.firstName, this.lastName);

这需要Guava (com.google.common.base.Objects.hashCode)或Java 7中的标准库(Java .util. objects .hash),但工作方式相同。