x = x >> 1;
x = x / 2;
x = x >> 1;
x = x / 2;
在性能方面。CPU的移位运算比除法运算快得多。 所以除以2或乘以2等都可以从移位运算中获益。
x / 2更清晰,x >> 1快不了多少(根据一个微基准测试,对于Java JVM快30%左右)。正如其他人所注意到的,对于负数,舍入略有不同,所以当您想处理负数时必须考虑这一点。一些编译器可能会自动将x / 2转换为x >> 1,如果他们知道这个数字不可能是负数(即使我无法验证这一点)。
即使x / 2可能不使用(慢)除法CPU指令,因为一些捷径是可能的,但它仍然比x >> 1慢。
(This is a C / C++ question, other programming languages have more operators. For Java there is also the unsigned right shift, x >>> 1, which is again different. It allows to correctly calculate the mean (average) value of two values, so that (a + b) >>> 1 will return the mean value even for very large values of a and b. This is required for example for binary search if the array indices can get very large. There was a bug in many versions of binary search, because they used (a + b) / 2 to calculate the average. This doesn't work correctly. The correct solution is to use (a + b) >>> 1 instead.)
第一个看起来像除法吗?不。如果你想除法,用x / 2。如果可能的话,编译器可以优化它使用位移位(它被称为强度减少),这使得它成为一个无用的微优化,如果你自己做它。
Mod 2, test for = 1。不知道c中的语法,但这可能是最快的。
Bitshift should be faster, as no special computation is really needed to shift the bits, however as pointed out, there are potential issues with negative numbers. If you are ensured to have positive numbers, and are looking for speed then I would recommend bitshift. The division operator is very easy for humans to read. So if you are looking for code readability, you could use this. Note that the field of compiler optimization has come a long way, so making code easy to read and understand is good practice. Depending on the underlying hardware, operations may have different speeds. Amdal's law is to make the common case fast. So you may have hardware that can perform different operations faster than others. For example, multiplying by 0.5 may be faster than dividing by 2. (Granted you may need to take the floor of the multiplication if you wish to enforce integer division).
X >>1比X /2好。我在ideone.com上运行了一个程序,其中发生了超过10^10除以2的运算。X /2花了将近5.5s,而X >>1花了将近2.6s。