x = x >> 1;
x = x / 2;
x = x >> 1;
x = x / 2;
x / 2更清晰,x >> 1快不了多少(根据一个微基准测试,对于Java JVM快30%左右)。正如其他人所注意到的,对于负数,舍入略有不同,所以当您想处理负数时必须考虑这一点。一些编译器可能会自动将x / 2转换为x >> 1,如果他们知道这个数字不可能是负数(即使我无法验证这一点)。
即使x / 2可能不使用(慢)除法CPU指令,因为一些捷径是可能的,但它仍然比x >> 1慢。
(This is a C / C++ question, other programming languages have more operators. For Java there is also the unsigned right shift, x >>> 1, which is again different. It allows to correctly calculate the mean (average) value of two values, so that (a + b) >>> 1 will return the mean value even for very large values of a and b. This is required for example for binary search if the array indices can get very large. There was a bug in many versions of binary search, because they used (a + b) / 2 to calculate the average. This doesn't work correctly. The correct solution is to use (a + b) >>> 1 instead.)
使用x = x / 2;或x /= 2;因为将来有可能会有一个新的程序员使用它。因此,他更容易发现代码行中发生了什么。每个人可能都不知道这种优化。
我们有很多理由支持使用x = x / 2;以下是一些例子:
it expresses your intent more clearly (assuming you're not dealing with bit twiddling register bits or something) the compiler will reduce this to a shift operation anyway even if the compiler didn't reduce it and chose a slower operation than the shift, the likelihood that this ends up affecting your program's performance in a measurable way is itself vanishingly small (and if it does affect it measurably, then you have an actual reason to use a shift) if the division is going to be part of a larger expression, you're more likely to get the precedence right if you use the division operator: x = x / 2 + 5; x = x >> 1 + 5; // not the same as above signed arithmetic might complicate things even more than the precedence problem mentioned above to reiterate - the compiler will already do this for you anyway. In fact, it'll convert division by a constant to a series of shifts, adds, and multiplies for all sorts of numbers, not just powers of two. See this question for links to even more information about this.
在性能方面。CPU的移位运算比除法运算快得多。 所以除以2或乘以2等都可以从移位运算中获益。
在一些基于vm的语言中,x *= 0.5通常会更快——尤其是actionscript,因为变量不需要被检查是否除以0。